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Slim Chance

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Posts posted by Slim Chance


    "Believe it or not, there is a Judaeo-Christian sect called 'Jews For Jesus', who say they are Jewish but believe that Christ is the Son of God. Seems to me that they are either Jewish or Christian. The hybrid is theologically unsound."

    (Sorry but I've yet to figure out how to work the quote feature)

    To whom I'd like to inform that when the JFJ movement was getting into high gear some 25 years or so ago, a story came out in a US paper or magazine--might have been the Village Voice--revealing that this 'religion' was actually started, promoted and funded by the Catholics.

  2. I've helped a couple families $tart businesses, though not cattle or livestock.

    Two suggestions: try and keep in touch as a 'partner' and diplomatically ask questions and show interest in the project, since it sounds like you have about as much experience as they do, and, make sure they have a vet to periodically inspect the herd; that ounce of prevention and all that. My understanding is that diet is important, also.

    But by all means, help them. It's only (not that much) money. And it could mean a world of difference for them on several levels.


    How utterly revolting! I may be sick….

    Good thing the above highly evolved & oh-so-enlightened minds have figured out that he’s probably not really in need of a plane ticket home. Such commendable observations! Such brilliant detective work!

    And the degree at which the posters are embarrassed to have a fellow whitey sitting on the sidewalk with a sign is indeed a credit to indignant honkeys everywhere.

    Yes, you’re right -- HE DESERVES PUNISHMENT!

    But methinks a lousy little round of virtual pile-up on the net is letting the un-knowing rogue off extremely lightly, no?

    If you need some ideas on how these bums are dealt with in the west, just read the newspapers from Europe and the U.S.. Every now and then there’s a story about how a group of upset youthful citizens who couldn’t bear this type of outrageous behavior any longer did society a favor and dealt with some offensive dirty bum with a splash of battery acid to the face or a good petro dousing and the well-aimed application of the old zippo flame.

    That’ll teach those phony beggars to sit on the side-walk asking us good moneyed folk for our cash.

    And when you finish off the beggars, there's always the whores, whoremongers and drunkards to deal with.


    Your resume as former professional soldier and free-lance student of religion are certainly impressive and your lengthy messages prove that you’ve devoted much thought to the subject at hand. The simplicity of your analysis and your solution has struck a chord with some of the more heady types who frequent this board and earned you much admiration.

    Thanks very much for explaining how the responsibility to quell the terrorist problems lies with the muslims. My question is, who are THE MUSLIMS?

    Those I’ve spoken to live in more fear than I can imagine of not only being caught in the crossfire, but becoming a victim simply because they are muslim. And may I add that they in no way support the extremists. But they certainly have problems accepting the role of your former army and the west‘s plans for the mid-east. Does this make them the responsible and hated apologists?

    You scoff at the ludicrousness of simpletons who, among other things, lay blame to the old vast jewish conspiracy theory, but in the end -- and correct me if I’m missing something --you lay blame at and all but hint of a vast muslim conspiracy, as if muslims unlike catholics, jews or baptists can all be painted with a single brush.

    As appealing as your ‘today is the first day of the rest of your life’ theory seems on the surface, how do people who’ve lived as refugees for generations in their own country put this advice to use? Do you really expect the Palestinians to hop out of bed in the morning with a brand new attitude and a love for the west?

    You don’t think grudges should last 250 or 600 years, okay, please elaborate; should we draw the line at 50? 40? 30 years? Should we make it 7 like the old statute of limitations? Your theory, your call.

    On the surface the confidence of your posts and your implied disdain for violence appears rock-solid. But the more I examine them, the more I sense the cracks of what feels like colonial mentality rising from the foundations.

    Is there such a thing as a colonial apologist?


    Sorry that you’ve suffered so and I sympathize with anyone who has been through the pain you describe.

    That said, I can’t help but notice that when you speak of the victims of sectarian violence in northern Ireland, you refer exclusively to the IRA as the perpetrators.

    In reading about recent Irish history and following the news for a good long time, everything I see claims the deaths are about 50/50 as far as responsibility goes; half committed by the pro united Ireland side and half committed by the pro England side. On the pro Ireland side, though the IRA is/has been obviously the largest and most powerful force, there are several other para-military groups active. Not to mention the many deaths attributed directly to British military and British intelligence in addition to those committed by fanatical protestant extremists and security forces.

    It may seem like a minor point, but I wonder why you fail to point this out and omit responsibility for these thousands of deaths to any group other than the IRA?

