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Posts posted by stranger_in_the_alps

  1. Well, I was planning 2 weeks up in CM and the triangle starting on the 18th, but not now. I knew it might be a bit hazy this time of year, but nothing like this. Looks like I'll be going to Borneo from BKK instead. Thanks for the heads-up and try to stay healthy. ######!

  2. Unfortunately those in robes of every religion are no different than anyone else. We'd like to think we are safe from predators when it comes to religion, however case after case suggests you should always be on guard.

    Makes one wonder how many "rituals" were never reported. I would guess hundreds. It is a rare Thai that would report it for loss of face and humilitation. He just chose the wrong one this time.

  3. Can anyone give me information on this..I am building house on wifes land, about 4 yrs now, not finished, she now has a Thai boy friend whom sleeps with her..I had been abandanded this spring with no money returned to Canada to get life back together, making money now..we are still legally maried in thaiand..wife lies so much I can not believe her. Can you help me out in what Ishould do with unfinished house, bull dose it down, or seak legal contract from her to lease property? You can please reply to my email address... [email protected].. I have had problem loging in on this site..thanks..Rotor Ron

    This is a good news bad news situation:

    The good news is the recent changes will have no effect on you :D

    The bad news is your screwed! :o

    The Western approach would be a divorce with a 50/50 split on the residual value of the house as it sits. Then you go your separate ways. But in Thailand, a few guys on the back of a scooter could settle it for you if you make too much of it. My advice, just walk away and get on with life. Lesson learned.

  4. I'm Canadian, got my Thai girlfriend here on a fiance visa, and during this 90 period, every time something doesn't go right she says she wants to go back home to Thailand. She crys, gets very quiet for a day, and then seems to snap out of it. It's getting very hard to make any plans, not knowing what she really wants. She will not discuss this with me, and gets very quiet and ignores me when I try to have the discussion about our future together. Any suggestions?

    Unless a thai girl has been abroad before (rare) and knows what to expect, it is almost always a bad idea to plan on her staying long. If you cant see yourself moving to Thailand to be with her, then I advise breaking it off clean here and now. Sorry to say, but sounds like the chances of her being happy long-term in Canada is virtually zero.

  5. Well, well. To all the naysayers that kept opposing my opinion of the USD depreciating (BritMav :D ), how are you feeling after hearing this news?


    I wasn't a 'naysayer' Trip :D ; saw it coming for months.

    I'm happy with a strong Euro....BUT...it will have serious consequences for the entire world.

    1st, I doubt if the Iranian decision has to do with economical reasons rather than political.

    2nd, For countries outside the 'Euro' it will hurt like h_ll and this example will have followers (from Iran) no doubt, like Venezuela for instance.

    3rd, Countries like China who depend on Oil-imports but have huge reserves in US $ (Trillions !) it will hurt dramatically. But it will even hurt more for those countries that are in debt...

    The consequences are not to foreseen but if it continues I fear a worldwide crises. :D

    If the Oil producing countries would do the change from $ to Euro gradually (or partly) it would be better, but I fear that in this case a few (oil producing) countries will put a knife to the throats of the Western world. :o ...and..thus...the chances of Western (read: American) intervention comes closer and closer.

    We should NOT forget:

    Iran is NOT Iraq!!!!! :D


    We will see massive bloodshed shortly. The "spice" must flow.

  6. This is in todays UK Daily Star.

    By Tom Savage.

    A Brit living in Thailand was blasted to death in a suspected "Ladykiller" attack.

    Steve Parkinson, 47, from Hull was shot by a four strong gang as he and a girl rode a motorbike in the sleazy beach resort of Pattaya.

    I follows a series of attacks where Thai brides have ordered the murder of their wealthy foreign husbands.

    Steve's Thai girlfriend, who wasn't the girl on the bike- denied she was involved but, she admitted they had split in a row just days before.post-16343-1146841899_thumb.jpg

    I would love to know where the press are getting there information for articles like this especially if they are being informed from Thailand (sensationalism or what??), Steve & Siriporn (not married) had an amicable split on the same day and which also happened to be the night of his murder, myself & Steve even spoke of this on that evening . They had both been keeping in touch even on that evening and the split was supposed to be a temporary break, as far as I know and even up to now she gains nothing financially are losses are greater. She is already distraught over her loss of Steve and after hearing this news today, she is inconsolable. When the investigation is over and her name is cleared, I wonder if there will be any apology forth coming from the press, I THINK NOT.

    I thought I read somewhere they were selling their flat due to the rift? No doubt with the property in her name and she didnt really care to give him his share upon sale. Regardless, a wise man once advised to always be worth more to your TG alive than dead because she will always choose the money.

  7. Willem Buiter, a monetary astronomer at Goldman Sachs, comments:

    "With the US trade gap in October 2005 widening to a new record U.S. $68.9 Billion, the US current account deficit is unsustainable. Its correction will require a large depreciation of the real effective US Dollar exchange rate, on reasonable estimates by no less than 30%, and quite possibly by more."

    And to follow that up... This was reported...

    "The Asian Development Bank warned readers last week to "prepare for a collapse of the dollar."

