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Posts posted by flagator96

  1. On 6/17/2021 at 11:55 AM, oobar said:

    Here's a more recent study from the cutting-edge researchers at Stanford. They had significant improvements with minimal side effects using very low-dose aripiprazole, which is cheap and easily available, although you do need pharmacy scales that can weigh down to the milligram level.



    I personally know several people, myself included, who have fully recoverd from ME/CFS by using the classical Buteyko method. I was sick for 7+ years with it, and the recovery was pretty rapid and solid. You may want to check out some testimonials on youtube, with the emphasis being on the word classical.

  2. 3 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    Retirement extensions based on bank account which has an INCOME requirement of ZERO BAHT.


    If you have an account of 800K BHT, that is approximately the $25K Mexico requires for the permanent residency process to begin (takes 4 years). If you have $100K you can get it at once. Plus, you DO NOT have to move the funds in Mexico which is much better than Thailand's demands for a local bank acct to get renewals of your retirement extension within Thailand.

    Other advantages of Mexico is of course that you will not need 90 day reporting hassles, multiple re-entry permit (legalized extortion) fees, fear of being fined if you do not report to the police your new location even when you travel within Thailand, and all the other problems and hassles that Thailand imposes on us. Also the obvious upside is that at the end of 4 years you can get permanent residency, and you do not have to show the financial means at the final application or ever again! Then you can put an end to all the heavy handed junk that Thailand will be imposing on you for the rest of your life if you choose to stay there. Plus, it is exceedingly difficult to get permanent residency in Thailand just because the country does not want you to have these rights and makes it exceedingly difficult. Finally, just because Colombia made the mistake of canceling it's permanent residency it does not mean that Mexico will do it too. Just some food for thought :)

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    Ideally, you need to see an addiction specialist physician to take you off these meds. Aditionally, you can check out benzobuddies.org. The site can be very helpful and thorough in putting you in touch with the right resources and knowledge base. Generally speaking, you cannot detox / succesfully discontinue from benzodiazepines in a few days. You are risking seizures and numerous other side-effects a mile long. In most patients it is easier to  slowly taper any other medications first, and leave benzodiazepines for last. You need expert help. Dont go without it.

  4. 2 hours ago, Sheryl said:


    ...And I would urge them to be wary of quack websites and to stick to real science, real studies.



    People have the right to think freely and seek information to address their concerns as they see fit, free of coercion and biased views. People have the right to examine different view points and arrive at their own conclusions.


    So called "real science" and "real studies" are increasingly under fire because their are fraught with conflicts of interest, cherry picking of the data, and hiding data all together, all in the name of protecting profits.



  5. 11 minutes ago, manarak said:

    I have no doubt that MSG can cause some minor adverse effects for some people, yet the manner how this gets discussed by some is totally over the top.

    If I replaced MSG by "radioactive substance" in some posts, their tone would be considered normal.


    The propension of many to believe in fake science and conspiration theories is worrying.

    Fake science is everywhere. It can be found alive and well, particularly when there are profits to be protected and when it is necessary to keep clueless people drinking the proverbial "Kool aid" .

  6. 7 hours ago, partington said:

    The papers discuss the effect of blocking glutamate receptors using glutamate antagonists.  This does not imply that eating glutamate affects cancer cell growth. Glutamate is one of the approximately 20 amino acids that every cell in the body makes every day, is present at all times in the blood of every human being at about 50-100 micromolar, and is made in nerve cells and secreted all the time as part of natural signalling.


    There is no suggestion here at all that eating glutamate has any effect above the effect of the glutamate already present in your body at all times. The papers present the effects of blocking natural signalling that is already happening whether you eat extra glutamate or not.


    Furthermore the effects of glutamate on cancer cells are known to occur because the cancer cells themselves (as a result of the mutations which cause them to be cancerous) make abnormally large numbers of glutamate receptors, and secrete abnormal amounts of glutamate. The cancer cells are more sensitive to the normal of amount of glutamate in the blood therefore because the disease causes them to make more of the receptor that responds to glutamate. This is why glutamate antagonists (drugs that block glutamate receptors from working) may be effective on cancer cells -not because of dietary glutamate but because these cells have abnormal glutamate signalling.