    Do these comments reflect your own politics, or, are they simply oversight?

  6. NOEL--

    I agree that tipping for bad or surly service wouldn't feel good.

    In the U.S. everyone knows that anyone who works in the service industry and is making tips does not get even the normal minimum-wage salary. The hourly pay is just above $2 per hour. This is the law. Others such as taxi drivers get no base pay at all. It's all commission.

    Maybe the workers in england make a living wage and tips are just gravy?

    At any rate, those of us who can afford the luxury of eating out, barring, taking cabs, staying in hotels, etc., are well aware of the fact that servers depend on tips to pay the bills. A little bit to us means a lot, all added up, to them.

    Conditioned as I am, I would feel like an ass in a poor country such as Thailand if I begrudged my waitress a few coins. The service has to be very bad for me to leave nothing.

    I see nothing noble about petty cheapskatedness.

    If there is a service charge then it's taken care of, naturally.

    But, as you say, if it's something you're not accustomed to, then you probably feel awkward tipping. I notice that the Thai people tip.

    And all remarks from me about Brits being cheap are made in good fun and not intended to be taken seriously.

    P.S. I know all this from having, over the last 30 years, performed just about every service job the industry has to offer.


    The reason we perform this strange custom of tipping the person who is serving us is simply because of the fact that they are serving us and nothing more!

    Sorry but I don't know how to explain it any clearerer than that.

    It's what we yanks call a "no-brainer". I'll explain that one later.

    As for the poor cold gutter sweeper you're worried about, -why don't you buy him a cup of coffee and maybe something for his kids at Christmas. That would be decent.

  8. Was it, by chance, other Brits who attacked the unfortunate chap?

    I hear a lot of Jolly Old’s small-time knuckleheads are preying about, & I didn’t see any mention of the nationalities of the attackers in the story.

    Or should I assume that muggers are exclusively represented by the native population?

  9. I would invade a non-threatening country with plenty of oil, bomb the population to smithereens and start a major civil/holy war of epic porportions.

    Then I would chase a poor brazilian immigrant on his way to work, down into the subway and blow his head off.

    These are the ways enlightened societies deal with terrorists.

    And, oh yeah, I would spout a lot of mindless rhetorical B.S. about never giving in to terrorism and pound my chest a lot. That would do a lot of good. Right.

  10. mqc states:

    "I am a Brit:yohan: and all I say is "I am not American" and the charge is waived! Americans pay for their drinks as they get them in a bar (& tip each time) - others pay at the end of a session (tip once)- why (?)"


    1. If you pay as you go there's little chance of being overcharged or any confusion resulting when a tab arrives. This avoids bloodshed. I'm sure you must be aware of all the complaints regarding overcharges, right?

    2. In the U.S. it is considered good manners to tip generously. Getting it over on the poor server by being cheap is, strangely, not considered a clever trait by 'americans', but rather, implies a lack of class and breeding. It's a shame but people in the service industry in the States never look forward to waiting on you Royal Subjects due to the general stereotype of Brit as extreme cheapskate.

    Nothing personal. I'm very liberal. Why, some of my best friends are Brits.


    There's a brand new fried cockroach, cricket, larva & scorpion pushcart moving around on sois 5, 7, 7.5 & 11. Lots of scene-makers, jet-setters and beautiful people have been sighted dining there! The place is so exclusive it has no name. So ultimatly chic, it serves each course in transparent plastic bags! The chef is absolutely devine. Lots of Hollywood & Bollywood stars are going there now, so, you'd best bust a move and get in while the getting's good before the tourists and nouveau riche types start showing up and ruining the scene.


  12. Dear Forum,

    Was it, by chance, other Brits who attacked the unfortunate chap?

    I hear a lot of Jolly Old’s small-time knuckleheads are preying about, & I didn’t see any mention of the nationalities of the attackers in the story.

    Or should I assume that muggers are exclusively represented by the native population?



  13. Though not the problem presented here, this brings up an obvious question that I've been wondering about:

    are fathers required by Thai law to provide child support?

    In the states, if it’s your kid, you pay up or go to jail. A simple blood test determines who the papa is. The court determines a fair, supposedly, amount he is to pay.

  14. John,

    Thanks for the advice and I'm inclined to agree with you, but no, I never signed the lease...

