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The Opinion

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Posts posted by The Opinion

  1. My initial instinct is that such a move would discriminate against those nationalities which are either not indigenous speakers of English or do not have a colonial background. For example English is far more engrained and widely spoken in Malaysia than it is Thailand, a consequence of which is that an average Joe Malaysian is far more likely to speak passable English than a Thai.

    It should be a level playing field for all, yet it won't be because of various historical factors.


    This is a requirement for the EU, not only for the UK. Those people intend to settle in Germany - for example - need to proof that they are able to communicate in German. And so are regulations for other countries, i.e. France, Denmark, The Netherlands, etc. It has nothing to do with discrimination or colonial background. European countries had huge problems in the past integrating migrants into their societies, especially in France this was a big issue last year. I guess this regulation has been setup in hope, that when migrants speek a language of the country they intend to stay in, the problem of being not integrated properly, will be solved in the long run. Language is a very important factor.

    In fact, I believe, that the responsibility of being integrated into a society needs to be served by both sides. It is not only the responsibility of the respective country and its government to integrate people but also the respective person that intends to stay in one of the European countries need to integrate itself.

  2. August 20th set as an official holiday

    The Cabinet approves to set August 20th, 2007 as an official holiday following the Election Commission (EC)’s proposal aimed to provide convenience to eligible voters to exercise their rights in the referendum.

    Minister Attached to the Prime Minister’s Office Khunying Dhipavadee Meksawan (ทิพาวดี เมฆสวรรค์) discloses that the Cabinet wants people to recognize the importance of their duty in casting the ballots in the referendum.

    In addition, Ministry of Interior will host a referendum fair on August 13th to help campaign people to exercise their rights, adding that Prime Minister and his Cabinet ministers will march from King Rama V Statue to the Democracy Monument. Radio and TV stations have been urged to help campaign people.

    Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 07 August 2007

    Of course it is an unfortunate coincidence that there is yet another holiday on the third monday within a month. On the other hand, I believe that this is a wise decision to arrange extra holidays to get as much people involved as possible in order to have the voice of those that suppose to live as well under the new constitution. This is what democracy is all about: to let the people have a say as well. So, don't be to much bothered about an extra holiday, as otherwise, the same people would complain about a lack of democracy in Thailand if there would not be such an opportunity to let people vote but only politicians and lobbyists would have the opportunity creating "their" constitution. Think about this.

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