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Posts posted by stingOldway

  1. You don't have too many miles left on the clock old timer, watch your mouth and your blood pressure

    That sir, is low, very low, almost as the same level as your skills in IT!

    To the poster mixing skills in SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and IT languages; both subject are not related. SEO is a way to be Google or Yandex or bing or ... friendly (mean get into the first page), and mostly imply the website will follow strict rules laid by the Search Engine . There is no coding, unless gross professional mistakes were done before; mostly if you follow the rules / guide lines from W3c and IETF you will be safe at 90%+ , the missing parts being not coding but IT common sense. IT languages on the other hand is how you will generate a page or any IT 'object'; they follow strict syntax, they do have grammar, and as with human languages they also have slang. Here there is no common sense , but parrot knowledge (mean you know because you learned or you do not know).

    When some person in the middle of a serious discussion rely on arguments such as : insults, threads or mere direspect; it usually mean said person does not have any valid argument, so have to became a bully instead of being a reasoning person.

    I repeat what my experience here taught me : if you are a top level specialist, well know by your pair (One name for exemple, Mr St Andre who mananged the last draft from IETF related to cookies in 2011), with earning corresponding to your status (at that level you always have earnings corresponding, even if you do mere SEO consulting), and if you do outstanding contributions to the country (as per precised for the Permanent Residence document) then the authorities will help you to be and stay fully legal.

    Obviously, all those wonderfull young, horny and handsum men who are Digital Nomads are here because they love Thailand and Thai people; and so I am sure they do contribute with an outstanding level to the country, including on the level of morality (mean none of them go to bar, have temporary wife, or are whore monger). They all helped with the renovation of the local Wat, they everyday accompagn the Monks for the early tour, they will regulary buy some bottle of water for the copper who help the traffic, they spend time with poor people, find them shelters ...................................................................

    Do that boyo, and police will reight away provide you with P.R. or what ever document you need. Do that boyo, and the discussion here will be naught because the authorities will beg you to stay. But staying at beach and hitting some keys on your laptop, and you simply became a guess. Chinese use to say : a guess is like a fish, after 3 days he smell bad and must be throw out !!!!!!!

    And about my own milleage, I was in IT business before your parents were born, and intend to stay on it for the next 20 years, things you obviously will not be able to do as I bet your professional attitude to be similar to your personal. About my manhood (as it will your next abuse I am sure), 22 cm, 5 times a week with the same partner (Thailand does not really love people changing of partner too much) since I am in Thailand!

    Do not forget to tell us when you catch plane for your next nomadic escape; I am sure we will be numerous to wave you byebye, and make certain the door will indeed Hit you!

    • Like 1
  2. Respectfully, the world has changed drastically in the past ten years. In just the past five, the fortune 100 company I worked for in NYC moved to a virtual office format. Full-time and part-time employees whose jobs can be performed remotely are now virtual. The primary reason is that the company was able to drastically reduce costs by not having a need for leasing expensive floor space at NYC prices. Employees are not required to come into the office, but some do four days out of office and one day in the office. As a result, there are no assigned cubicles. You pick a desk and plug in the laptop. Consultants have zero requirement to be in the office unless requested by the leader that contracted the individual. As a result, consultants can work anywhere in the world. The range of positions that can be successfully performed remotely range from project managers, technology based positions, any marketing position, and many, many more. Before I left the company, I routinely worked with global partners within the company some of which were virtual and others based in other company sites. If I can work with someone in the UK from my desk in the USA, why isn't it so hard to believe that I can do the same work from my virtual office?

    Digital nomads are people that have job skills that can be managed in a virtual environment and the global market has shifted drastically to that approach over the years. I do believe that the answer to the question posed was based on the concept of someone that is traveling on vacation and is going to do some work while in Thailand. However, if someone has another Visa type and they have a job or a freelance business based in another country, just exactly how would immigration be aware of that situation? If I live in California and consult for a company in NYC, am I cheating NYC out of taxes because I pay my taxes in California? If I live in California and work for a company in NYC, but I spend three months in Vermont, should I be filing taxes in all three states? Ridiculous. The question isn't where the work is performed, but where the money (salary) is paid. Digital nomads have home bases that act as the conduit for all funds. It is up to Thailand whether they wish to begin requiring actual income records as a part of the requirements for non-immigration Visas. As of now, the requirement is to get a statement from your consulate that you have x number of dollars or that you earn/receive x number of dollars per month. There is no request for your job description or financial/tax records.