    The effects of glutamate in the brain (on cancer or anything else) are well-known to be completely unaffected by dietary glutamate: the brain is protected by a double membrane layer called the blood-brain barrier that completely blocks any blood glutamate getting into the brain.  It has to : if it didn't your brain simply wouldn't work. 


    This is how the glutamate concentration in the extracellular fluid of the brain is kept at around 2 micromolar, even though the concentration in the blood is 50-100 micromolar, and is why dietary glutamate can have no effect on the brain!


    EDIT: By the way, inside some brain cells (because glutamate is made inside them) the concentration of glutamate can be 10,000 micromolar - a concentration that could not ever be achieved in the blood even if you dined exclusively on kilograms of pure MSG.

    Thank you for commenting, and posting a thorough response.


    I agree with many of your points as well as disagree with several as well.


    There is plenty of science that refutes a good number of your points.


    Now, I am not going to go into great length here to try to respond. Brain signaling, neuro-receptor and neurotransmitter physiology as well as their effects on organs and tissues, is an exceedingly complex subject for this venue.


    I do stand by my original comments though. I would urge all of those who are concerned about their health to do their own research about the  very real effects of MSG and excess glutamate on health.

  7. 1 hour ago, Sheryl said:

    Actually that is NOT what they are discussing, nor does anything in those papers pertain to the oral consumption of MSG.

    Thanks for the comment.


    The topic is : " MSG, and related health problems". In most people's minds cancer is a health problem. Moreover, the topic of cancer and MSG was clearly discussed in the thread already.


    The papers clearly discuss a boosting effect of glutamate on cancer cells. especially in the brain, and possibly in other organs. The main components of MSG are sodium and glutamate.


  8. 5 hours ago, blasteen said:

    I had the sedation 2 weeks ago. For the first 1-2 days following the sedation I was fine just slightly sleepy. but after that the issues with concentration and focus started.


    Had the livery enzymes check 1-2 months prior to the sedation and all were fine this time. No benzo or antidepressants for nearly 4 years. no alcohol for 3 years.


    6 hours ago, blasteen said:

    Hi All,

    Just thought to make an update. Since, I last made an update I had to go under a gastroscopy with sedation two weeks ago, I was given Medazepam for sedation. I had no major issues, however after 2 days, my concentration and thinking capabilities have declined substantially

    . I have been finding it slightly hard to come up with adequate words while trying to make up sentences during talking or writing.


    My job involves R&D, and I need to read allot of scientific papers and solve technical issues. The lack of concentration and brain fog is making this task quite hard as I cant hold and analyze the information I read and cant gather everything I know efficiently while trying to solve a problem. now and I need to read something or think about things few times until I can partially understand it. I had experienced something like this years ago while taking antidepressants.


    What could this be due to

    My father experienced similar symptoms like yours after he was given 2 mg of Ativan for a procedure he had as an outpatient just like you. His cognitive function was markedly reduced after that for a long while.

  9. On 1/26/2017 at 10:41 AM, balo said:

    The good news is that its not the coffee so I can continue drinking 1 or 2 cups , but it's some sort of digestive problem .   I do eat some Papaya and I really believe in the power of that fruit. Also pineapple.  



    Infloran really helped , I had less gas for 2 weeks  and took 3 capsules daily, combined with a change in the diet.  But when I stopped I got worse again .  I did some online search and a lot of food produces gas and should be avoided , even a banana is not good , and I love bananas on my yogurt, 

    So I am not healed but some food seem to work better for me so just have to continue testing out what food to include in my diet. 







    How old are you? Do you take any medications? Are there any types of foods that make your symptoms more likely to happen?

  10. On 12/7/2016 at 11:50 AM, Bonobojt said:

    she never diagnosed me with it, she's just a GP, not a nerve or spine specialist, she just mentioned it, I'll see what happens next with the neurologist and hopefully MRI.. thanks for trying to make me more scared and worried 



    Dear OP,


    A neurology consult  and MRI of the lumbar spine / sacrum sounds like a reasonable approach.


    It sounds like you are having some kind of residual neuropathy from your previous fall / injury. This is certainly quite common, given your history. If the MRI shows nothing wildly wrong with you, there are lots of options.


    If you want a natural approach to managing pain you may want to research organic turmeric for pain, as well as finding a skilled accupuncturist. Most pharmaceutical approaches for long term pain management are loaded with side-effects and undesirable consequences.


