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Posts posted by adamtwilley

  1. Well I will admit up front that I am out of my depth in the tech forums. But I have no doubt that whatever holdouts we had to personal computing will die in the next wave OP's. Windows 10 will be a great system no doubt, but I really wish people felt their privacy was more important. I got nothing to hide, but I still don't shower in the front yard.

    Think of it like this.

    The only way for your computer not microsoft to know your intentions is for the computer to assess how you use it. This technology has progressed more and more. The more it progresses the more people will think it impinges on their privacy. The only factor which really matters is whether the people providing the technology can be trusted to use it honestly. For example, to stick to the policy of any information gathered will be read anonymous.

  2. http://www.news.com.au/technology/gadgets/windows-10-technical-preview-contains-a-keylogger/story-fnjwukfu-1227083359793

    THE latest build of Microsoft’s latest operating system, Windows 10 contains a keylogger that sees everything that is typed.

    Microsoft has admitted to monitoring file usage within the preview version of Windows 10, up to and including keylogging.

    Well of course it has key logger. I have no doubts that the new version of Windows was designed under advisement of the NSA. Can you imagine how strongly the NSA desires an operating system with their type of mods. They already have back doors to most software. Now they they'll get the front door to the entire system.

    Yes I wear a silver colored hat on this issue, so what? NSA is out of control, it can't be denied.

    OMG! Are you all really this stupid?

    1) If microsoft wanted to access you computer, they can do so at anytime they wish! There are built in supervisor and hardware accounts which can be remotely connected to. This is to allow advanced networking functions and for remote assistance. You can turn it off by googling "disable remote assistance'

    2) Windows monitors everything! It has to, its the job of the operating system. It makes file access faster, search results quicker and much more. It is predicting what you are about to do. Anyone who has an SSD should understand this, SSD owners must turn 'pre-fetch' off, to reduce SSD wear.

    3) How can Windows not keylog? You want letters on your screen yes? You like predictive text yes? You like spell check yes?

    I would love people to get real a little bit here. Microsoft already has ultimate power when it comes to Windows, they have no need for back doors. The EULA indemnifies them from it. They have to provide software which runs your computer at a hardware level and stores all you data. Just by installing Windows you are essentially trusting Microsoft with your information.

  3. What your comments above, re the younger users, fail to address is that one of MS's biggest and most important client segments is the enterprise customers, and they don't want new style OSs foisted on them every year or two, and they definitely don't want to "retrain, retrain, retrain," as you put it, for workstation use all the time.

    As for hardware, I have older and I have new. But among the different items, I have a dual core, 7-8 year old Toshiba laptop that originally came with Windows XP from the store, and now runs Win 7 with 4 GB of memory just fine. Not only is the laptop still running, but it does everything I ask it to do -- web browsing, photo and audio editing, music and video playing, video streaming, etc etc. And I probably do more with my computer than most typical users here.

    For the average non-techie user, the case for constantly upgrading PC hardware or OS seems to me to be much overstated. But then again, making arguments for that is how the tech industry makes its money, by selling people on the notion that there's always something faster and better -- whether they really need it, or not.

    I can point you in the direction of several HTML5 sites which run very poorly on your machines. This would indicate that they cannot do everything you want them to do. BMW when HTML5 launched where quick to explore the 3D implications of this advance. The build your own BMW web app would be causing excessive load and produce a very slow and unacceptable frame rate, giving the user a very poor experience.

    The notion of whether you need it or not would depend on your circumstances and experience. For example:

    A user who regularly takes videos on his phone then uploads them would require the faster hardware all the time, without him realising. The camera in phone gets better and this has a knock on effect. The file size and resolution become larger, the encoding profile may differ and his use of software becomes more advanced the longer he does it.

    All areas of the technology industry are constantly expanding and so they should. How far you come behind this and how much you are going to let it affect your performance is personal choice. Most users however have this choice removed, by purchasing something which is incompatible or there computer is just to old. In my post I covered how young people more readily accept this as a part of their life, for older people it is seen as a financial burden(speaking in general terms).

    As I said, If you have a new PC. IE under 1 year old and using cutting edge apps, the new operating system will always run best, ALWAYS.