    I see this as one of those aspects of the global market that is changing how the "traditional" job description is viewed.

    That sir is totally correct, in both the formulation and the idea of the laws in most of the countries, including Thailand.

    If you are working for a remote company, who pay you in your country (where you will pay the taxes) while you are sitting here, nobody will make problems for you. The exchange being what it is, you will have enough to afford the infamous Elite card at 500 000.

    An IT specialist paid a salary in Europe (at a local level) at least will have enough to sustain himself here, and pay for the card after a semester; I presume we all agree on that. As one previous poster who had majority shares in a successful company can do it too , if he so choose.

    But I do doubt (to not say I am quite sure of it) the people we are speaking about enter in that category. Somehow I would be glad to be demonstrate I am in the error; but I do not think it will happen (but for some specific cases, who shall better speak with the admin because they obviously were misguided about their visa options). Most of them barely have the living style of Isaan farmers, while they also barely have the knowledge of said Isaan farmers. 13 years I live here and work here, I did met tons of them.

    To the question why am I posting here, the response is simple : they are the people who give a bad reputation to the people like me. In each interview I had, I did spend more time to proove I was not one of them that I did spend in demonstrate my skills (or the lack off, because I did failed my share of interview).

    One can spend time in Thailand, consult in HK, in UK, in Germany; as long as his company is located let say in Jersey, and pay taxes there; then he will always be a welcome guess in Thailand, and even if said consulting is made from his arm chair in Surin beach or Hua hin. But that person will have a spending power way above the average, even way above mine ...

  3. I checked in to this about one year ago, and several conditions apply

    You must be employed in your home country, and be payed by your employer in your home country, You need to get your salary in your home country and pay all taxes there.

    You can not write a single line of code for a Thai company, You can not get payed by having money sent to your thai account,

    But if you work for, as an example, a Swedish company, that makes home pages for other Swedish companies and you get your salary in Sweden by that Swedish company, and you pay Swedish taxes you are allow to sit here in Thailand and work on a Tourist Visa.

    Exactly, and there are some few examples out there. Those are staying without problems or hassle.

    But the digital nomads actually crying in that WebBoard does not certainly work any company located in any country and they certainly do not pay any taxes to any places (but VAT).

    Those people love freedom ( I do respect them for that), but refuse to afford the cost of said freedom (freedom being the most expensive stuff human being strive to possess). But they would like others to pay for them (fighting their fight, taking side for them ...)

    On the funny note, another posted supposed I was watching dog porn, I confirm I do. He knows it well, as we are members of the same site (saddly he is a paying member, I simply hacked the key of the site :P)

    • Like 2
  4. >Thats from the horses mouth, but in direct contradiction of every other immigration and labor office spokesperson or official statement.

    No doubt it will soon be corrected in another statement saying that technically this kind of working is actually not allowed.

    What they're really want to say is that this rule is not being enforced, and they are trying to rid the country of criminals and those working in jobs that Thai's could do.

    If you're a digital nomad (or a millionaire playboy) it's interesting to know what the immigration and police departments deem worthy of enforcement.

    The sanctimonious old codgers will continue to shout (where their ailing lungs allow) about their strict interpretation of the law and resentfully wish for the days of the 1900's when they were the only white man in town, and treated like the rare birds that they know themselves to be.

    I do respectfully and humble; while doing so genuily, dare to ask an exact definition of a digital nomad?

    Is it some random snipets of code who wander in the network, the so called 'angels' back in the 70' (term used in some Phd thesis at that time)?????

    Or is a 'catch-all' word, used to easily define a group of human being unable to find a decent employment in their own country (too many candidates, so only the top best are selected) or in this country (too many candidates, even with top best out, so only the very best can compete)?

    I do understand people such as Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckenberg or Bill Gates can, is they so choose, became digital nomads and earn billions a day working remotly; what I do not grasp is the same naming being used by Joe Smith, Mr Allcome, or a noboddy who barely get enought to buy a Chang in 7/11?

