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Everything posted by Barry13

  1. To thainet, all your lame comments are totally worthless to this post. It would be better if you didn't write anything at all..
  2. It's not a special account, it is just my only account. Do you have any suggestions on a solution? Should I change the SS direct deposit to a US bank and then transfer it monthly to the Bangkok Bank location in New York City that will deposit it in my current BB account so it looks like a normal transfer without any SS connection labeled to it? Or just open another BB account and transfer it into that second account to break the SS direct deposit connection?
  3. And yes I was able the withdawal money by using the teller.
  4. So what can I do to be able to use an ATM card and do transfers using Bangkok Bank? Will I need to open another BB account and personally go to the bank each month and transfer from the account that gets the SS direct deposit and put it into the second account?
  5. To Mike Lister, I tried to use my ATM Bangkok Bank card at 4 different BB machine locations including at the Bangkok Bank with a Bangkok Bank service person watching and witnessed that it would not work. I attempted to withdawal 5000 baht. I also tried to pay a phone bill using the mobile app and online, both would not work. No transfers would work. I receive a direct deposits from the USA Social Security. To summerize: Bangkok Bank ATM machines, mobile app and online will not allow me to withdawal or transfer any amount. I can only view my account and balance using the app and online. Note; View gamb00ler's reply
  6. I already went today and that's what Bangkok Bank told me.
  7. Anyone that gets their money deposited from abroad noticed that their ATM/Debit card and electronic transfers are not working with Bangkok Bank? What is the solution to transfer your money other than going to the bank in person to do the transaction? I heard the Thai Gov has a new policy stopping all transfers if the money has come from outside the country.
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