    If you use legacy programs and legacy hardware the OS from the time of production will most likely suit you best.

    If you are on new hardware running legacy apps, running a Legacy Windows in a 'Virtual Machine' is the best solution, using the current generation of windows.

    Remember if you were someone who refused to go to Windows 7 on a Sandybridge CPU you were throwing away upto 80% of additional power just by being a dinosaur.

    I think most people do not understand when, how and why to switch. The answers I have read carried one common theme. The GUI (Graphical User Interface) This tells me the average understanding of hardware and windows is quite low. I hope I am providing people an insight into areas they had not considered. They call computer programs applications for a reason, and the layer that application runs on can be just as important as the hardware itself.

  4. May get ???


    I hope some-one punches his belly, chick and chin many-times until he gets unconscious, than rapes him several times, than throws out him from the window as a garbage, exactly like he did to those poor innocent and unprotected 13 yrs old school-girl.

    I HOPE.

    So childish.

    1) There are so many better ways to inflict pain on him.

    2) Take a break whilst typing and calm down.

    3) Raping him would be more effective whilst he is awake.

    4) We have something called human rights which are non-discriminatory, something which sets us apart from his type.

    5) Throwing him out of a window on a train could give him a means to escape.

    6) Let Thai prison do its job.

    7) Stating a 13 year old is "innocent, unprotected and in school" would account for most 13 year olds.

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  5. Lets take a look where this man hails from. During a Friday night in the UK a young person can hope to encounter many scenario's. The main scenario being a drunken scuffle. The UK can be a warzone on the weekend.

    I imagine whilst drunk he forgot he was in Thailand. He has proceeded with drunken insults at the displeasure of the situation, only inflaming it beyond all proportion. The Thai will have then set about making an example of him. I have noticed the Thai do not do rude well, and struggle to grasp the concept of sarcasm.

    People always end up fighting where alcohol is concerned and the British people know this. They won't tar the situation with the same credit as the recent murders in Koh Tao. They will liken it to a typical night out in the UK or on the Costa Del Sol.

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  6. Why would any one keep a meat clever in his glove box? in case he will encounter a chunk of

    meat on the road? NO, anyone who dose that he's up to no good, and as for being an "Australian",

    sadly, the type of passport you carry don't mean shit when it come to your behavior and respect

    of local people...

    That is the greatest fallacy, the wisdom of old men. They do not grow wise, they grow careful. Hemingway - I would say Hemingway didn't understand wisdom. Becoming careful shows wisdom and experience.

  7. Keyboard justice warriors are getting old and still hampering the investigation. Your speculation and guesses are having a negative impact on the case. You only need to have seen the Police follow the rumours round the island, to understand the harm you are doing. THE MAJORITY OF YOU DON'T EVEN *@!%ING LIVE HERE or are not related to the victim. You are in no position to pass comment or assess the situation. Stop trying to get 5 minutes of fame and seem cool off something so tragic, please let them rest in peace, god knows they deserve it.

    I have lived here for a few years and seen all the good this place has to offer. The people here are amazing, kind, helpful and understanding. I regularly leave expensive items unattended for a few minutes at a time, to no ill effect. Crime here is at an all time low, not just for Thailand but also for the UK where I come from. We the people who make it what it is pride ourselves on just how safe it is here. Like for like my local town makes Koh Tao look like heaven, gangs of youths, muggings of old ladies and drug addicts everywhere.

    We are angered at the introduction of extra police and camera's. This we believe is going to create more crime and antisocial behaviour. When you give crime a front seat, the effects are potentially an endorsement.

    Sure the island has it's own way of doing things, everywhere does. That does not mean it is the wrong way, otherwise we may as well start preaching ourself as American or Victorian British label them savages and destroy them. GROW UP. The media is purposely and wrongly converting 'village chiefs' to mafia heads, to buy extra readers. It is despicable to take someone of good standing and trash their name just because you heard rumours. You wonder why they closed ranks? You forced them into it. Like a lot of you say the as Thai did with the burmese, you have done the same with them.

    Now lets clear up some myths you all have.