    The story is--

    My son is arriving as a transfer student. The University’s office told me about a new building where they were recommending the international students, the ones who weren’t staying in dorms, be housed. It is being built by a company whose owners have connections to the college and is the only one the office was promoting. $$$ I looked around at several other nearby buildings catering to students--this was several weeks ago--and chose, though it was still unfinished, the one recommended on the basis that it was far nicer than the others; pool, weight room, roof garden, etc., and chose an unfinished apartment. Supposedly it would have been ready by now--school starts in 3 days.

    Returning this week to sign the lease, I found the apartment I’d chosen wasn’t ready, so we agreed that my son would stay in a smaller but almost finished ‘front building’ apt. for the approximately 2 weeks to a month that it would take to finish the ‘back building’, then he would change to the apt I had asked to have reserved. First problem was when I was told that I was to pay the same rental price of the large apt. for the small one that would serve as my son’s temporary home. I kept my cool but was insistent that I should only pay the amount that that, smaller and cheaper apt. was priced at, and when we took possession of the larger one, we would pay the higher & agreed upon rent. I was willing to pay the higher deposit, which incidentally, they were trying to double from the amount that I was originally quoted. The difference wasn’t a great amount of baht, but I resent being played for a fool. And how did I know if the place would actually be ready on time? Or better yet, why should I now trust them?

    The real estate man would not hear of this and insisted that I was to pay the higher price for the smaller apt. I presented my case and he came up with quite a few b.s. reasons that were down-right laughable--the view was worth the extra money, I was creating a hardship because my son would be changing apts, and even finally saying that the small apt was really a large apt! I did not sign the lease, but chose to walk, thinking that he surely couldn’t stay that greedy about such a small sum, considering that I was signing a years lease, and would call me back. Didn’t happen.

    So though you didn’t ask for it, now you got the background. Anyway…

    Later when looking at the lease, written in English, I discovered that the entire amount of rent is to be VAT taxed at 7%, which got me to thinking and led to the forum post. All the exchange students being funneled there will be signing and paying. My rough estimation is that this amounts to about 35,000 baht per month and 420,000 per year for the realtors.

    Now that I know that the vat can only be applied to a portion but not to the entire amount, and my son has nothing to fear in terms of retribution, I’m inclined, at least now while I’m still angry--by next week I may have forgotten about it-- to file complaints with the school, the international exchange program, the tax office, and the great thaiforum.

    As I said before, real estate con artists are universal.

    As Eddie Murphy said, Kill my landlord!

  15. Renting an apartment for my student son in Rangsit, I'm experiencing numerous problems and some downright dishonesty from the real estate gentlemen. This is universal enough in their business, but one small but annoying item that I've never heard of before when renting, is that the VAT is added to the price of the apartment.

    Any comments on whether this is common and/or legal?


    It does not preach the eye for an eye philisophy as is presented ( as far as I remember ) in the Koran. Correct me if I am wrong.


    Happy to correct you; 'an eye for an eye' is a direct quote from the Bible, not the Koran. You couldn't be more wrong.

    Obviously you haven't read much of anything, but that verse is so often quoted that I can't believe anyone could think it comes from any religion other than the Bible followers one.

    If you read on you get into really good stuff about how God wants the heads of his enemies children smashed against rocks.

    You might consider a cabinet post in the Bush administration.

    No Christian terrorists? Ever see those photos of grinning green berets showing off strings of Vietnamese ears they'd cut off the corpses? Ever hear about the disease-contaminated blankets gave to the American Indians? The cash bounty on scalps or the trail of tears?

    Ever hear about how Bush took back the money intended for improvements to New Orleans' Levee, and gave it to his friends in the form of tax breaks for the rich? Or does that not count?

  17. So they’re moving a ’TOP’ Parisian show-club all the way from Paris to Singapore? And this oh-so groovy & trendy joint which has ripped off it’s name from a dead American Indian is open late to boot?

    My-o-my! I’m so excited, I could just poop my britches! LET‘S GO!!!--especially now that I know they got a mighty fine & way-cool airport to arrive at.

    I hope no one really cool--especially that trend-setting Humprey Bear dude--sees me still here in passé Thailand--it’s so, like,nowheresville amongst all the top Parisian show-club-hopping scene-making hipsters.

    I can’t wait to get to get there, but what to wear? Will Brad and Angeline be there?

  18. Galong,

    People in N.O. hear that the hurricane is coming just about every year. Many have stories about evacuating to another state, only to have the hurricane change directions and follow them. It’s a crapshoot.