    This website is a great resource for all things turmeric:  http://www.turmericforhealth.com/


    Certainly this type of situation will need patience, perseverance, and adjusting your activities, but with time you may be able to fully recover.

  11. On 11/20/2016 at 11:52 PM, blasteen said:

    I've been trying my best to stay away from meds as much as possible in past 2-3 years but I have noticed having issues with the following



    1. Vit-C supplements  (after 1-2 days of it, I started to feel anxious, moody, physically agitated and depressed)

    2. Fish oil (my experience with this was mostly agitation and a foggy brain)

    3. Quercetin or prostate issues, was ok for 2-3 weeks, but after this slowly went through a period of elevated anxiety, physical agitation, foggy brain and stomach problems such bloating, pain and which subsided a week or two after stopping it

    4. Xyzal, this makes me very moody and angry and makes it hard to think.

    5. Vit-B6, B12, etccc, taking them for even one day make me very moody and cause a foggy brain.

    6. Probiotics: these just make me tired, edgy and tired, after stopping them, I would feel very depressed for few days.

    7. Antibiotics, these are the worth, I've some really bad experience with this, they can make me agitated, cause random mood changes, constipation, nausea and allot of tiredness. different ABs can effect me diffrently. There have been cases where after taking a typical antibiotics (trimethoprim) for few days I could hardly do anything for two weeks as I was just tired, agitated and depressed all the time.

    - I've taking an antibiotic (Septrin) for nearly 10-11 months at one occasion, which I think now has damaged my gut pretty bad as I cant handle many different types of foods anymore. (elevation of liver enzyme could be because of this or due to 7 years of antidepressants which I had quit 3 years ago)

    8. I always have been unable to drink alcohol, consuming alcohol can make very tired and give me a foggy brain for few days.


    By food allergy, I am referring to a set of IBS symptoms which flare up following consuming certain foods. i.e. oily foods, spciy foods, some nuts, rice, apples, melons, beans, dates,etc.... the symptoms are usually a foggy brain, tiredness, nausea, bloating, lack of concentration, sleepiness. the length of a flare up could be short to few weeks


    Dear OP,


    After reviewing your history and symptoms it sounds like you may be dealing with protracted withdrawal syndrome from your abrupt cessation of taking anti-depressants after taking then for several years. It sounds like you may have not tapered adequately. Sensitivity to medications, foods and supplements is a classic symptom of the above condition. Your parasympathetic / sympathetic nervous system may very well be out of sync as well.


    Chronic anti-depressant use causes structural changes in your brain that take years to reverse and / or normalize, but only after discontinuation. Frequently there is deregulation of the HPA axis (fatigue), as well as GABA receptor down-regulation (anxiety). These may take a few years to fully resolve. There can also be many many more symptoms that affect many bodily systems as your brain tries to recover form the damage that psychiatric medications can frequently cause. The brain and central nervous system (CNS) are some of the slower healing systems of our body, but with time and appropriate care you can fully recover. Needless to say the effectiveness of many of your hormones and their receptors may be disrupted.


    It is important to avoid all supplements and avoid all medications unless it is absolutely necessary to take them. Also you may want to avoid all spices, alcohol and MSG as they frequently do have CNS effects.


    Last but not least, try to reduce and / or eliminate chronic stress from your life. Excess cortisol and adrenaline secretion do prevent your CNS from fully re-balancing / normalizing. Relaxation and meditation practices will help normalize your CNS faster.


    Please read-up on protracted antidepressant withdrawal syndrome as there is plenty of information online. In all likelihood you do not need any more psychiatric medications or medications of any kind if you hope to recover from your already injured brain and central nervous system. They are probably the cause of your problems to begin with.


    May you feel better soon.





  12. OK instead of the usual clever half line webforum Mark the snarky lark o.p. topic dismissal I'll be equally annoying in the opposite direction and actually attempt to give an in depth answer, going on and on at length in my trademark epic run on sentences about the obvious as though it were a revelation or about things you'd disgaree totally with, ha ha!