    DNA - Hannah's body has already been in the UK for some time now. Upon arrival to the UK she will have undergone an immediate post-mortem examination to verify the Thai evidence. In the UK or forensic science is at such a level that tampering would become noticed straight away. They will then also take their own samples for comparison. They will know if they find more than 2 different types of DNA, which would be expected in a cover up.

    Physical mismatch - David was a big lad and as the official version goes was locked in a fight to the death to defend himself and a vulnerable person. Anyone who has grown up in the UK is used to trouble at night. The 2 people who got the better of him were of no physical comparison. He could have merely held one in each hand to stop the attack.

    Investigation - Our conclusion was that the police used the wrong methods to investigate this crime. The island has a huge sense of community, this was never levied by the Police. They came in like bull in a china shop charging about, 'owning' the island. This is what caused the ranks to close.

    Interception of WeChat. The chinese wechat provider is set up to allow law enforcement direct access to the logs. Why haven't these been requested.. Any Thai person who has shown me anything to do with the case has mainly been using Wechat to discuss it. It can filter by keyword so direct viewing of messages isn't needed.

    I wish people would think before they pass comment, and affect a serious investigation.

    I call for ThaiVisa to moderate this better, whether they understand it or not they are clearly having a negative effect on the investigation by wasting police time with useless leads and rumours. RTP when you read this please understand the culture of the foreigner to pass comments on things they have no personal involvement with or do not understand.

    Why is it OK for you to speculate, just because you are a temporary foreign resident there, and not OK for others to do the same? People are still speculating because the crime is still unsolved and the rapists and murderers are still at large.

    You can continue to leave your very expensive items unattended for a few seconds at a time and that's wonderful but, if you leave your teenage daughter unattended, you might come back and find her raped and hacked to death.

    Stop. Think. Breathe. Speak

    Plus learn to read things in full, not just want you want to hear.

    1) I am not a temporary resident.

    2 ) They are facts not speculation

    3) Crime here is exceptionally low

    4 ) It is not ok for people to affect a murder investigation in a negative and time wasting way.

    5 ) My daughter is safer here than in the UK

    6) Hannah was not a teenager.

    Think of it this way, with all the false stuff put on here that they wasted time following, they could have been looking for the real killers instead of being trolled. It may have even prevented them.

    I have travelled the world and feel very fortunate to have done so. If there is one thing this has taught me is that whilst people want the same things, they all agree upon a different way of achieving it. This island is unlike the mainland, world's away from it. It has its own way of doing things, this too wasn't respected by the police during the investigation.

    Please think before you speak people you are affecting something very important. If you don't agree with it, petition your local embassy or join the petition on change.org

    • Like 1
  8. Keyboard justice warriors are getting old and still hampering the investigation. Your speculation and guesses are having a negative impact on the case. You only need to have seen the Police follow the rumours round the island, to understand the harm you are doing. THE MAJORITY OF YOU DON'T EVEN *@!%ING LIVE HERE or are not related to the victim. You are in no position to pass comment or assess the situation. Stop trying to get 5 minutes of fame and seem cool off something so tragic, please let them rest in peace, god knows they deserve it.

    I have lived here for a few years and seen all the good this place has to offer. The people here are amazing, kind, helpful and understanding. I regularly leave expensive items unattended for a few minutes at a time, to no ill effect. Crime here is at an all time low, not just for Thailand but also for the UK where I come from. We the people who make it what it is pride ourselves on just how safe it is here. Like for like my local town makes Koh Tao look like heaven, gangs of youths, muggings of old ladies and drug addicts everywhere.

    We are angered at the introduction of extra police and camera's. This we believe is going to create more crime and antisocial behaviour. When you give crime a front seat, the effects are potentially an endorsement.

    Sure the island has it's own way of doing things, everywhere does. That does not mean it is the wrong way, otherwise we may as well start preaching ourself as American or Victorian British label them savages and destroy them. GROW UP. The media is purposely and wrongly converting 'village chiefs' to mafia heads, to buy extra readers. It is despicable to take someone of good standing and trash their name just because you heard rumours. You wonder why they closed ranks? You forced them into it. Like a lot of you say the as Thai did with the burmese, you have done the same with them.

