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Posts posted by SteveFong

  1. The two kids murdered were the turning point in Thailand's darkest side,

    the raping and killing of foreigners will no longer be permitted,

    unless of course the police are doing it,

    what happened to the story of the two Russian girls caught smoking weed, and mysteriously dissapeared for many hours with police?


    that story was buried,

    I wonder how many times they were raped before they were let go

    • Like 1
  2. @ JLCrab

    I would have come to the same conclusion other than the subliminal support the people of interest have received from someone much higher than the provincial level.

    He is a monk, allegedly.

    Had a quick visit to the island at the height of the 'interest' in his possible subordinate, whose son refers to him as uncle.

    It's a minefield!

    I don't care who is powerful monk or otherwise -- there is always someone more powerful when these types of monies are at stake.


  3. I will persnally delighted when the futility of your mission is upon you and your cleared friends, are no longer in the clear

    the last time the RTP put their foot in their mouth, as their statement that indictments were coming by the end of November

    once the boys are out on bail, and safe,

    we wil see what they know,

    they are well defended now, with a team of 20 lawyers,

    all from social media idiots, right jdinaisa

    and the Upper House Speaker from the country the US Sec'y of State recently visited before the US President went,

    but neither of them came to Thailand

    Travel and Leisure has Myannmar the best place in Asia now as well

  4. to be fair to Koh Tao, and its inhabitants

    to become a victim of a violent crime, can be random, or,

    you can be where victims of violent crime become victims

    in this case,

    Hannah was easy prey

    what lured her to the beach at 4:00 am,

    is the unsolved mystery.

    If it was to meet David, to party and watch the sun come up, well, I can't say that was wrong,

    but in Koh Tao, that night, it surely was

  5. There is another article that I cannot paste the link too, dont know why my TOR browser doesnt allow that, but, yes,

    the Myannmar Upper House Speaker, is apparently a wealthy man,

    he will make the bail,

    the Thailand Justice Institute is putting up 20 lawyers, for free for the Burmese boys

    Steve, I for one would like to read this, can you post the name of the publication for me, may be I will be able to post the link, cheers.

    Found it....DVB..............


    there is a more complete article on nationsmedia

    I cannot find the post or the link now though and my browser doesnt store anything, I use TOR so i am not traceable

    this way I can post from anywhere in Thailand and it shows I can be in Zambia one day, Moscow the next

    • Like 1
  6. Maby hes facebook account was deleted after we chatted ,not shure exaktly but id it was 2-3 weeks after still active .

    I actually even adviced him like to be quiet or not comment as everything would be tvisted against him .

    Kind of like here if u are not thinking like vise with some posters here,ull be gunned down instantly.

    As dont "credibility" or have "vested" interest or other crap..

    admittedly, islandlife, you confound me

    why of all people, would Nomsod be taking advice from you?

  7. So it wasn't the same cigarette butt and he didn't have sex with Hannah. does this really prove that he's not the guilty party? does this prove that it was not a gang member that had sex with Hannah? does this really prove anything? did we expect any other result? Is any other result possible with a thai family that is worth hundreds of millions of dollars? I think not.

    There was a police Lt. General that was a billionaire a few days ago,

    now he is a prisoner

    dont think these guys are too big to bring down,

    they are already on the way down

    • Like 2
  8. This is also what must be the topic of discussion at the prosecutors office

    at this point, it is already very, very bad for the Thai police and the headman, who has done nothing to help the case

    I would like to know about the men aboard the Little Duck, too high to speak to police, but not high enough to deny they didnt kill the tourists, I want to know if they know the headman, or Montriwat, since they may have been docked opposite his place

  9. 12 member team from Myannmar has arrived with enough money for bail, and brought a forensics team,

    When was the last time the Thai police had a member of the Myanmmar upper house of Parliament come to the aid of two of their underclass?

    Burmese boys falsely imprisoned and tortured by Thai police,

    and where is the pancake beater?

    sure like to see him turn on the Thai

  10. I will still say that the people own and who run the 4 & 5 star resorts on Koh Tao would not be happy knowing that clan-type persons are responsible for the murders and the case is yet to be resolved.

    which resorts are those?

    and, are they not a part of the same "mafia?"

    They have never been mentioned as having the same ownership but forget that one. This case -- if it ever comes to trial regardless of who is charged -- will be tried in the Surathani Provincial court on Koh Samui. Do you really think the billionaire hotel operators on Samui -- who would be beholden to the same court in a criminal or civil matter should such arise -- would be happy to know that such court could be manipulated by a bungalow operator on Koh Tao?

    you tell me,

    they already see the police chief being led by his nose

    and another chief being honored with a medal by Suthep,

    so, who is more powerful there?

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