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Posts posted by Urloc

  1. One of the reasons I decided to stay in Thailand is the lack of law enforcement here. If I wanted a country where everybody behaves and the ones who don't get a huge punishment, I would go back home.

    No, I prefer to see a lot of ppl in a bike and also I want the guys in my village to be able to drive their piles of junk. I also like the fact that they can attach almost anything to a motorbike and keep running.

    Nah, if I wanted Thialand to look like the west, I'd rather go to the west.

  2. My soon to be wife (this saturday) had good english skills when we met for first time. Her written english was almost flawless but she just lacked a bit of practice when it comes to speak. We have been together 4 years now and we speak mainly english, although I am learning thai slowly and we include more and more thai in our conversations. I am spanish so i could teach my wife and son spanish too but... what for? not a very useful language i think.

  3. It depends a lot on the kind of clothes you plan to wash. I committed the fatal error to wash silk sheets in a top loader and they started to decay soon. Considering the fact that the sheets are more expensive than the WM, not a smart idea. Any clothes that deserve some care should never step into a top loader, learned from experience. 20b shirts are ok and sometimes I wonder if it is worth of cleaning them or just use them for rags after using them.

  4. I have adapted to them pretty well. I avoid drunkards though, they are a pain in the ass. The thng that matters is to get along with people, try to speak to them and reply them in their language even your Thai sucks, they appreciate you try to speak Thai. I eat the same food as them, no problem with spicy food or odd looking stuff, I eat no problem and seems they like to see I can eat Thai food. They look usually surprised when I tell them I don't drink alcohol, seems most of them associate farangs with heavy drinkers. Always smile and use the Thai politeness, wai those you should wai, lower your head when you have to cross in front of people...


    They are usually kind (except the drunkards who I avoid as pests) and they won't treat you as an exhibit if you don't look like one. Start the conversations, look interested about what's going on around you, ask about what you don't know... in a few words, try to know the world surrounding you, specially if you intend to live on it for long time.

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    Yes, because with him Spain was sovereign and everything in Spain was for Spanish people. Now:


    - It is not a country anymore. It is a colony of Europe, can't even pass laws without their consent.

    - An ilegal inmigrant coming to Spain gets health care and subsidies just from the very moment they step on Spain.

    - In the times of Franco, nobody knew what "unemployment" means. Only useless people won't have a job.

    - In the times of Franco, health care was free (as it is now) there was paid retirement (as it is now) and there was no VAT and the Revenue tax was around 5 times below than it is now.

    - Before, Spain was for the Spanish. Now it is just a joke.

    so murder is justified in the name of spain? DOUBLE WOW!



    War brings murders, rapes, thefts and the worse of everybody. Doesn't matter who won, that would happen with just different people. War is war and it sucks but we can't just judge a 40yr government for what it happened just after the war. In every war there are innocents who die or suffer, it sucks and what should be avoided is war. So no, what happened was not Franco's fault, it is just the consequence of war.


    Yes, except that Franco STARTED the civil war.

    He actually invaded his own country from Africa.



    Actually he was not the leader when the war started, he assumed that role after the death of Sanjurjo. The causes of the coup (which failed and led to the war) are very complicated. Me, I know enough from that war as I had a grandfagher fighting in the nationals and another one in the reds. When I was a kid I used to go to one grand's house and listen to his stories and then go to the other one, listen his stories and then tell him about the opinion of the other. Each one would have different opinions but the truth is Franco recovered the control of the country from a Republic that kicked out the previous king who recovered the control from the first republic that previously had dethroned the previous king and we could keep this thing till the times of the catholic kings when the Spanish reign was born. And yet today, some areas of Spain claim their sovereignity on the grounds that the territory was sovereign in the times of the catholic kings (around 600 years ago).


    Many wrong things were done but the total truth after the WWII is that Spain would be erased by Hitler if it was a republic in these times. And during the rule of Franco, Spain constructed more dams and more roads than in the previous 600 years and actually, are the ones used nowadays. The worst thing of all is that I know this because I studied by myself. In today's history books the government of Franco has been erased. If you go to the military museum in Toledo there is a cronology of all the governments in Spain. Luis ! who was a 17yr old kid who reigned Spain for about 7 months has a big painting displaying his name and there is a big sign explaining what he did in these 7 months as well as some history about him. Franco leaded Spain for 37 years and has been the longest leader of Spain in the history. All you can find of him in the museum is a 40cm statue saying "Francisco Franco Bahamonde, Caudillo of Spain from 1938 to 1975."



    Yes, because with him Spain was sovereign and everything in Spain was for Spanish people. Now:


    - It is not a country anymore. It is a colony of Europe, can't even pass laws without their consent.

    - An ilegal inmigrant coming to Spain gets health care and subsidies just from the very moment they step on Spain.

    - In the times of Franco, nobody knew what "unemployment" means. Only useless people won't have a job.

    - In the times of Franco, health care was free (as it is now) there was paid retirement (as it is now) and there was no VAT and the Revenue tax was around 5 times below than it is now.

