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Posts posted by tbthailand

  1. Prawit: "she's gone, we were the ones who organized the whole thing, we don't want a martyr in jail or do you think that we're morons?? ... I mean we think you are all complete dolts, but if you were smart, then you would know that we need lot's of boogeymen, you know, "fugitive former prime ministers" and such, so that we can feed the rage machine and keep all of you distracted while we rob the country blind, ... "



  2. 9 hours ago, Chris Lawrence said:

    So they overstepped their authority. Isn't that the same charge the ministers and Mrs T were charged with.


    At the end of the day someone gave the order to shoot. 


    This is not a red or yellow bashing tweet, but questions as to who gave the order need to be answered. There are 80 families out there that will never have a loved one come home. If the General is to be fair, both sides of politics need to be accountable.

    The General was the one in charge of the killing.


    Nothing is going to happen. 

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