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Posts posted by Gsteel

  1. Hello,

    I'm struggling to get to grips with the visa situation within Thailand at the moment. Can anyone here please advise me on the best course of action to take?!?!

    My Misses and I have entered Thailand on our passports allowing us to stay here for 30 days. We arrived on the 30th of June and we have roughly 2 more weeks until our visa runs out. She's from Ireland and I am from the UK. We came here to learn Muay Thai and get fit. We are currently staying in Khao Lak, near Phuket.

    Initially we only planned to be here for the month and maybe extend if we liked it via a visa run to the border. However, the misses sister and her friends are coming to Thailand on the 3rd of September and they are staying for 2 weeks.

    We have been back packing for the last 15 months (in Australia and New Zealand) so it's been a long time since we have seen any family. As such we would like to stay in Thailand so that we can meet up with her sister for the two weeks that she's here. In order to do this we would have to do multiple border runs to allow us to stay in Thailand till mid September but given the current climate people doing multiple border runs are being refused re-entry.

    What are our options? Can we apply for a tourist visa allowing us 60 days plus the possible 30 day extension even though we are already in the country for over 2 weeks? How do we go about doing this?

    If you were in our position what course of action would you take?

    Thanks for taking the time to read and reply, and I hope this is the appropriate place to post! Sorry if it's not!

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