    You read too much Trip - hate to say it, when these forecasters say these things, thats when it goes the other way. Dollar will remain strong and anyone predicting a collapse is going to be sorely disappointed. Yuan is over-rated and that will be seen shortly - if the chinese ever have the <deleted> to float it.

    True. I was just in Shenzhen. The Chinese miracle is sputtering. Major issues with energy, labor, social structure, and ITS A SOCIALIST/COMMUNIST GOVT! They are putting up a brave face to the world, but underneath the veneer, its not so well-oiled. And a stronger baht is not really in Thai manufacturer's, or the tourism industry's best interest is it? Take a deep breath and relax. Your Thailand retirement dreams are not going to be devalued out of existence. More likely, by the time you're ready, you wont want to live there anymore anyway.

  8. Avoid the US dollar.

    The new Fed chairman is purposefully devaluing the currency. It's the easiest way to pay off the deficit - just print money.

    How do you devalue a currency by making your interest rates relatively stronger against a basket of other currencues? Please explain?

    Exactly. The demise of the dollar is so certain in all the media, the soothsayers, and pundits. When everybody knows, its old news and 90% of the move has happened. Its wise to diversify internationally, but pulling out of the dollar now is the height of hysteria. The socio-economic challenges ahead in Europe and Asia are not insignificant either.

  9. Based on my experience of reading this forum for the past two years there is no one on here that is willing to share financial information of any value about Thailand.

    The Thai Bhat in twelve months will be at 46 to one dollar.

    That is the general consensus of the finical markets and futures trading companies.

    This is not news to anyone who has subscriptions to currency trading companies.

    I wonder, how on earth did you accumulate one million dollars being so naive to ask for free advice on a internet forum?

    Come on. The guy simply is looking for some ideas to diversity his currency risk. He's better than 95% of people who dont understand or care about having all the eggs in one basket. In his cash-rich position, a high risk/high return is not really required. So the key is broad diversification across several asset classes and currencies.

    GainCapital.com for some buy/hold currency exposure

    International sector ETF's for regional foreign stock holdings

    Diversified world bond funds

    Commodity-based ETF's (gold, energy etc.)

    Real Estate (REIT's foreign and US-based)

    I do agree that 20:1 on the baht to dollar is very unlikely in the next 20 years. The US will continue to attract capital as the leading free, liquid marketplace. And if the dollar becomes that devalued, well guess what? There wont be much of a market in the USA for foreign sourced goods, which will naturally re-balance the capital flows and exchange rates. A strong baht? Not in anyone's best interest really. Maybe someday there will be an ASEAN currency similar to the euro, called the "Tiger" or something, but until then, the baht will remain small potatoes. All my humble opinion of course.

  10. My business associates already using some factories in China and checking the possibility of having some of the production in Thailand as well.

    I wonder if anyone here know this field - I am interested in recomendations of Electronic Factories doing assembly. The product is composed of an aluminium case, a chip which needs to be assembled (over 40 parts), and several other parts.

    Production volume should be, at the very least, 10,000 pieces a month, up to 100,000 pieces a month.

    My company ships product to these guys in Chonburi


    They do all sorts of electronic assy.

  11. Good to see some lively debate. My time horizon is very long and, to be honest, I am very aware to only invest as much as I am willing to lose. But compared to western real estate that has already seen the boom, I believe Asia in general is just starting the cycle. I am not doing this to make any return, like I said, it could sit empty for all I care. I dont need the rental income. This first condo purchase is just a "toe in the water" to get a feel for the process and market prior to more significant positions in the ASEAN region. In the future, a proper stand alone home may be in order, but not until I know more than I know now. Thanks again for the differing perspectives on the issue.

  12. Thanks for the feedback. I now have a few contacts while there to take a look at what is available. I dont know if Issan is right for me yet. I will have to see. I am open to just about anything in country as long as there is some regional airport and competent medical facilities within 50-60km or so. Reliable Internet connectivity is a must as well. Condo is about my only choice unless I want to do the company bit or get married and that can get a bit tricky to say the least. Rental income is not important, I would be just as happy leaving it vacant while away.

  13. Hi,

    I am quite certain about eventual retirement in Thailand at age 50. I am currently 38, but dont feel like waiting to purchase my retirement home at the time it happens. I would prefer to have it bought and paid for well in advance prior to any future appreciation. I have ruled out BKK in any form due to the relative high cost and my lack of need to be there for employment. By the time I give up full time office work, I could work from home (Issan) via internet etc. I also do not need to be next to the ocean/resorts. I have also ruled out any complicating factors like placing a thai national on the title in any way.

    Due to this, a condo in the Issan area seems to be sufficient to my needs (at least on paper). However, I have never been to Issan, only BKK, Krabi, and Phuket. I will be coming there next month to check things out on my way to Laos and Hanoi. I have a budget of up to BHT 4,000,000.

    My questions are:

    1. Are there any "Newer", or current construction condo complexes in Khon Kaen, Udon Thani, or others that are a must see while I am there?

    2. What is the BHT/sq.M rate for a decent building in the main metro areas vs. the outskirts?

    3. What is the rental environment like as I would like to get some income from it when I am not living there?

    4. Any recommended agents to contact while there? Full service only. I would like to complete the whole deal while in the region (3 weeks). I already have cash in a US account ready to transfer if the right deal comes along.

    Thanks in advance for any advice.

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