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Posts posted by fatmoose

  1. Good to know that he has found a home. Though, I must admit, it was sad to hear the suggestion of putting the dog down. I dont think it is fair nor appropriate if you were to choose that path for many reasons but I am glad everything worked out and I am sure the dog would be more appreciated that you have found him a new home and letting him continue on him with his life rather than ending his life.

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  2. Just like other countries. They tend to leave out any defeats in their history books or in some cases, change the actual history to suit them in order to make them look "the good guys" in the war.

    The Thais always had a hatred for the Laos anyway. Just another excuse to pick a fight. The hatred must have started during the era where the Burmese were all high and mighty within the region.

  3. traveling on thai from the early 80's to 2009 there was only twice that I can remember half full flights,one was when the gulf war broke out and about 2006 cant remember what the reason was,but they took the 747's off the London to bkk.route and put on airbus 300's.so they made a lot of money in the past.so where's it gone.

    Maybe on that particular route but from BKK to all major capital cities in Australia and back have always been packed.


    Why would anyone care what they think back home.

    (Mostly their thoughts are accurate)



    Some people ran out of money here and had to go home.  They are obsessed with Thailand and everything Thai.  It is difficult for them to have a normal conversation in the West because every subject eventually leads to prostitutes in Thailand.  Like, "What kind of cereal did you eat this morning?  You know, that reminds me of a massage girl I met in Bangkok, she never ate cereal for breakfast" 


    Sooner of later everyone who talks to them in the West gets tired of the constant references to Thailand because they don't even know where Thailand is so they scowl in disgust.  




    Sounds like some of the fools that I know.

  5. Its quite simple. If people were truely succesful then they wouldnt be in Thailand. I see so many people thinking and believing that they are bigger than life when they are in Thailand. And I am sure there are few that actually do earn good money in Thailand but most are just cheap skates.


    Op mentioned:


    Free education - it is arguable whether it is free or not but you cant argue that the education in Australia are years ahead.

    Clean Streets - majority of streets/roads in Australia are way cleaner than in Thailand and it doesnt stink.

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