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Posts posted by christor13

  1. Someone mentioned there are shops where low kilometre motorbikes are sold. Apparently some ladies who work in hospitality are given them by boyfriends. When the male returns to his country they sell them. Does anyone know the location of shops that sell these low KM bikes?

    Thanks in anticipation

  2. I am currently studying Thai. In a month I will head back home but return in November. I intend to stay for at least a year after that, with maybe a few short returns home during the year. As I am a genuine student of Thai, and will continue my studies in November I asked my school (small one teacher) if I could get an Ed visa. She told me she would write a letter. Given I have the letter what more do I need to do to secure an Ed visa? Can I return home briefly while on an Ed visa? (Ie multiple entries).

    Do I need to organise all this before going home? Or when I come back? Is it easier to just do a retirement visa?

    Thanks in anticipation


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