    Now lets clear up some myths you all have.

    DNA - Hannah's body has already been in the UK for some time now. Upon arrival to the UK she will have undergone an immediate post-mortem examination to verify the Thai evidence. In the UK or forensic science is at such a level that tampering would become noticed straight away. They will then also take their own samples for comparison. They will know if they find more than 2 different types of DNA, which would be expected in a cover up.

    Physical mismatch - David was a big lad and as the official version goes was locked in a fight to the death to defend himself and a vulnerable person. Anyone who has grown up in the UK is used to trouble at night. The 2 people who got the better of him were of no physical comparison. He could have merely held one in each hand to stop the attack.

    Investigation - Our conclusion was that the police used the wrong methods to investigate this crime. The island has a huge sense of community, this was never levied by the Police. They came in like bull in a china shop charging about, 'owning' the island. This is what caused the ranks to close.

    Interception of WeChat. The chinese wechat provider is set up to allow law enforcement direct access to the logs. Why haven't these been requested.. Any Thai person who has shown me anything to do with the case has mainly been using Wechat to discuss it. It can filter by keyword so direct viewing of messages isn't needed.

    I wish people would think before they pass comment, and affect a serious investigation.

    I call for ThaiVisa to moderate this better, whether they understand it or not they are clearly having a negative effect on the investigation by wasting police time with useless leads and rumours. RTP when you read this please understand the culture of the foreigner to pass comments on things they have no personal involvement with or do not understand.

  9. So many people giving bad information here. I have been a registered Microsoft Developer for several years now. I understand that for most people reviews of windows can seem very vague and seem to focus mostly on the user interface. Also often by critics scared of change.

    I look at Windows generations from a different perspective, I take the into consideration with current trends and hardware performance, this is the reason for metro in Windows 8, it was aimed at the touchscreen generation. Windows 7 contained massive CPU, GPU, and memory performance gains(DX11 and AVX(CPU instructions)). Very similar to XP. Vista was generated for its new look, and 'kernel'(Windows Core). XP and Vista are the only new operating systems microsoft has released since Windows 95.

    Taking this into perspective on newer hardware running modern apps, upgrading will always suit you best, irrespective of what you opinion of the GUI is. That is what most here are debating. Apps will follow Windows trends and Windows will also follow the apps. I have seen apps introduce support for touch screen, this means larger buttons, pinch zooming and more, this of course affects the design and flow of the program. People have to catch up, this has always been the case in the IT industry. Retrain, retrain, retrain.

    People would like to think that their PC will last many years. 2 - 4 is the max life of a PC for a modern user. During that time a user will spend about 50% of its value upgrading and repairing it. Microsoft works closely with hardware manufacturers, very closely. Processors, Graphics Cards, Motherboards and all the key components that make up your computer, smart phone, smart tv, tablet or games console for many generations have been designed for the "current OS" this is due to a mixture of driver enhancements and hardware improvements.

    For example a modern Computer Aided Design program would work best on Windows 8, The ability to draw directly on the screen would have huge advantages, the user would then want everything else touch activated. Due to touchscreen technology now being normal the interface is no longer clumsy and much more easily accessed.

    Then take it from a young persons perspective, who has only ever known touchscreen, from their phones and tablets. The leap for them is also welcomed. The mouse for these users is seen as a drag and unneeded. Microsoft just went a little early, not enough people were converted to touch screen, but microsoft was also targetting the highly lucrative touch screen market. Intel was reducing processor size and voltage, dell was miniaturising its form factor, ready for what you know as the "Ultrabook".

    DX11 in Windows 7 was the reason for upgrading, it offered new graphics technologies such as tessellation, as well as a new shader model. New instruction sets were added though these didn't launch till SP1, giving huge CPU gains for Intel users. Users reported almost a 80% performance boost using Sandy Bridge CPU's or later.