    As has been said, what you spend per month there's a lot of variation depending on your luck, your preferences etc. I don't live in Udon but in Isaan and don't mind living in my wife's village an hour away from the nearest city , so I pay no rent. But I run the air-conditioning all the time so that's 2,000 baht a month electric. My wife isn't into draining her husband's bank account just because she can, not that I would allow it, and healthily paranoid enough that it is not likely, even if I were poisoned by an in-law or what have you, there'd still be no way to get much out of it. So I suppose that's also luck, not meeting a woman who turns out to be a ruthless blood sucking pipe from you to the rest of her family. Honing your perceptive abilities regarding people's characters can save you a load. But the wife does like watching western movies so we pay True another 2000 baht a month. Glad to pay it because she gets a lot out of it. Really don't enjoy very much of anything they put on and never watch TV hardly at all myself. Who needs it when you have face book and Thai Visa! Internet from TOT is 450 per month, much better value and has been pretty good and consistent since about New Years, terrible last year though, atrocious internet actually in 2014. I don't own a car and never have in my whole life so the car cost maintenance fuel money holes don't exist for me . Don't even need a car, even way out here in the sticks. If worse comes to worse tons of other people have cars here and I just offer them 400-600 baht to drive me somewhere, that happens on average only about once a month. Our village has an ambulance service that is prompt and works pretty well for the monthly heart attack or apoplexy spazzings outs, the odd jaw bone popping out and onto the floor, or leg dropping off from disuse and needing prompt reattachment etc.. When not faced with a medical emergency, usually I just take Songthaews and that's 25 baht for an hour ride into town. Our food bill is high because I don't eat local style and try to eat as healthy as I can given everything is GMO and the fruits and vegetables are sometimes so soaked in chemicals you have to toss them. 6000 baht a week and random household purchases bill for two people. But included in that is some food we give to our struggling family members, our dogs, a couple bottles of nice wine and a 500 ml bottle of Singha per day, that is beer and wine for us not for the dogs. I buy a lot of books on line and music production software and other gizmos sometimes hardware so that's about another 4,000 baht a month average. What really kills us is going to Bangkok or somewhere to get away for a bit, which is pretty essential, the walls start to close in and it feels pretty claustrophobic every 4-5 months. Perhaps living in town is a way to save on that, but for me I think even Udon would be nearly as boring as in the middle of pesticide strafed rice land, but that's just me and I suppose it could be an absolute blast for some to live in Khon Kaen or Udon. A week in Bangkok easily runs 60,000 baht all in. Sure, I could do better on that account, and not eat in any restaurants or in less, not buy nice imported beers and wines, not buy books, not do any shopping for non-essentials you can't get in Isaan, but I don't have to presently so I don't.

    Medical costs run me another 60,000 per year and I happen to think Thai doctors are mostly not very good,nearly all are hopelessly arrogant, too many of them seem mentally unbalanced to me, it is not uncommon to hear frankly stupendously insane comments from them regarding myself and my condition which I won't go into here. Personally I need to research other countries to travel to for medical, there is no trustworthy help available for the likes of myself. Of course your mileage may vary and I suppose it is partly down to your personality and how cool you are with ingratiating yourself to your superiors. I don't think I am arrogant, but I am not into grovelling, I am straight forward but with a ready smile when there is reason to smile, not as an exercise extreme discomfort and eggshell walking jsut to satisfy somone's sense of superiority. Rather the wrong attitude to have with Thai doctors they won't help you if you approach them as equals, I have found anyway.

    So to sum up:

    1 month expenses for me and the wife:

    2,500- electricity & water

    2,000-True Visions Sattelite

    450- internet

    1,000-local transpo

    24,000-food and miscellaneous daily expenses

    10,000-vacation funds

    4,000- books and software

    6,000-medical (chronic minor skin cancer, eye and foot problems)

    10,000- miscellaneous nasty surprises, gotta buy its and ufo landing pad upkeep and maintenance

    = 60,000 baht/month.

    If it were just me it would be probably around 40-45,000 a month. But then I'd be renting so it works out about the same.

    60,000 would about cover rent for a crap apartment in a violence plagued neighborhood in America, so maybe my budget looks stupid to you but I am OK with it and live just how I wanna on it.