    One big difference in the recovery effort in N.O. and in Phuket is that the water in N.O. won’t go anywhere anytime soon. This was not two or three big waves that went back out to sea leaving everything dry for the clean-up.

    Maybe you know something I don’t, but I would think it’s probably none too easy to operate generators under 6--20 feet of water.

    Yes, not a good place to build a city, but that criticism has been common knowledge since the French chose the spot in the 1600’s.

    Why no army or national guard on the scene? If you’d read the papers in the last couple years you’d know it’s no secret that critics have been warning that with all the troops presently in Iraq, we’d be facing disaster, should they suddenly be needed at home.

    Why are the looters on T.V. black? N.O.’s population is 70% black, -duh! The mayor is black, the chief of police is black, city council etc,. A BLACK MAJORITY CITY. (If you’re from the states you should know the basics).

    It’s also one of the poorest, most crime-ridden and least educated cities in the U.S.. The people with the money to get out did evacuate. But who would help the poor? Nobody of any color. Tourism is about the only thing going, industry wise. At one time it was famous for slave trading and the cotton markets. There’s hardly any infrastructure in N.O. during the best of times. New Orleans be poor folks.

  19. I hear you smb, Glad to meet you.

    It’s ironic that these who ignorantly attack your people have left their own countries to live in a place that they can neither truly appreciate nor ever understand.

    Listen to what they discuss. Their idea of culture is cheap alcohol and cheap sex and it doesn‘t get much deeper than that. And they’ve no idea how badly they’ve screwed up the scene in places like Thailand.

    There’s nothing you or I can do about the mean pompous losers who proudly display their ignorance on these public forums. They’re drawn to these pages like flies to chit. Makes ‘em feel important. Back home they’d probably be annoying someone in the local bar.

    At this point in history, as an American, I am eager to meet, exchange ideas, and hopefully, to be friends with Arab people.

    George Bush and the Sukhumwit lager-louts don’t speak for me.

    And it’s not really the American Government. It’s the international corporations who stole that government, not to mention most of the world’s wealth, over the last 60 years or so.

  20. I agree, in theory, with buadthai.

    It goes beyond racist and is a natural prejudice--if prejudice can be considered natural, and obviously it is--within people of the same races. ‘Trophy wives’ for both Thai and other men of color worldwide are often women whose skin is lighter than the husbands.

    It would be easy to blame the white colonialists for creating the standard, with their epithets for dark people, but the prejudice seems ingrained and deeper than that.

    The Hollywood standard of beauty is held up as the norm and the international market falls, hook, line and sinker.

    The marketers of cosmetics come through hustling their products and as the lady said, you need white skin for it to be seen. Okay, so they sell you the make-up and something to make your skin whiter as well.

    And since everyone is insecure about their looks, if you’re already white, then they’ll tell you tan is better and sell you something to make you brown.

    Interestingly, I notice that in language ‘black’ always represents evil while ‘white’ represents good. I’m no linguist but this translation seems to hold up universally, to my knowledge. I’d be interested to know where it all started. It’s certainly true in religious imagery.

    Personally, I prefer brown skin. As far as someone here claiming that white skin feels ‘silky’, -gimme a freaking break, awready. What commercial have you been listening to? Or do you own stock in Nivea?

    When the lights are out it all feels the same, baby.

  21. .... did you already forget that killer-gang-thing in Chiang Mai just few months ago ? It was not really a big topic in public ..... but they killed 6 people on the streets within a few months "just for fun".... if such thing would happen in the US, Uk or Germany or wherever, it would be in the "world news broadcast" everywhere.... but not in Thailand - because its just too common here....


    Sorry but simply NOT TRUE in the U.S. at least.

    About 2 persons are murdered every day in my former home of New Orleans.

    If the victim is a tourist the PD, press, Tourist Bureau and all the other conspirators do their best to keep it quiet so as not frighten the money away.

    I knew far too many people who met a needless violent end there.

  22. I went to the Grace Hotel a couple weeks ago and shot pool. I was the only falang around. People were friendly. Arab guy at the table next to me was wearing an American flag t-shirt. I eat at the Arab restaurants and the staff and customers are no less polite than anywhere else.

    Foreigners complaining about foreigners. Whatta joke.

    If you guys are going to attack people for dressing funny, being fat and too loud you’re going to look real foolish.

    The only hostile people I seem to keep bumping into are falangs. I won’t mention any nationalities, but some of us just don‘t make good ambassadors.

    Racists suck the big one. Consider going back home. You embarrass progressive white folks.

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