    All web browsers as of HTML5 are hardware unlocked. This means Internet Explorer, Google Chrome and such has direct access to the Processor, Graphics and other hardware internally. This is intended to give websites a boost, and does dramatically. Legacy hardware(old machines) suffer, as the Internet a place where a 15 year old laptop could happily go to any webpage is over. Upgrading your PC only for gaming, video/photo editing, CAD, and other performance hungry applications is disappearing, plus with more everyday users doing this without knowing, thanks to action cams and camera phones.

    I would service lots of PC's domestically, almost all the users had similar requests for a home pc. Internet, work and social interaction. Any PC over 4 years today is going to struggle, for example watching a 1080p Youtube video whilst playing music, would cause a slow down. Your PC will seem 'slow' after 2.

    Windows 10 targets a new problem. The diversity in hardware. Windows 8 and all previous were designed to run on 100% IBM compatible machines. Windows 10 however scales itself to device. Mobile phones, tablets, PC and all other Windows 10 devices will use the same kernel and cloud service. Meaning the windows on your phone will be identical to your laptop and mirrored. Transferring media will be a thing of the past, what's available on the laptop is available on the phone on vice versa. For those of us with multiple devices this is ideal. I am interested as to how it handles my films and digital content management. If draconian here they will fail before they begin.

    In my experience under 30 - 35 prefer to go forwards where as above this tends to want same same. I think it is more an understanding on the younger people's part that this is only going to get faster, and as such never be same same. This is why technology is aimed at young people.It will be interesting to see if the age rises, or if my own friends start to suffer the curse.

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  10. I like this idea, sounds fun. I can however forsee a few issues with it being generally released.

    The waters here can be exceptionally busy both above and below sea level. On koh tao this would be a non starter. Way to much of a risk to the thousands of divers underneath. When we see boats speed near or round our island we all cringe. The lomprayah goes straight over 3 of the busiest dive sites here and sometimes at speed. All it takes is for 1 diver to be too shallow without a surface marker and bang. The other islands have divers too, swimmers, snorkellers, taxi boats, fishermen, ferries, cargoships and more. I think the 60 min rule is good. It forces centralisation, then its safer. No drunk homing missles everywhere.

    Hopefully i can raise a little awareness. This is not aimed at the OP, it is for everyone.

    Please only stand on sand or rocks. Whilst coral is fast growing, the eco system it supports is finely balanced. Damaging it by standing on it or touching it, will have an impact.

    Dead coral, seashells and other marine dead animals are part of the food chain. Please do not take them.

    The coral is in a constant balance with algae, this is what alot of the fish eat. If you feed them, the algae slowly takes over the coral. Please do not feed the fish.

    Please use bins, or litter ends up in the sea. Later it will be deposited on the nice sandy beach where you wish to sunbathe.

    Thank you. Tourism here is having a massive impact. We all must work together to reduce it.

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  11. Heyexile,This isn't a conspiracy. Its the Thai method of government. I will openly critise the Junta if needed. Same for corruption and other subjects. So far most of the changes have been positive, some though could have been implemented better.

    They are not trying to silence anyone, this forum is proof of that. Alot of the opinions and statement would not be allowed, yet they remain. They have not shut off social media, nor thrown ferang journalist's out.

    Do not ask for people not to critise or oppose you or you become as bad as the very people you are complaining about, whatever the reason. If anything it takes away credit from your statement.

    Thailand belongs to the Thai people. We are merely guests. When we first arrived we had a positive influence on the country, now we suck it like a leech. We only have ourselves to blame.

    It is a new age, with new technologies and stratergies. Thanks to social media, democratic ideas flow through the people, they are almost solely responsible for the Thai asking for reform in the first place. It also helps hold the Junta and others responsible for what they do on a National and International level. This whole situation is far bigger than just Thailand. Due to social media they risk a civil war or more rioting if they act badly. I don't believe they are this stupid or wish/need to hide most of their actions.

    NGO'S, Foreign governments and other agencies are monitoring the situation. There is plenty they can do to impact Thailand if the do not like the direction in which it heads. It's hard to fight corruption and reform if they do the very same things themselves.

    I am.sure the Junta are enjoying their time in power, and so they should. As long as when they leave Thailand is in the same state or better, they have suceeded. The goal was to stop the rioting and appease the Thai people. Which so far they have done.

