First start by seizing his assets and passport, then the culprit.
This will never happen so another one (like taksin, red bull heir, lady kai etc.) who will mysteriously vanish from Thailand.
>According to the TAT Governor, TAT and airlines will form additional collaborative partnerships to promote international tourism.
Something wrong with the slogan then, BA announced the extension of no flights to Thailand.
Do I have to write it in Thai so the Tat is aware of it ?
You recently got out of a coma or you just don't get the point. A lot of foreigners care about it due to the fact that it is discriminating.
So if you mention it's still cheap you're missing the point, my advice to you is finish primary school first and then come back.
ps. it's called dual pricing not double pricing.
If it goes ahead I receive an assurance policy for 30 days and a assurance card ?
So in case of an accident I can get free treatment.
Don't think so, just another pocket filler for the hisos.
Tipping - No it's not usual so when in Rome do as the Romans, even when i'm alone out for example in a restaurant. And I don't care about their reactions.
Beggars - I use the Thai saying during the Shinawatra era, "Thai Help Thai" - "ไทยช่วยไหย".