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Posts posted by Espada

  1. i have both straight and gay friends. they don't seem to have any problem though. i'm Thai but most of my friends are westerner. white skin guy attractive here ...LOL

    i'm not encourage you to do anything to harm your relationship. wanna make sure just friend for friendship, nothing else behind that.

  2. :o last time i heard about your story that was the day he fly to Australia and you'll pick him up at the airport. sorry to here all those situation. i'm not follow up this board for while.

    well, to end relationship for sure it must be very deeply hurt. after all time and everything you have done together, can't take it back!

    sometime just to try the hard way will lead to something that amazing output ( in this case may be good or may be worst.)

    to find someone new at the moment not suggest at all... but later you should. :D

    i was in 4 years relationship with farang guy. we have both great and terrible experience together. also my first relationship and he is my first guy that i really give all love for him. even though we are no longer soul-mate anymore but i still wishes the best for him. ( guess i talk too much about myself.) :D

    well, i hope everything going in the right way for you. sometime it too difficult but you will make it through.

  3. of course you can't do nothing with his past. just learn to live with it and move on. You don't need to take all your time thinking about things that you could not change. i'm sure if you find out later it will hurt you both more. to be honest (at least) will keep this relationship moving on.

    did i missed any point? :o i'm a bit dizzy today.

  4. Sorry to say this but I thought the place was awful, when I worked there for a week. Not safe, like BKK, all my co-workers were telling me not to go walking around at night, etc. There are guards with machine guns at the entrances of lots of building and shopping malls, etc, which I found very creepy. Also the whole population are mad-keen catholics so the general vibe is quite different to that of a Buddhist country.

    On the other hand I must confess I was only there for one week so my experience is limited - perhaps others can share some of the more positive aspects of the city.

    I am sorry for your situation as it sounds like it will be tough for you both.

    Thank you for sharing. I'm really concern about his safety other than anything. I've been told by other gay guys here in Pattaya that during his visit Manila he must be very careful when go out. Kidnapping, robbing and other that can harm people. For all those situation above. I would suggest him to visit Manila before he make a choice. ....

    *sigh*... I know it sound self-fish but I really love him. Really hard time.

  5. My partner may take a chance to get new job there in Phillipine, Manila. I have no idea what it gonna be. If he did accept the job, mean we are separate. But it good for his future. Even though we will not live together like we use to do. I wish all good things for him. Can anyone here tell me what is it gonna be? I don't know anything about Manila. Some others told me that it dangerous for foreigners, especially in Manila.

    * sigh*....

  6. I'm here in Pattaya over 5 months now. I went out there 2 time with my bf and friends. Last time is 2 months ago at Boy Boy Boy. Not really interesting for me. :o idle44mins right about asking for ID. I'm not a night life person. So...rarely go out alone ( have my own bodyguard...LOL)

  7. I'm sorry about what happened to you. For 6 years in relationship doesn't mean you are conquer or own trust. So hard to believe in true relationship in present time. People can change so much in just one night. :o sorry to beat around the bush. what i mean is your man fear to lose you. somehow his reaction express toward you may not what he really mean ( of course, i'm not your man, and i'm not you but i assumed i was right about that) may be the length of time can be cause of ignorance and lack of trust. i wanna make it sound like i'm an expert but base on my own experience.

    anyhow, i think talking seem to be the best way to solve problem. do not turn your back or walk away without clear your mess. ( last warning LOL)

    i think sometime you may wanted to be alone. more freedom to think or do whatever you like. but consider about going back to where you from may be good (for while) then when you feel much better. you will know what to do. he's not the last man in this world but you love, don't you? :D you can talk to me anytime. alway be your friend.

    gotta pick up my man at airport now. G'day mate

    P.S sorry if my opinion sound boring

  8. Hello all people in this board. I just found a new "Definition" of something today. I'm so glad to share with you guys. :D


    Life Saver

    noun: Person with a very large waist big enough to resemble a life-ring when they are floating in water.

    Thanks to Champ from Chicago

    Shiny Face

    noun: A gay man who wears too much moisturiser.

    Thanks John from the UK


    noun: A gay man who will not give oral sex.

    Credit to Queerclick.com and definition poster :o

  9. Thanks to TV and a sympathetic editor at Pattaya Mail, we have finally suceeded in rehoming our six Thai dogs.

    It gives me hope that some day something will be done about the terrible awful and inhumane treatment of dogs in Pattaya.


    :o Just about thinking to call "Mr. Tony" :D

  10. in Soi Freeman? may be i will go there with friends :D

    Oh, I ... Ohhh I ... I love the nightlife,

    I got to boogie on the disco 'round, oh yea.

    Espada, I'm with you on this one. Let's boogie from dusk until dawn and those who wish to can stay at home and read the B.I.B.L.E.

    thanks man! party plan changed, we went to DJ instead. Lucky me, I found my old friend from Amsterdam :D Big Hugs :o

  11. I got the leaflet about that sauna a week ago. Have not time to check it out but I think they will be expensive. anyway, i'm a membership at Refresh fitness and spa now. more privacy and no big muscle show off :D

    Espada if that is you in the avatar I think u get in free :D

    :D this avatar alway attract people , like me :D:o not sure farang will like big muscle Thai guy. i just work out as normal no need to pump up my body. only three world, NICE FIT SLIM :bah:

  12. Hi everyone, so long that I have no chance to check this post board. Still alive! :D

    I search from the site and found a fantastic video. Gift for New Year :D


    [<It's OK to Be Gay<[/url]]

  13. Trav, most of the touristy places have been "discovered" by the WHOLE tourist crowd, old and young. You might try out KSR- some of the gay guys 25-30 who speak English pretty well hang out there looking for the odd younger gay tourist in that area. Otherwise if you can speak some Thai you could look in the Thai-for-Thai scene.

    And what's wrong with older guys? I enjoy their company and friendship so much.


    :o Yes, what's wrong with older guys :D I kinda like them too.

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