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Posts posted by bobbymack

  1. Thinking of coming back to Thailand for holiday next month. (UK citizen).


    Thai immigration website says nothing about visa exemption for holiday or visa on arrival apart from a list of countries which have this. The website says there are 28 countries but only lists 19, most of which is an obscure list. Where is the UK in this?

    Visa on arrival also only gives 15 days presumably for just visa on arrival countries? However, I can't see anything about visa exemption countries like UK on the website?


    Thai embassy website: https://london.thaiembassy.org/en/publicservice/115123-visa-on-arrival?page=5d6636cd15e39c3bd00072dd&menu=5f4b6eb3f6ae4b236972c562


    What is the upto date position for tourist visa, prefably for upto 30 days? I have full covid vaccination too

  2. There is just confusion here either by the Thai government in using the term 'digital nomad' or from the posters on this thread. Essentially, I see what the Thai Government want to see, in a post-covid world, where more people and effectively 'work from home' or "abroad", is these people people working from Thailand. The people they are talking about are the employees of the big corporations or 'proper' companies, who can work remotely. The Governmnet hence want to make it easier for such individuals to work in Thailand without the hassle of getting a work permit and setting up a company with Thai employees. What the Thai government don't want is the real 'digital nomads'  working under the radar. 

  3. What does Thailand actually gain from an increase in Chinese arrivals? They are a drain on local resources and the amount they spend is minimal - going back to the phrase 'zero dollar tours' where the monies paid by the tourists is upfront to the tour operator and then goes to pay for local Chinese owned businesses. As the article in a link above says, when Thailand imposed B1,000 fees for each tourist to counter this, the Chinese arrivals dropped by 30% the following year (2016). The solution for boosting the economy by increased numbers from China (and India) is therefore not the answer. But then it seems that all TAT wants is a figure they can boast about.  

  4. why does he need to keep saying 'that he is doing nothing wrong'? Anyone would think he was, he said it so many times. Sounds like a bullshit blog to get more likes so he can monetise his blog. He obviously doesn't live off grid if he is a blogger and again close to a tourist place to find foreigners. probably stays in somewhere like samui or phang nan so he can prey on gullible teenage westerners?

  5. true he won't get any sympathy from Thais, who he accuses of robbing him but maybe some other foreigner that has been robbed might be sympathetic? Saying that, if the other foreigner had been robbed then he wouldn't have any money either. ???? 

    Still can't believe it is for real as all he says was robbed was 50,000 baht which won't last a month if he came as tourist. He must have been there some time?

  6. I still don't get why some people complain about Pattaya should be made 'family friendly'. If they don't like it go somewhere else. There are plenty of Russian families go anyway.

    As to family friendly, what does that mean? What is wrong with going there with children? I am not suggesting there should be no age limit for bars and go-gos but just that the world should not be so puritanical about what essentially a natural act. Again, the puritanical seem to have lost the logic that it is just sex and why should it be covered up? This is a world-wide phenomena and not just Thailand but these people just need to step back and see the irrationality of trying to cover up that people have sex, enjoy it and are prepared to pay for it.   

    • Thanks 1
  7. Articles like this from the British gutter press really annoy me as they appeal to the ignorant, Clearly the writer has never been to Pattaya, otherwise they would know that it doesn't have a great beach with crystal clear waters. As to the pimping, which implies forced sex, that too is a lie. Articles like this with no newsworthiness should be banned. Seems the tabloids in UK just roll this same article out every year due to lack of originality or any proper research. Total disgrace.

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