    - Before, Spain was for the Spanish. Now it is just a joke.

    so murder is justified in the name of spain? DOUBLE WOW!



    War brings murders, rapes, thefts and the worse of everybody. Doesn't matter who won, that would happen with just different people. War is war and it sucks but we can't just judge a 40yr government for what it happened just after the war. In every war there are innocents who die or suffer, it sucks and what should be avoided is war. So no, what happened was not Franco's fault, it is just the consequence of war.


    Yes, because with him Spain was sovereign and everything in Spain was for Spanish people. Now:


    - It is not a country anymore. It is a colony of Europe, can't even pass laws without their consent.

    - An ilegal inmigrant coming to Spain gets health care and subsidies just from the very moment they step on Spain.

    - In the times of Franco, nobody knew what "unemployment" means. Only useless people won't have a job.

    - In the times of Franco, health care was free (as it is now) there was paid retirement (as it is now) and there was no VAT and the Revenue tax was around 5 times below than it is now.

    - Before, Spain was for the Spanish. Now it is just a joke.



    To Urloc:


    You said it was better in Spain before.

    I was hoping (no, not realy) that you referred to the Republic.

    All along, I knew you meant The Caudillo.


    I am not the big fan of Franco. I would prefer him ten times to what is now though. When he passed away and democracy started in Spain, things started to rot. And now the mindset of people is just awful. Can't tell personally because I was born after Franco's death but anyways I prefer that government way than what we have now.


    The "reds" as we call them in Spain had a different view of Spain. Not the best for my taste but at least they were patriots. They loved Spain and they fought to death for the sake of the country they wanted for. Even not liking the idea of comunism, they still wanted the best for the country or what they thought it was the best. But now the so called "reds" are not patriots. They even want to break Spain in pieces and you can talk about that openly. However, if you say you want the inmigrants out of your country you are silenced.


    So yeah, they have what they deserve and I admire the patriotism of Thais. Yellow ones or red ones, they are all patriots.





    Yes, I know about that. The thing is the opposite would be worse. The reds would do the same thing and it is not a supposition, they already burned every church they could when they conquered a village so they would do the same thing with the losers than the troops of Franco did. It was a very sad war between two antagonic groups and the winner would smash the loser.


    On the other hand, with a little historic criteria, if the reds won the war Spain will no longer be a country now. They wanted to conquer Portugal after the civil war (which was the reason for Portugal to side with Franco) and on top of all, just a few years later Hitler came to the border and asked Franco for permission to cross the country (or else...). Franco let them cross and go to Africa. If it was the reds, Hitler won't ask for permission to cross and just destroy everything they find in their way and the Spanish army would be able to do nothing about it because they just finished a civil war and had no resources to start another one.


    Franco was not a lovely leader and a lot of things he did were wrong, but the other party was no better. It was like choosing between getting a punch in your nose or a kick in your balls.

  9. To Urloc:


    You said it was better in Spain before.

    I was hoping (no, not realy) that you referred to the Republic.

    All along, I knew you meant The Caudillo.


    I am not the big fan of Franco. I would prefer him ten times to what is now though. When he passed away and democracy started in Spain, things started to rot. And now the mindset of people is just awful. Can't tell personally because I was born after Franco's death but anyways I prefer that government way than what we have now.


    The "reds" as we call them in Spain had a different view of Spain. Not the best for my taste but at least they were patriots. They loved Spain and they fought to death for the sake of the country they wanted for. Even not liking the idea of comunism, they still wanted the best for the country or what they thought it was the best. But now the so called "reds" are not patriots. They even want to break Spain in pieces and you can talk about that openly. However, if you say you want the inmigrants out of your country you are silenced.


    So yeah, they have what they deserve and I admire the patriotism of Thais. Yellow ones or red ones, they are all patriots.




    In my country:


    - I was forced to go under 8 years of endoctrination. Forced to wake up every morning to attend to listen to bs I didn't want to.

    - I had to pay more than 60% of my revenue in taxes, all to be spent in corruption and useless people I don't give a fig about.

    - It reached a point whenI had to leave because I am not the one who is going to support a ruined country while people there don't care about anything but their own.


    So no, I am not proud of what my country is now. I am proud of what it was before but now is just a dump full of trash. I didn't make it dirty so I am not the one who is gonna clean it.


    On the other hand:


    - Thailand gave me a nice place to live.

    - Thailand asked me very little in return.


    So yes, I fly the Thai flag and keep my flag at home, privately, as a sign of hope that things change someday.

    Where do you come from Urloc?

    Can't be so bad, especially reading the comments about the situation in Greece now.

    But it seems we both have faith that things will change and better days are coming.

    The difference is, I fly the flag but you keep it safe at home.

    I wish things get better in your country so you will be proud enough to show your flag again.





    I am not talking about the economy, which is really screwed up but that is not the point. The thing is how the country is in that situation and why.


    - They let the inmigrants (mostly latin americans) to go freely into the country and gave them full rights to everything.

    - There was such a protectionism about them that when I wanted to ask for some help from the govt to stablish a business I was denied for being white and Spanish.