    You may, if you please, P.M. and decline your qualities on the related field. Being who I am, with the qualifications I have, I rarely got any trouble to land a decent job with decent salary (6 digits a bare minimum in tbh) in the related field. Most of the so called digital nomad, SEO expert, coding guru, or whatever name; are usualy OR incompetent (at best not at the level they claim) OR lazy (unable to provide the amount of work a decent employer expect from employees) OR total fraud (sometimes the 3 at the same time).

    LAst, being an old codger myself (or about, I prefer to define myself as old french fart), I found both pathetic and humoristic kids trying to explain me what life is about (they certainly did not pee where I did, and will never do so) , while on the same time trying to explain me what my work is about (digital nomad is anathema to most the specialities they claim to master). There are works that can be done remote (Sun promoted it, I believe Apple did it also at one time); but there are others that are not possible, depending too much of the local conditions of the network (and that is starter , easy to understand by layman people; obviously there is more to say about it, but it will become too much tech blahblah for that place).

    So, in Thailand, the real Digital Nomad must be very very little, I would guess less than a hundred; and yes Immigration will turn a blind eye on them, because they make LOT of money to come here (and I do know it well, having the firt experience in 2003/2005 in Lopburi); here we are talking about well over 6 digits a month on a regulary basis. All the others, fighting to get a living at best in Thai standard (mean earning about 20 000) have no right , legaly AND moraly to claim for anything but the same as everyone. They get a visa allowing to do so, if there is not, then they shall move on; if they are high end residents I am quite sure LOT OF COUNTRIES will accept them .... In fact I do not even understand while they are still here, other expats do not love them, locals do not provide them with legal documentation, police want to expel them. Why are they still here??????????????

    You may want to recount that figure my old codger of a friend, and also redefine what it means to be a digital nomad. You don't have to be a millionaire to be one, to sustain a house, food, a few luxuries is sufficient, I know of 4 such people myself here, and that's just who I know, so go back to the drawing board or take a nap

    Nap? Wish I could, but I am at office working!

    Anyway you made my point :

    digital nomad , in your words, are people fighting to sustain survival (so barely a living by thai standard). Housing, few luxuries ...

    Nothing here that will interest any countries in the world!

    Furthermore, I am sure those people came here at first place because they were having the same kind of life at home (mean barely survival while being to lazy to improve their skills); am I right?

    Last , I am still waiting for P.M. coming from one of those famed Digital Nomad, PM having his qualifications, said qualifications we would then compare with mines ...

    Anyway, while it is normal to want the very best, One shall remember there is no such law written in stone; worst the only laws we all know (and in every countries, allow me to stress it out once more) seems to forbid such migration.

    Why? Simply those are people looking to leave OUT THE GRID (mean pay no taxes, fully no national duty, break laws with regards to drugs, .... etc ... und so weiter ...) while searching to abuse said grid with regards to potential benefits (example, being digital nomad abroad until 65 y old, and then claim retirement benefit ) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    On the other hand, well know, successful , well pay IT freelancers will not have any problems with Immigration and Police (under some conditions, such as having at least a tourist visa, doing some active and real support to locals communities such as doting a primary school with old computers ... be aware I am NOT talking tea money) ... But how many of your famed 25 y old (example) digital nomads so called big spenders are in fact fitting that bill?

    One high level specialist may decide to find peace here, and so work remote from the jungle; but that high level specialist will do work in the range of 100 bucks an hour (that is the usual rate in rentacoder.com website for such an individual). Others are only drifters or tramps to use an old word from USA back in the 30'.

    Being in that Industry long before they were born, or even long before their parents were born, I can swear the topic is far to be a new one. But everytime it goes to the same bottom line : Some fews are genuine, who need specific conditions to express their genius; most are lazy fraud trying to avoid their duty , duty to own country, resident country, fellow citizens, duty to their employers. The genuine ones will never ever (unless crazed governement, but it is not the case here) be bothered, they provide more than they cost; the others will be a plague for both their own country and the resident country; they will support nothing but their own 'alternate life style'.