  12. I love how many people seem to think alcohol responsibility lies with the seller or government. This is the whole reason theproblem exists.

    If you are easily led, suffer from poor personal management, incapable of living alone or just generally need to grow up and accept responsibilities. Why are ypu living so far from home? There is no safety net here, no benefits when you screw up, no one to hold your hand.

    Nigeone, its people like you who make their life easy. Your its not their fault attitude only reinforces the behavoir. Instead of demonstrating how socially unacceptable they have become.

    How can one not be responsible for his own actions?

    Responsible drinkers will not be hit too badly, a little discomfort.

    References to islam, oh my days. Grow up. Most of us do not blame islam for everything just because a few of them act different and endanger us. We judge people for people. In fact what are people with closed minds like this doing traveling.

    I understand why a conservative country like Thailand is fed up. We brought these problems here. This is THEIR country. Many Thai I know are fed up with drunk ferang despite the cash they may bring. We see it as a playground, they see it as home. The 2 ideals clash. Buddhist's are very reserved, they do not drink or fight. In general crime is low here, particularly antisocial behavior and petty crime. We are changing this.

    We are a guest and should respect everything they stand for like it or not. If someone comes into my house i expect them to act accordingly, why is this any different.

    We attacked ourselves people, not them attacking us. If this problem didn't exist they wouldnt take any action.

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  13. This isnt the Thai authorities fault or the jellyfish's. It is a parental fail. The box jellyfish is huge as far as serious venom jellyfish are concerned.

    When i was a child, i played with jellyfish which is probably whats happened here, except this one packs a punch.

    I am a dive instructor and have dived 2 years here with no rash gaurd or wet suit. I have never been stung. I simply swim round.

    I am sure the parents are devasted and my love and support goes to them at this difficult time. There is nothing anyone can say or do to make their situation any better.

  14. All alcoholism is weak willed people who cannot say no. Its much harder to say my fun stops now, not the reverse.

    You and only you (the drinker) is responsible for their own actions both before during and after. With this in mind who's fault is it? The drinkers or the drink?

    It is the same as other drug users blaming the addiction as the reason. They and only them are the ones with the power to avoid or stop it.

    I am sure there were plenty of warning signs which went ignored from simple loss of control to complicated personal relationships.

    I am the worst sort of advocate, an ex user. When I was young I was weak. My drug of choice was cocaine. I was aware what was happening so quickly turned the corner, it took awhile to figure the problen was indeed me. Everyone was blaming the drugs.

    I can use now without the fear of addiction. The problem was all in my head. I agree this is not as easy for everyone but it is possible for everyone.

    The new laws are almost babysitting drinkers. In the UK we have done that for years same as raise prices, the effect of such a campaign? Nothing! We still have growing antisocial behavoir and violence, alcoholism and crime figures.

    This for me will only hurt the tourism industry further and just like the visa rules I expected a panicked turn around.

    Whilst I believe the NCPO are doing a good job they can at times get carried away with fixing things or like this identify a key problem but just manage it incorrectly. A+ for effort but a C for implementation.

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  15. Can't name him? Why not? Sure you can.

    All the anonymity, corporations and goverments are concealing facts. How are we supposed to verify it?

    Thailand is supposed to be improving their image. This does nothing but hurt it. Children worldwide are the responsibility of everyone. How they deal with this will be far more influential than any advert they put on tv.

    Basic facts, thai government are allowing an Australian pedo to have custody of a minor, and using their medical services to inseminate a surrogate mother. The agent (not socail worker) is unavailable as is the clinic, this is a failure in law enforcement wether intentional or not.

    The only way the Thai government can resolve the issue internationally is through clarity and refusal to protect the people involved. I am sure the international powers are far more than they are. The Australian government will not allow it, this I am sure of. They have all the evidence they need to safeguard the child. I am thinking the media intially has made them seek legal advice. Due to the attention they wont want to get it wrong. This is why they didn't want the media coverage imho.

    The children come first, resolve placement and then seek legal criminal charges against them both Australian and Thai. I am sure part of his release from prison was a contract for no contact with children. This would be a good place to start.