    Of course I could eat crap food and have more health problems and feel like <deleted> all the time, but I do not enjoy feeling protein, vitamin and mineral depleted. Nobody does but I don't think half of even the western countries populations understand that they have an issue with their diet. Good food keeps you feeling happier and more resilient to the challenges of living in Thailand, so I think it's well spent, and I don't think eating on the cheap here is wise at all, you'll probably cut a decade off of your life with all the salt and grease eating cheap dishes at food courts and on sidewalks and so forth. I keep on my wife's back about proper nutrition as well and that makes her a happier and a much better person to be around. Though she still says, "God, I feel like a <deleted> parakeet today! What happened?!" "Well, what did you eat?!" "Oh...some rice, a doughnut and a few nam prik dishes and I had a Leo beer with my sister." "So, no fish or chicken, no fresh herbs or anything?" "No." "Well there you go. That's why."

    Hope that answered your question. Thanks for the space! Do not push like, do not pass go, turn off the computer and get some boiling hot fresh air!

    Love and Viva La Revolucion,

    Commandante Guido "Do-Not Say-'That-is-Sooooh-Gay-Again'" Suave, Second Commander of The Anti-Flippant Dismissive Internet Witticism Liberation Front

    p.s.- How can one have another nutter butter roto rooter double trouble shooter in they life, baby baba, when there ain't even none yet anywhere, anytime no how no way, Super Sugar Crisp Bear! Unless you talkin about your own self, Jose! And who's he anyway?! Yabba Dabbah doo, sir!


    Thank you for the detailed posting about your life and expenses.

    I was a bit surprised to read what you said: "try to eat as healthy as I can given everything is GMO".

    Which foods are GMO in Thailand? In most countries soy, corn, and sugar beets are either 80-90 % GMO, or, are suspicious enough to be avoided. It is my understanding that GMO crops are not legal in Thailand, not even GMO papaya. Is this true?

    Can you find organic food in the sticks? If so can you trust the seller?

    Thank you.

  13. I need more details.

    1. When you say it is difficult to get out of bed - difficult how?

    Is it that you are groggy and sleepy and have trouble waking up?

    Or that you are awake but just feel no motivation to get up?

    Or are motivated to get up but your limbs don't seem to respond readily?

    Makes a big difference.

    2. As you mention having had a recent physical check up: were thyroid levels checked (TSH, T3, T4)?

    Any physical check up will have included a blood count so anemia, hookworm etc can be ruled out. But they often do not include a thyroid panel unless specifically requested.

    3. What if anything happened in your life just before this problem started?

    First of all may I thank the many folks who responded to this - this is really ThaiVisa working at its best. I hope also that some people may benefit from the various wise comments, and health-related advice already offered here..

    Sheryl - thank you for your input - very much appreciated. The essential reason for my post was this sudden - very odd - inability to get out of bed, which others might have also suddenly experienced, and maybe discovered why.

    I am busy most days with a number of pleasurable/creative things, and I like to tackle these in the early morning. The motivation to start the day is therefore very strong, and I'm normally up with the lark. Shocked therefore to suddenly lie there feeling so darned weak - not sleepy, groggy, just completely exhausted. Once up, I feel 50/50 until mid-morning, then I'm whacked again, and can't wait to lie down. No neurological symptoms. No sleep apnoea. And I'm certainly not depressed, nor have suffered any recent psychological upsets.

    Re thyroid - regular check ups have always been normal, but just checked the recent lab report and see that TSH, T3, T4 were not done, so I'll do this asap. This indeed might be the culprit.

    Meanwhile, my renewed thanks to all - great support.


    I am sorry you are going through all this.

    If you have had a complete work up, and you have ruled out anemia, kidney / liver/heart disease, autoimmune disorders, infections ( HIV, hepatitis, syphilis, worms etc, neurologica;l disorders etc,

    then most likely you are experiencing what we call HPA axis dysregulation ( HPA= hypothalamus pituitary-adrenal axis). The less scientific, but more commonly used term for it is: "adrenal fatigue". Nevertheless, it rarely has anything to do with the adrenals. Instead it is usually a brain issue as described above. You do need a fasting and an afternoon cortisol level though just to be sure. Your blood pressure can also be low when symptomatic, but not always.

    In most people this comes from excessive stress, too may activities, too much exercise, sometimes medications can do it as well, not enough food (fasting), too much coffee or tea, and not enough sleep.

    If that is what you have it has been in the works for years, and one day you just crashed. How many hours of sleep to you get? What time do you go to bed? Have you been busy for many years and getting inadequate rest? Have you had any super stressful periods in the last months, how about in the last 10 years? They tend to accumulate,

    This condition results from chronically elevated stress response and the hormones that come surging with it.

