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Posts posted by SnakeBite

  1. I don't know about peoples experience here but that is what I heard from the main office in BKK, I really don't care as I don't trust the banks here anyway and it's such a pain in the ass to change it anyway. I've spoken to other expats and they have told me the same, YOU CANNOT get an ATM card or checks sent from the US to the BKK bank. UP to you people, I'm not doing it.


  2. 6 hours ago, Mojado said:


    Bangkok Bank IAT Transfer.jpg

    The bad thing about getting any Social Security, pension or any other direct deposits to BKK bank is you cannot get an ATM card to get your money, You have to go to BKK Bank in person with your passport to withdraw  your money. If you are sick, your wife cannot go in to withdraw money and when you die, the bank keep the money or until your family takes them to court, I;m only going by what they told ne when I inquired about doin a direct transfer for my pension.


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  3. I make more than the required amount (monthly 65K per month) for the Retirement visa by way of US Army disability payments direct to my account in the states and can copy those bank statements to show, Will this be enough for them to clear me? In the past I had to show both the US Embassy letter and a copy of the last 3 months bank statements and had to go to Chiang Wattana to get them stamped by the Thai office there. Does anyone know?


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  4. Just to give ALL of you a little help on sleeping. Try putting on socks BEFORE you go to sleep. It will help your blood circulation and help you to have a more restful sleep. When your feet are cold, your blood slows down and makes it harder for your body to try and push your blood around.


    So sorry I did not keep the link to the study on that but it has helped me and my wife.


    I don't know, it helped me and my wife. UP TO YOU TO TRY


  5.      What I find in this story is that even if she was only raped by 10 monsters, how can you make any kind of thoughts that any of this DID NOT happen. The girl is 14 years old and was threatened by multiple abusers. I pity the poor girl.



    To me it's like the Thai teacher that was beaten into a coma and later died and all the villagers protected the scum that did it and nothing was ever done.

  6. I'm looking for a complete motor out of a ZG1000 Concours motorcycle.Must have invoice so I can put the motor into another Kawasaki motorcycle. Any years from 1986 to 2006 will fit but I'm trying to stay as new as possible. Can anyone help with getting one here in Thailand?



  7. I'm looking for a complete motor out of a ZG1000 Concours motorcycle.Must have invoice so I can put the motor into another Kawasaki motorcycle. Any years from 1986 to 2006 will fit but I'm trying to stay as new as possible. Can anyone help with getting one here in Thailand?



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