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Posts posted by akw

  1. I think, I have a situation arranged to deliver a bunch of laptops to the schools in the area. I am also willing and able to teach people advanced computing skills. I have been a Certified Computer Trainer for many years. I would be thrilled to buy a uniform for a kid in need. The kids here, have more money than sense. They are rude and I have no desire to help them.

    I am sure it will work out. I have traveled a great deal (including southern Thailand) and I have always been able to make friends and get along.

  2. I absolutely would be doing it for selfish reasons. I have developed an insatiable desire to help people. This all started rather recently at the Asian Grocery here. A woman was unable to pay for her groceries and I got the opportunity to buy them for her. It felt freaking GREAT! The Filipino people in town started calling me Mr. Nice Guy. This felt even better! I have done some volunteer work in the past and enjoyed it. It is much more satisfying than the pat on the back from an employer.

    Other selfish reason are the peppers look awesome. I love chile peppers. Actually, all the food looks spectacular. I am not too sure about crickets though. I would have to work up to that.

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  3. I was planning on coming in November. I am trying to avoid snow here. I looked at places all over and decided on coming to CR. The money I have to spend on helping others will go much further in CR than most places. I would be interested in Visa ideas. a 90 day visa is not enough time to get much accomplished.

  4. I was planning on bringing laptops/ipads to schools. I was also going increase the Information infrastructure as well. I would likely teach classes in various computer technologies.

    I have been an Certified trainer for years. I am rather bored with corporate life and wanted to share my talents.

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