    Not believe me? Check that one, the website is owned (and being the only earned money of a digital nomad based in Bkk since 2001 ... very nomadic) http://lb-69.com.w3snoop.com/

    expected earning are 35 us$ (thirty five) ???????????? Does it qualify for anything, but the name of drifter? Want any other example of those 'valued' digital nomads? I have tons ...

    On the other hand, my boss (he weight millions in dollars) is always in and out of Thailand, never heard of him being bothered by Immigration.

    • Like 1
  5. Joining the other great world leaders elected by 97% or more.....

    French President Chirac was elected with 82.2% in April 2002; and it was fully democratic (he was opposed to the racist xenophibic far right wing Front National Candidate; so yes most of the people casted vote for him .... in despair mostly).

    So number mean nothing, circonstances will explain those numbers!

  6. hello,

    a tricky question.

    I do have a dozen of properties across Phuket, all of them rented and yielding a monthly earning (passive earning) near 100 000 bht.

    Can I use that passive earning to get a Retirement Visa, and then the yearly authorization of stay?

    Genuine question, I do currently work (WP, and authorization of stay) in Thailand (in fact since 2002), but I am thinking about the near future.

    Thanks in advance to the admin who will bless me(us) with their wisdom on that subject

  7. >Thats from the horses mouth, but in direct contradiction of every other immigration and labor office spokesperson or official statement.

    No doubt it will soon be corrected in another statement saying that technically this kind of working is actually not allowed.

    What they're really want to say is that this rule is not being enforced, and they are trying to rid the country of criminals and those working in jobs that Thai's could do.

    If you're a digital nomad (or a millionaire playboy) it's interesting to know what the immigration and police departments deem worthy of enforcement.

    The sanctimonious old codgers will continue to shout (where their ailing lungs allow) about their strict interpretation of the law and resentfully wish for the days of the 1900's when they were the only white man in town, and treated like the rare birds that they know themselves to be.

    I do respectfully and humble; while doing so genuily, dare to ask an exact definition of a digital nomad?

    Is it some random snipets of code who wander in the network, the so called 'angels' back in the 70' (term used in some Phd thesis at that time)?????

    Or is a 'catch-all' word, used to easily define a group of human being unable to find a decent employment in their own country (too many candidates, so only the top best are selected) or in this country (too many candidates, even with top best out, so only the very best can compete)?

    I do understand people such as Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckenberg or Bill Gates can, is they so choose, became digital nomads and earn billions a day working remotly; what I do not grasp is the same naming being used by Joe Smith, Mr Allcome, or a noboddy who barely get enought to buy a Chang in 7/11?

    You may, if you please, P.M. and decline your qualities on the related field. Being who I am, with the qualifications I have, I rarely got any trouble to land a decent job with decent salary (6 digits a bare minimum in tbh) in the related field. Most of the so called digital nomad, SEO expert, coding guru, or whatever name; are usualy OR incompetent (at best not at the level they claim) OR lazy (unable to provide the amount of work a decent employer expect from employees) OR total fraud (sometimes the 3 at the same time).

    LAst, being an old codger myself (or about, I prefer to define myself as old french fart), I found both pathetic and humoristic kids trying to explain me what life is about (they certainly did not pee where I did, and will never do so) , while on the same time trying to explain me what my work is about (digital nomad is anathema to most the specialities they claim to master). There are works that can be done remote (Sun promoted it, I believe Apple did it also at one time); but there are others that are not possible, depending too much of the local conditions of the network (and that is starter , easy to understand by layman people; obviously there is more to say about it, but it will become too much tech blahblah for that place).

    So, in Thailand, the real Digital Nomad must be very very little, I would guess less than a hundred; and yes Immigration will turn a blind eye on them, because they make LOT of money to come here (and I do know it well, having the firt experience in 2003/2005 in Lopburi); here we are talking about well over 6 digits a month on a regulary basis. All the others, fighting to get a living at best in Thai standard (mean earning about 20 000) have no right , legaly AND moraly to claim for anything but the same as everyone. They get a visa allowing to do so, if there is not, then they shall move on; if they are high end residents I am quite sure LOT OF COUNTRIES will accept them .... In fact I do not even understand while they are still here, other expats do not love them, locals do not provide them with legal documentation, police want to expel them. Why are they still here??????????????

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