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Posts posted by Halfie

  1. I live in Pattaya. A big problem we have is that with decent care we have to pay out of pocket. My partner is a security guard so we've be using the government and Wat Yan schemes. The Azithromycin we were told was very strong but worked slow so she had only one bottle.

  2. Back in the first week of July my toddler put a small battery in her nose. Despite doctors examining her and a three day stay it was in her nose for exactly three weeks before her father and I figured it out. As a result she was on Amoxycillian most of July. The Ent doc prescribed a penecillian my child could not keep down. We bought Azithromycin as a subsitute. Yesterday was the ENT follow-up. The doc spoke English so I felt ok about going without my Thai partner. She still has an infection. I told him 'not Amoxycillian' and explained. The prescribed medicine is labeled AMOXY200+CLA28. What can I do now?

  3. Op you have only two choices really. Buy a bigger house and deal with it or end your relationship. If your wife kicks her father out then she's considered a horrible daughter. You cannot expect or force any Thai to respect you. Drawing from my own experience I've heard that one future brother-in-law of mine threatened to divorce his wife if she couldn't accept his mother and sister living there. Mind you her sister had lived with them with no complaint from him. While another man was kicked out because his d-i-l didn't like it. You need to decide what's acceptable to you.

  4. Sorry all. A paper map is what i'm looking for. I want to be able to quickly look up an alternate route if I come across an unpleasent surprise(see Second Road post). I have a toddler now so I want to pre-plan routes and minimize unexpected trips.

  5. Can someone recommend a decent city map? For the first time in four years I will be using a motorbike. The last time I rode a motorbike Jomtien Second Road didn't exist and I didn't leave Jomtien.

  6. Yesterday my boyfriend (Thai) bought a secondhand motorbike(his money) from a dealer. He must pay for the next 12 months. I asked him about the green book and was told that once the bike is fully paid he will recieve the book. Is this normal procedure and what papes should the bike have now? We live in Pattaya so I worry I won't have the correct documents if i'm stopped by the police.

  7. Hello, All I said was I enter Tesco via the Outlet Mall on Thepprasit. I have always referred to this Tesco on Sukumwit as the Thepprasit Tesco and so do most of my friends. Thank you for your school lessons about Thepprasit sois but I conduct business in the Keha buildings and am aware of the naming convention. Yes I am also aware there is a lift by Swenson for handicapped and to get supplies to the upper level, etc. I wish those using baby strollers would use it. You confused lift with escalator and corrected yourself. Apparently it is the lift and not escalators that are broken. It is the escalators that 99% of customers use for the food restaurants on the upper level.

    One thing I can guarantee is my driving etiquette is better than your posting etiquette.

    I swear if I had known an elevator really existed I would have used it. That would explain the funny looks people were giving me. I only did it once though. But my child has grown out of the stroller and now i'll never get to use the elevator.
  8. If the main way you use the language is to try and score points by playing the 'aha! I understood that!' card, then yes, they're probably a bit wary of you.

    On the other hand, if you just engage them normally, you'll probably get a different reaction.

    Your final sentence is not necessarily true. Many times when I've spoken nicely to Thais i've recieved quite nasty and hostile responses. I'm always with my toddler.
  9. Thanks for the replies everyone. Yeah, CaptHaddock, you're probably right. I know I'll never be perfect at it. My Thai partner is helping me but his English is not perfect so he can't explain well. Our daughter is nearly three so my main motivation is to raise my level enough to be able to speak to teachers and help her with homework since her father is at work during the day.

  10. After living here for eight years I now seriously want to learn to read, write, and speak Thai. The Thai i've picked up over time is quite 'mixed' so I now want to remedy that. I have a small child so attending a language school is not an option. What are the best books people have used to teach themselves here?

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