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Brian Allen

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Posts posted by Brian Allen

  1.  .... United States Supreme Court overturns Roe v Wade - ending 50 years of "federal abortion rights" .... 


    A more accurate headline may have read: "united States' Supreme Court corrects Roe v Wade - sends abortion matters back to We, The People." Back, that is, to our Fifty Sovereign States.


    And: thus; restored both legality and constitutionality to the, previously, lawlessly and from-the-whole-cloth and penumbra's-and-emanations-adjudicated matter -- and enlarged and expanded our beloved fraternal republic's range of options. 

    • Like 1
  2. On 4/26/2022 at 7:37 AM, CharlieH said:

    I thought I read somewhere recently the Covid Insurance has been dropped to $10k starting May 1st.

    I also recently read that. And found inexpensive SARS-2 CoV-19 insurance cover. Including for those over 80 years of age.


    EG: Eighty years of age; USD$20,000.00 and 180 days of coverage; Premium THB฿2,750.00. (URL: asq dot in dot th)

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    • Confused 1
  3. I've run a 1981 Pug 505 for more than 20 years, have it well (preventative - habit - I'm a pilot) serviced by a Pug enthusiast, keep it comprehensively insured, recently had it effectively restored (inside and out) and fairly often drive to Singapore. Runs like a clock. Never a problem. ('Cept in S'pore where it attracts small crowds of [other] oldies who also appreciate old cars) 

    • Confused 1
  4. On 1/3/2018 at 6:21 PM, Sparkles said:

    Our one man Pharmacy,whose been there for decades, on Hang Dong Rd is far cheaper  for most of my needs.I buy a months supply at a time.Medication he doesnt carry I get from Pharmas Choice with their member card which gets you 5% discount,all adds up.

    Do you have his street number in Hang Dong Road, please -- or a description: block, near-to what and/or whom, for example? 


    Thanks in anticipation.


    Sincerely - Brian  

  5. 7 hours ago, radiomore said:

    I wasn't aware there was a Kota Bharu consulate! What is it like?

    Been a while since I was there but the several times I used it before I got a Retirement "O and the folk there were delightful and every time I was issued whatever visa I applied for. 


    If you go there, please let us know how you do?


    S&F B A.: 

  6. .... One is asked whether: -- post the "democrats'" Deep State's appointment of its sniffing-about jowly mutt, Mueller, to do a Lavrentiy Beria on united States of America's President, Donald John Trump; -- one believes President Trump will ultimately be impeached or will be forced to resign ...?


    No he will not. But the "democratic," party, its Deep State being daily more exposed as rotten to its weaponized core, is already desperate to halt Mueller's messing about, is already scuttling for cover, is already beginning to collapse in upon itself and will, come November 6 2018, be rendered impotent and soon thereafter implode. And may never recover. 

  7. Those who hate My America's very-best Modern-Era President (and the first in decades both worthy of the title and competent to handle the responsibilities of the office), take him literally -- and, thus, lose the thread, every time.


    We Who Are Right, on the other hand and who understand, admire and support President Trump, take him, take him seriously. Very seriously indeed.


    As now, also, does the Europeons' (not a typo) Neo Soviet and do the likes of Peking's perilously pernicious plundering predator, Parteignosse Xi and his Kamarad, Kim, Xi's junkyard dog. Both of whom learned salutary lessons these past couple of weeks. 

  8. Five Per Cent of 1.3-billion Chinese  (650,000 people @ per capita GDP-share about $7500.00) represent a nominal 487 Billion Dollars of annual income. Forty Per Cent of America's 330 million population (annual per capita GDP share, $60,000.00) enjoy an aggregate almost Eight Trillion Dollars.


    For a while to come  (as in, for around forever!), I'll be sticking with the American tourist.

  9. A pretty simple indicator of what's a "normal" drinker, is one who never has to ask himself the question. 


    Taking that a step further and in my experience, (almost 40 years as a "skid row" volunteer) by the time anyone has to ask himself what's "normal," he has a drinking problem. 

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  10. On 6/16/2017 at 11:44 PM, stevenl said:

    If, and that is a big if, this is true, 315 million owned on assets of 1,4 billion is not bad at all.


    But how about the missing billions, where are those?

    President Trump values the TRUMP "brand" somewhere north of Three Billion Dollars. Six Billions to go. (But also seems given to placing actual value on projections)

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