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Posts posted by Baghdad

  1. South Africa has no law in that country. Murders, rapers and armed robers walk the streets free and have more rights than a law abiding citizen. What a shame SA has become. Over 50 people murdered a month and it's just sweept under the carpet by the SA Government.

    What do you expect, it's in Africa, after all. Any country in East/Southeast Asia (except North Korea) is relatively safer than any in Sub-Saharan Africa.

    Yes you correct in what you said but it's only been like that since the ANC come into power. The old SA was one of the best places in the world to live. The ANC have run that country in the ground.
    Well actually the murders/crime where going on even in the old SA except they were "contained " in the townships and no one give a sh&t if the natives were hacking each other to bits all that really changed was that the crime and violence got out the townships since the ANC got in

    But yes the standard of policing in SA has collapsed since the ANC got in, all they are interested in is raiding the state treasury

    If you read the rags there on the current rolling blackouts with the power supplies, the government is blaming the Apartheid government for this, not ANC oversight as regards lack of maintenance and forward planning/investment as regards new power stations and infrastructure

    What you need to keep in mind was in those days there was law and order in the country. If you murdered, raped, armed robbery etc you would go to prison or got the death penalty. The borders were controlled and now days any body can enter the country from the borders. That's one of the reasons crime is so bad. They will be blaming Apartheid for etenerty. What must be clear is they are savages because of the manner they are brutaly murdering the population.

  2. South Africa has no law in that country. Murders, rapers and armed robers walk the streets free and have more rights than a law abiding citizen. What a shame SA has become. Over 50 people murdered a month and it's just sweept under the carpet by the SA Government.

    What do you expect, it's in Africa, after all. Any country in East/Southeast Asia (except North Korea) is relatively safer than any in Sub-Saharan Africa.

    Yes you correct in what you said but it's only been like that since the ANC come into power. The old SA was one of the best places in the world to live. The ANC have run that country in the ground.

  3. I hope that this is the wave of the future for Thailand -- and the concept becomes a sales method to copy-cat...


    It is not OCD to not want to buy meat from an open tub where the meat has literally been fingered by passers by. Rather it is just awareness that the meat in the tub can easily be contaminated and cooking is not a full proof answer. Because the meat must be handled at home in putting the meat in storage or in cooking preparation. Next humans typically do the hand to mouth movements almost as a reflex. The meats in the open air evening - night Thai markets are handled the same way... I cannot imagine why a major supermarket chain copies this method...

    For those of us who find it unappealing - there is little change for change in attitude... So markets like Betagro have a real future... And I have noticed that Thais frequent these shops as much or more than Westerners...

    Thanks for your post, i couldn't have explained the real issue better than that.

    I agree with chrisinth - scaremongering. Just don't buy if you don't like the practice. You are more likely to get food poisoning from lettuce washed in dirty. Cooking food properly is about as FOOL proof as you can get.

    You and JDGRUEN make ideal bedfellows - too much time on your hands and too little to talk about. coffee1.gif .... perhaps a discussion on sell by dates next.................

    Tell that to the food safety departments in your home country.

    Anthony why don't you become a vegetarian!

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  4. I understood that with Gen. Chavalit starting in 1999 to push for rubber tree farms in Isaan to help the poor there, Isaan now has more rubber trees than down South has. With the need to wait seven years before the first harvest (I think) lots of acreage should be producing by now. Why don't farmers in Isaan complain?

    Anyone why has some information on this ?

    I dont think u have much knowledge about rubber. The quality of rubber in the Isaan cannot compete with the South rubber in any way

  5. So, where are the numbers, the stats, .. anything about a targeted profile type? .. age group?

    People wearing beach gear in the streets? ... Smarter respectfully dressed people?

    I have certainly seen loads of slobs and thugs queuing for entry at many places. Maybe someone has just spat the dummy, and going after all younger tourists, happy to throw out the babies with the bath water.

    You have certainly seen loads of slobs and thugs.

    Please tell me how u know they are slobs and thugs?

    What gives you the right to judge them and you don't know them from a bar of soap.

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