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Posts posted by StarEnergy

  1. 1. Good to hear about the signature for certifying the birth certificate photo copies


    2. Another question for the TM30.  I was told by my boys school that when you leave the country you have to report to immigration within 24 hours upon returning to your registered address you have to report to immigration and notify them. That is okay.


    Another friend thought that if you go on holidays to Bangkok or somewhere in Thailand and return to your home you have to report to immigration that you have returned to your registered address.


    Is this Correct?

  2. Two questions

    Our visas will be due soon. Our boys have a year study/education visa (Non Immigrant type O) and my wife and I are their guardians (Non Immigrant Type O visa) one year visa. The boys are the primary visa holders and we go under them.


    1) In the past even when I've had notarized copies of our boys birth certificates. The immigration office in Chiang Mai would only ask me to just sign a photocopy of our boys birth certificates and that would be fine during our submission of our applications. Has anything changed. Has the Immigration Department tightened up things and require notarized copies? (I don't want to fly to Bangkok to get them notarized from my Embassy if I don't have to)


    2) I just discovered that this year the Immigration office is asking for the receipt for the TM30 registration by the Landlord. Our landlord didn't do that when we arrived a few years ago and now we are rushing around to get it done. Is this a must this year in order to process the renewal/extension of our visas?

  3. Yesterday I was trying to set up a PayPal account for my Thailand internet purchases. I was able to log on and do some setting up of the account. Today I was going to finalize my PayPal account and I typed in PayPal and I got the following denial of services


    Access Denied

    You don't have permission to access "http://www.paypal.com/th/webapps/mpp/home?" on this server.

    Reference #18.c4641cb8.1492225853.10ffdf7


    Has anyone got this?


    I'm living in Chiang Mai. It is a bit strange I could access it yesterday and not today.

  4. I'm about to renew/extend my non immigrant O visa for Guardians.

    1. I've got the paper work from the School for my son. And for me being his guardian.

    2. I've got a certified copy (by the embassy) of his birth certificate showing I'm his father.

    3. I've got over 500k in the bank in my name (been that way for the last 3 months)

    4. photo copies of all relevant pages from my passport and his passport

    5. Receipt showing my sons tuition fees have been paid one year in advance

    6. I will get the bank to write what my current balance in my bank account is.

    My two questions are

    1. Do I need to get a certificate of residency from the Government office in Promenada Mall before I get the visa renewal?

    2. Our visas expire around 16 June. Can I go now for renewal/extension?

    • Like 1
  5. Okay thanks for that.

    I've heard last year from the International school that a marriage certificate is needed. I can't remember if last year the immigration office took it or not. How would I verify if the marriage certificate is needed or not? I would be saving some money if I don't really need it.

    So with an affidavit I would have to write a letter on a legal paper stating some facts. Then the Embassy places their stamp on it and signs it? This is what is needed?

  6. I've got a guardianship visa. I have a child studying in an international school and I am his guardian (father). We will be renewing his study visa for a year and my guardianship visa. My wife will be doing the same for our second child.

    Last year all I had to have is a certified copy of our marriage certificate and a certified copy of our child's birth certificate from our embassy.

  7. I have been informed that Immigration policy to extend Guardian/Caretaker visa, applicants must show affidavit (marriage License, Child's birth certificate signed by your consul). The Affidavit must not be more than 6 months old.

    My questions are

    1. if I got a certified copy of our marriage certificate and my children birth certificate would that be sufficient?

    2. if it is would the immigration then take the certified certificate and keep it with the visa extension application?

    3. Or now you must have affidavit for each item?

    4. Or one affidavit for all items (marriage certificate and birth certificates)

  8. Not sure what you have since there is no guardianship visa or extension of stay. An explanation of what you have is needed.

    A re-entry permit is needed to keep your current permit to stay or extension valid when you enter the country. If you have multiple entry visa you don't need one.

    1. I am sure you will need to office near the airport since it seems you don't have a tourist visa entry or an extension based upon retirement that are done at Promenada.

    2. You will use a TM8 form with a a 4 X 6 cm photo attached to it. Download: http://www.immigration.go.th/nov2004/download/pdf/tm8.pdf

    3. Copy of passport photo page, visa, extension of stay stamp, entry/permit to stay stamp and TM6 departure card.

    I've got a guardianship visa. I have two children at an International school and I'm the guardian of one of them. My visa goes from 16th June 2015 to 15th June 2016 (based upon my child's visa)

  9. Three things I need to know.

    I've got a Guardianship visa and need to go to Philippines for a week or two. I've been told you need to get a re-entry permit in order to get back in.

    1. At which Immigration office can you get a re-entry permit. Promenada or Airport Immigration Office?

    2. Which form do you need to fill in?

    3. What photocopies you needed to have when applying for it?

  10. HI

    I have to renew my Thailand drivers licence in Chiang Mai. The motor registry office said I have to get the residency certificate from the Immigration office. Would that be the Immigration office at Promenada Mall or Airport or opposite Promenada Mall?

    Does it still take 2 days. Submit before 12:00 midday and pick it up the next day?

  11. I think they will clear immigration in Bangkok. Unless they get their boarding passes for the flight to Chiang Mai before leaving Australia they would have to check in for the flight.

    I suggest they contact Thai airways to confirm how it is done.

    When I have got a flight to Chiang Mai from Australia off the Thai web site they gave me two boarding tickets at Sydney Airport when I've booked my luggage through to Chiang Mai. The two boarding tickets were usually one from Sydney to Bangkok and the next Bangkok to Chiang Mai. I think this will be the case for my friend. He purchased the flight from Thai web site and will book his luggage through to Chiang Mai so probably get two boarding tickets. When you get your two boarding tickets the airline staff usually tells you in Sydney you will find out what the gate number is when you get to Bangkok.

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