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Everything posted by lch

  1. (leaving locals and officials concerned about the city’s reputation). What reputation, visit and you will see the sleaze.
  2. Never your house, not in the land of Lies!
  3. Not a truer statement ever said. Why can we not own 1 or 2 ria? We are not hurting the majority of Thais that cannot afford to buy it!
  4. I am English, i believe Americans can own 1 rai, correct me if i am wrong, i am not trying to make a smart comment, something to do with the Vietnam war.
  5. I wish i had your attitude, i have lost allot trying to do it right, right does not work in the land of LIES!
  6. Me too, i just hate CINESE, by the way who are they?
  7. What reputable brand?
  8. Yes amazing Thailand and the amazing people that can do anything! AMAZING THAILAND!
  9. No, it is easy to find stupidity and danger in the land of lies, only joking, this country is amazing with amazing people.
  10. Its the Thai way, the majority of Thais cannot be educated to do the right thing. Viva the land of lies and safety last, may the children and teachers that died in the Bangkok bus infurno. RIP!
  11. You are so right, no more expat POUND!
  12. Why not start with the tens of millions of road violations EVERY DAY, they soon would be a rich first world country!
  13. Does that mean they do not have to buy their possitions anymore?
  14. Why would immigration want to make life easy?
  15. Get a lawyer to draft a divorce memorandum, agreement, get it translated, ask your wife if she agrees, if so go to the amphur and 20 min later you are free and clear to apply for your visa, you get the documents their an then, you will still have to jump through some hoops at immigration, but you can as i have. Oh, very important, remember to get joint custody!!!
  16. I agree, correct information, i should know as i have experienced this! Just to add you can get divorced in 20 min at the amphur, cheap, easy, no, contest, just make sure you have a signed divorce agreement, drafted by a lawyer and officially translated. Best you can do, good luck.
  17. Sounds about right, when i got divorced i insisted on joint custody, ex did not want me to have it, but i got it, good job i did as the last time i applied for a 90 day non o they asked me for this! Like i have said before, looks like tourists are welcome, expats not so much, think about how much expats bring to this country!
  18. My children have dual nationality and so do their mother, they choose to stay in Thailand, I am going to write the truth now, i have lived here for more than 20 years, thinking this country will change, never, this country is rotten with lies and corruption. I will sell up, ex wife and the kids have a home, up to them what they do. However that said i understand your point, but, why get a retirement visa when i am not retired? Why have 800K in the bank for this visa when i only need to have 400K for an None O? I am not a corrupted person, maybe that is why i really want to sell up! THINK ABOUT IT? THANKS.
  19. I am divorced and have 2 Thai children, i have never had a problem getting a 90 day None O visa, i went to my local immigration office to ask how i extend my None O visa for dependant children. They gave me a list of what i needed to show them, went back with what they required, 7 times, 9 in total. They just kept asking for more things that where not on their original list. Also my children had to take time off school to attend. Finally the owner where i stay had to step in and visit immigration, next day visa application accepted, she must be a powerful person or know one. So you do it correctly and you have many problems, my last visa i did a boarder run and was granted 60 days visa waiver without any problem, i have brought tens of millions of THB to the Thai economy, no more, time to sell up and move to a more visa friendly country, or maybe just play their games and get around local immigration! I think, selling up and take my money out of this country is the best option next year!!!
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