    - If you fly the Spanish flag anywhere in the country you are considered a fascist. Doing it in some cities may lead you to death.

    - It is not a sovereigh country anymore, it is under the law of Europe.


    And all this has been done without spilling blood, just by convincing people it was the fair thing. They have what they deserve. So yes, I am proud of my ancestors and my roots, but not what is now.






    I really don't understand what has the CNT/AIT have to do with my post.

  11. If you don't want to hurt them, you have to get along with them. Actually if they know you and once they know you are not a threat they won't bark at you again. The best way for this is as follows, not kidding:

    Stop the bike, make full eye contact with them and squat. Squatting is important as they will see you smaller and less dangerous and will likely to approach you if you call them. They will stop barking and if they approach just breath to their nose. Dogs have a very sensitive smell and it is the way they recognize people and other animals, by their internal smell. The most usual when you breath at them is they will approach more to smell better until you can breath directly to their nose. Once they recognize you and see you are never a threat, they won't annoy you again.

    Alternatively you can also take your pants and underwear off, adopt a dodgy position and spread your arse open for them to smell it. They are more used to this way but humans find it quite violent.

  12. I like it and mostly I don't dry it off because it just takes seconds to dry itself and here it is hot. I admit when I saw one for the first time I was a bit puzzled and it took me some time to learn to use it without hurting my nutsack. When I go out I always carry some tissue just in the case I need to use one of those squatters.

    If nothing of that is available, you can always look for a toad. They are smooth, normally a bit damp, easy to catch and no dangerous teeth.

  13. Not to troll you or anything but what made you think somebody can grab your gf's handbag and run in such an overcrowded area?

    In a very big most part of the cases, all the thefts happen in tourist areas, which I dont even consider to go to. And as many others have said, the wallet should not be in the rear pocket, which also will cause you spinal damage in the long run if you have the habit of sitting down with a wallet in your butt.

  14. Got to renew my findings/thinking's...

    No idea why but we had to buy a new Rice Cooker and water Jug yesterday evening.......... the old one's work perfectly ? but so say not good as 11 years old !! = far to much electric used blink.pngfacepalm.gif ..

    So the Rice Cooker is one of these new fangled multi things, and NO rubber feet, and is very easy to slide,

    So Yes 100% buy some felt or rubber stick on feet or a mat or tray to put it on....... [got some somewhere can't find so must drive down at 11am when they open to the 20 baht Shop a few Villages away and buy another pack]

    Bit different... so say we have to buy a new deep fat fryer, again the only reason is this one is 11 years old........ so what is this No oil Air Fryers ?? any good or a latest gimmick ?

    Rule #1 for software and rice cookers:

    "If it works, don't upgrade it"


    In my country:


    - I was forced to go under 8 years of endoctrination. Forced to wake up every morning to attend to listen to bs I didn't want to.

    - I had to pay more than 60% of my revenue in taxes, all to be spent in corruption and useless people I don't give a fig about.

    - It reached a point whenI had to leave because I am not the one who is going to support a ruined country while people there don't care about anything but their own.


    So no, I am not proud of what my country is now. I am proud of what it was before but now is just a dump full of trash. I didn't make it dirty so I am not the one who is gonna clean it.


    On the other hand:


    - Thailand gave me a nice place to live.

    - Thailand asked me very little in return.


    So yes, I fly the Thai flag and keep my flag at home, privately, as a sign of hope that things change someday.

    Where do you come from Urloc?

    Can't be so bad, especially reading the comments about the situation in Greece now.

    But it seems we both have faith that things will change and better days are coming.

    The difference is, I fly the flag but you keep it safe at home.

    I wish things get better in your country so you will be proud enough to show your flag again.





    I am not talking about the economy, which is really screwed up but that is not the point. The thing is how the country is in that situation and why.


    - They let the inmigrants (mostly latin americans) to go freely into the country and gave them full rights to everything.

    - There was such a protectionism about them that when I wanted to ask for some help from the govt to stablish a business I was denied for being white and Spanish.

    - If you fly the Spanish flag anywhere in the country you are considered a fascist. Doing it in some cities may lead you to death.

    - It is not a sovereigh country anymore, it is under the law of Europe.


    And all this has been done without spilling blood, just by convincing people it was the fair thing. They have what they deserve. So yes, I am proud of my ancestors and my roots, but not what is now.

  16. In my country:


    - I was forced to go under 8 years of endoctrination. Forced to wake up every morning to attend to listen to bs I didn't want to.

    - I had to pay more than 60% of my revenue in taxes, all to be spent in corruption and useless people I don't give a fig about.

    - It reached a point whenI had to leave because I am not the one who is going to support a ruined country while people there don't care about anything but their own.


    So no, I am not proud of what my country is now. I am proud of what it was before but now is just a dump full of trash. I didn't make it dirty so I am not the one who is gonna clean it.


    On the other hand:


    - Thailand gave me a nice place to live.

    - Thailand asked me very little in return.


    So yes, I fly the Thai flag and keep my flag at home, privately, as a sign of hope that things change someday.

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