    Just some food for thought.


  14. OP,

    I agree 100 % with what you are saying. People are addicted and glued on their cell phones and it is not just a coincidence.

    They do cause neurological harm as well as cancer. Pretty soon after the new so called cellular wearable gadgets become widely spread, we will start seeing people volunteering for embedded RFID chips which also eventually will become required for all.

    Therefore we will be tracked and controlled just like a herd of sheep.

    What a sad future for humanity.

  15. Dear Sigurris,

    After some members here made some recommendations for alternative treatments I decided to post this publicly.

    You can survive pancreatic cancer with the only true and proven method that can cure you or prolong your life significantly. Why is this not known better? Because it has been suppressed,and sabotaged for years. The facts speak for themselves though.

    Dr William Kelley, was diagnosed with fatal pancreatic cancer in the USA back in the 70's. He went ahead and cured himself and developed a program to cure others. He lived 20 more years and died from causse unrelated to cancer two decades later.

    One of his trainees is Dr Gonzalez is in New York. He does run a clinic specializing on cancer treatment that uses Dr Kelly's method. Basically you can read all about it on his website or listen to him being interviewed by Dr Mercola, and here is the link


    Dr Gonzalez explains in great detail how the treatment works and what it takes to effectively treat this condition.

    Please stay hopeful and positive. many people have lived long lives it appears by following this method. It is detailed, meticulous, and there is some cost involved as well, but I think it is your best bet to survive and thrive. Please do not wait too long, make a decision soon as time is of the essence.

    I wish you the very best in healing and getting your life back as it is possible!


  16. Flagator, she recently had a full health check before this problem started and was in tip-top condition 3 months ago. She has been on medication for about 2 months now.

    I do worry about the amount of medication she is taking,and the long term,

    She actually did sleep in another room last night away from me, but there was still no difference, she got 4 hours and was awake from 2am onwards.

    All the advice given on this thread is useful, but conflicting in a lot of ways so it's making it harder for me to know what the right thing to do is.

    But please keep your comments coming, I have to get to the bottom of this problem and help her resolve it.

    Thank You all



    The so called "Z" drugs for sleep are have a high potential for tolerance, addiction and side effects. They also destroy what we call "normal sleep architecture" for most people. Many other medications will affect sleep as well. They cannot be trusted. This can take a long time to get fixed by the body again naturally.

    Modern medicine unfortunately does not have any good solution for chronic insomnia as evidenced by all the harm medications cause some of which can take years to correct. What's heartbreaking is that most doctors do not even know, recognize or take responsibility for he harmful effects of the sleep drugs, or any drugs that they prescribe. Therefore, many times the treatment is worse that the disease itself.

    Most people with initial insomnia ( not able to fall asleep) may suffer from anxiety. People that suffer from terminal insomnia ( not able to go back to sleep) may suffer from depression. Although these are not "hard fast" rules many times bear some merit.

    A sleep study would be beneficial to rule out sleep apnea or other sleep disorders. Sleep apnea treatment is pretty effective, but for other sleep disorders not so great especially if more toxic drugs have to utilized. Another issue / problem is that the medications are already disrupting and changing her normal sleep architecture. She may need to get off those to evaluate her sleep properly. Moreover if she does, how long is it going to take for her sleep to normalize again from the drugs in order to get an accurate sleep study and evaluation done? Nobody really knows as it can take a long time. You can see now how these medications are truly evil.

    Three month old labs are not considered very current, and many medical professionals would repeat them at some point and or improvise upon them after 3 months of continuous symptoms. After all things do and can change after 3 months.

    Just some thoughts to offer perspective on your situation. and talking points when you talk to your doctor.

  17. What are the effects of Thalassemia?

    How does it affect people physically and psychologically?

    Most people are non symptomatic from what I can remember. They usually find out from screening blood tests. Others may have a variety of symptoms.

    Here are some sites that offer more information on the subject



  18. If his CBC is normal then the low iron levels are not considered pathological. He may need more nutritionally, (Fe rich foods) since most iron supplements are toxic.

    If the CBC is abnormal, then he needs a full hematological work up to rule out a number of different etiologies.

    Best of luck.

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