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Posts posted by boxboxbox

  1. - You should Get outside. Take a walk or a bike ride. Play badminton, hop scotch, and jump rope. Look at insects, plant flowers, pull weeds. Breathe deeply. It doesn’t matter what you are doing: your child just get fresh air every day.

    - Read aloud every single day. Start when they are babies, and do it as long as you possibly can. There is research galore about why reading aloud to your kids is good for them.

    -Most children reflect their parents’ moods. If you are distracted, grumpy, and/or irritable, they will be, too. That doesn’t mean you have to plaster a fake smile on your face all day, but monitor your own moods.

    If you think your kids are unreasonably crabby or anxious, take an honest look at yourself.

    -Take trips. Don’t wait until all the kids are just the right age or you have money for nice hotels and plane fare. Go now and do what you can. Be creative and adventurous

    - Don’t try to control your environment by controlling your kids.

    Stand back. Provide a safe place, but don’t hover. Let them make mistakes. Let them wear clothes that don’t match and dip their asparagus in applesauce if they really want to. Loosen the reins a little bit each year, but don’t be afraid to pull in when you need to.

    If our ultimate goal is encourage our kids to be independent, unique adults, you must let them breathe and gets scrapes and even dent the car.

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