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  16. The NCPO have overlooked some major flaws in the censorship of the media.

    We live in a highly advanced technology era and can use this to fight censorship which has been and still is a very effective and efficient tool at protecting our right of free speech.

    Using services such as Tor or advanced VPN's we can not only hide our identity but also the information contained, reducing fear of prosecution. Even government's are not going to bother with heavily encrypted unknown source traffic.

    This method breaks the chinese censorship which is by far the most extreme in the world. Giving people the forum to speak in and the safety to say what needs to be said.

    I do not believe the media should make governments happy nor the implementation of local laws which hide or distort the events in the news, particularly at a time like this when people need the truth.

    Social media is the best tool for public applying pressure to a Government, it is full world public view, so can and will be monitored by the international community. If the chances of internal resolution die and human rights are being breached then international support would come wether they like it or not.

    I belive many governments misunderstand todays technology, and just how censorship is not really possible anymore.

    IMHO media censorship has normally been to hide the wrong doings of a military force in power and for me history speaks loudest. What do the NCPO have to hide?
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  17. I found a website which gives info regarding the Sports Authority in Thailand - www.thailand-visa.net/sports-visa-employment.html

    Apparently it is difficult to get accreditation as a couch. Not sure why they need couches but there you go. Not many applicants I imagine... laugh.png

    Is accreditation by the Sports Authority open to DM or instructors? Is this the legal route you have to follow?

    I tried on educational grounds, the qualifications are worth educational credits in most developed educational systems. Immigration had none of it.

    As it is considered a recreational activity I doubt it would be covered under sports. I wonder if they class fishing as a sport? Maybe we could all become avid fishermen. ;-)

    In all seriousness though i think there will be alot of people on education visa's pretending to learn Thai, or some other work around. We just need a clever Thai person to inspect the new system for its vulnerability, just like the old system.

    Sent from my HUAWEI G610-U20 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  18. Open water Instructor is the new DM in Koh Tao. Most divemasters earn similar salaries to the Burmese. I couldn't live the lifestyle I am accustomed to on it. My rent alone is more than my salary. I like my home comforts.

    This is interesting though as there will be less competition for work and a good demand, wages for DM should increase again?

    Most of the operators out here, operate illegally on some level. I have heard also of things such as lapsed insurance or registration fees. Won't name any names but locals will have some idea.

    Sent from my HUAWEI G610-U20 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  19. Awesome response so far. So many people actually taking this issue seriously and thinking how to go forwards.

    The discussion is not about morality or ethics lads. This is just causing grief.

    Those of you who are moaning about people working illegally need to drop the attitudes. Then you will see this issue is much bigger than just YOU and YOUR taxes. They are clearly missing that some of us have no option but to work illegally to start. Then there is also the fact they are forgetting that unlike my country the UK, can't speak for others, most immigrants here actually boost the economy, not act as a burden. In the UK though those who moan about immigration are normally racist, narrow minded, antisocial and/or politically motivated in a negative way.

    Lets keep it constructive and objective. Nobody minds opinions, though please refrain from calling people names, acting childishly or just plucking numbers out the sky to prove your case.

    I actually asked around and did a little research which those who have read my posts will understand.

    To reiterate, the topic is how are the visa changes going to affect the future of the islands. Not your personal opinion on immigration. This is a local thread targeted at the local economy and community, as this is what is important to us.

    You chastise others for their supposed subjective views yet your arguments are solipsistic in nature. Hmmmmm... No thank you.

    No. I am the OP of the topic and trying to stop it going off on a tangent, which is unhealthy and not intended.

    Your very opinion that you think this is an argument is telling as to your intentions. Asking people to quantify or support their statements is not selfish in anyway shape or form. This will only add to the quality of discussion. Please stay on topic or remove yourself from the thread.

    I actually find all this interesting as i know a lot of you also do. That's why this thread has had so many views. My apologies to those are actively contributing.

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  20. I see a chance here to make money too, not just loose it.

    Holes in the economy will open up, as demand and supply will change. Being able to correctly judge the change is surely a huge advantage.

    What do you think to this viewpoint? How do you think people will achieve it?

