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Everything posted by johnarth

  1. my wife contacted the private hospital, the government hospital and another source here in Trat city in Trat Provence and she was told sorry we do not have any vaccines by all three...
  2. China will be big on incomes especially the ones that have brought up here, it is official China is collapsing and people are moving out
  3. I guess you missed out on growing up the happy way, a woman in one hand and a beer in the other but then most tourists here are well past growing up stage lol
  4. well not only can I not get a health insurance, I am to old to get one so I guess that means I have to leave, anyone what the rules in Cambodia?
  5. yer I been watching kas shares for a few months they were going down and down and the last couple of weeks they have shot up kas is also affiliated with one of the big four Chinese banks well thanks for the info on the brokers I had no idea on that
  6. even if this is a big joke they should have only used half the votes to make it seem half right
  7. facebook can not turn Thai to English back on until they have permission too, story is they got lazy and did not check an important message so they were told to turn it off, but of course that does not worry them in the least it is only us users that are missing out if there is another Facebook I would be happy to change
  8. even way back 12 year ago I was told a farang could buy and own a condo, but will say that not the whole thing, the Chinese are getting big farms and turning them into building blocks that is old also, but look at Australia 40% sold how stupid is that?and the leading real estate man says sell more to overseas, nice man
  9. I only looked at the photo and all I could see was a heap of people with both hands above their heads with mobiles in their hands, try ing to get photo or video of crim with motor bike helmet on, or were they taking them of the cops?
  10. funny the latest is anyone who ths had 2 jabs of Sinavac has to go back for a third jab of a different vaccine so prepare yourselves this will carry over when the power needs to be shown again lol so Thai is a long wat off ready to open
  11. this will go down in history and no doubt will be reenacted in police courses all over the world
  12. no way they going to open this year must be a lot of people that haven't read that anyone that has 2 jabs of Sinavac has to go back for another jab of another vaccine that will be most that have had a jab
  13. they have had plenty of time to rewrite and rewrite this story, shorely there will not be any holes to pick at, but then it will depend how stupid the people are
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