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Posts posted by Lamphen

  1. Good afternoon,


    I have a local Thai driving licence and need an international driving licence as I'm going to europe for a couple of weeks. Today I went to the nearest DLT office which is in Nangrong.

    The officer told my wife that they could not assist, neither could he suggest where to get help.

    May I kindly ask if anybody has a suggestion on how to obtain an international driving licence please?


    Thank you

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  2. I have a 12 months extension of stay on my NON IMM O visa, I returned to Thailand earlier this year on a re-entry permit. I did not file a TM30. I did one 90 day report online before I went to the Immigration to renew my extension of stay at Buriram Immigration. There were no ask about a TM30 and the renewal was done in 10 minutes. I have a yellow house book (living with my wife in her house), I don't know if that were taken into account. Maybe I was just lucky meeting a nice IMM officer.


  3. My country has a double taxation treaty with Thailand. My pension is not taxed in my home country based on this treaty. I pay tax on my pension here in Thailand as I am a tax resident here according to Thai legislation (living here for more than 180 days a year). Of course I have to send proof of paid tax in Thailand to my home country in order to avoid double taxation. Its a bit extra paperwork, but it is worth it as the tax level here is more favorable than back home.

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  4. I took both licensees 3 years ago with a 46 and 48 score. I studied the Q and A beforehand, and as several people already mentioned, I focused on the answers they were looking for. Also I'm quite sure that one question had different answers in the two tests ????


    At least we are offered an English version here. I had to take a Belgian license 10 years ago, and the text on the computer were in French and verbally called out in English. So I'm not complaints about the quality of the system here.

  5. My Thai neighbors were riding a motorcycle with a sidecar late one evening a few months back. They were hit by a drunk driver and both hit the tarmac quite hard (both without helmets). The wife spent a couple of days in the hospital whilst her husband were in a coma for 3 weeks. After almost a month at home without being able to work, he is now back at work and on his motorcycle without a helmet. I offered him a helmet, but he said helmets are so heavy, so he stick to his baseball cap. 

  6. 13 hours ago, Bogbrush said:

    I’ve always thought the O retirement visa would suffer the domino effect and also require insurance eventually;  many have argued otherwise, stating the govt will never enforce insurance on the other O classes (marriage/dependant etc) but I suppose we shall just wait and see.  Ironically I fully support an insurance requirement as not to have it is in my view irresponsible but I also believe in choice of provider:  the govt can set the level, and I’ll select the company…

    I totally agree!


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