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  21. Awesome response so far. So many people actually taking this issue seriously and thinking how to go forwards.

    The discussion is not about morality or ethics lads. This is just causing grief.

    Those of you who are moaning about people working illegally need to drop the attitudes. Then you will see this issue is much bigger than just YOU and YOUR taxes. They are clearly missing that some of us have no option but to work illegally to start. Then there is also the fact they are forgetting that unlike my country the UK, can't speak for others, most immigrants here actually boost the economy, not act as a burden. In the UK though those who moan about immigration are normally racist, narrow minded, antisocial and/or politically motivated in a negative way.

    Lets keep it constructive and objective. Nobody minds opinions, though please refrain from calling people names, acting childishly or just plucking numbers out the sky to prove your case.

    I actually asked around and did a little research which those who have read my posts will understand.

    To reiterate, the topic is how are the visa changes going to affect the future of the islands. Not your personal opinion on immigration. This is a local thread targeted at the local economy and community, as this is what is important to us.

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  22. The best way to find a place is still to physically drive around the island. It is easily achieved without speaking thai.

    Your needs with the exception of the pool would place you in one of the developments in the mountain sides. These are occupied by divers primarily and have awesome atmospheres.

    I do not know of any with pools, the prices for an A/C modern bungalow costs from 9000 upwards in my experience.

    The internet in some places is included in the price, however this type of internet is usually bogged down by people downloading. If you wish to have quick, no internet here is fast by my standards. Koh Tao wifi is your best option. Check the signal when in the bungalow. The coverage is the enemy here. Speeds are about 1MB (10mbps).

    If here for six months then buying is easiest, for a old but working bike you are talking between 5000 - 7000. Renting you will pay more. I have a friend who privately rents bikes without passports, and only asks if you crash you fix. Scratches and minor damage doesnt matter.

    There are no private lines here. No private internet.

    Koh Tao is that small as you know, pretty much everywhere is a good place to meet people. Though most head to the busy nightlife on Sairee in the evening after relaxing at the dive shop. On Facebook you have koh tao trader, koh tao for sale, koh tao community and more.

    There is no harm in asking if this is a service that people would be interested in, and gauging the response for yourself. Locals seem keen to learn from western ideas. Just do no ply your trade at the pier, this i know for sure is Thai only, everywhere else ask.

    It is not really much more expensive to have items shipped here. Make sure you have a trustworthy address. I use my dive shop to have stuff delivered.

    Koh Tao is not so remote, thanks to the decent logistics provided by companies such as lomprayah.

    I hope this helps. If you have anything else to ask or need clarification, just ask.

    All the best.


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  23. For those of you who are saying the Thai will be an instructor, misunderstand. Becoming an instructor is not just about language but also money. The course costs about 40,000 minimum, materials 18,500, registration and exam fees 20,000. Then they still have to have completed all the other courses and paid all the exam, certification, and materials.

    Its not just as simple as have the Thai do it. Thai bosses are very strict with money as it is, can you see them forking all this out to train them? Then who is going to sell the chicken? ;)

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  24. I have asked around a little here today. Foreign and Thai businesses.

    They all reference back to 2003 which was the last big immigration crackdown. Lots of people got detained in prison for false stamps and/or deported.

    Some people clearly think you can just acquire a work visa, by simply paying and applying. We know this is not the case. They have special rules.

    Diving is not the only profession which is staffed by foreigners, hospitals, schools, universities, charities, NGO's, and many more. The South African couple were here doing charity work clearly on a tourist visa.

    As for the policeman he is old school Thai, who's family has been here a long time. So I am sure these houses will remain. They have been here over 15 years, the houses.

    The biggest issue is how will the islands cope with the demand if it insists on such a high proportion of Thai to foreigners? The business owners pointed out most travelers only come for a max of about 30 days anyway, so would not be affected. How would the dive shops cope? Diving standards alone dictate a max of 10 students per instructor and 4 per extra qualified DM, not DMT. Then if people aren't diving the bike rentals, bars, restaurants, travel agencies, shops and hotel's in turn will become affected.

    Ultimately we have no control over the situation and have adhere to the rules or find a new work around.

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