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Posts posted by bigwhitewarrior

  1. Thank you for confirming walen teachers have no qualifications as teachers. Personally I do not go to unqualified dentists and do not let electricians with no papers work on the house. Likewise to learn Thai I looked for qualified persons, not amateurs.

    That's hardly a confirmation that's proven. I study at Walen and whatever anyone says they are doing a fantastic job. Now Jacky54 unless you have had 1st hand experience you cannot judge anything !

  2. is this a yes or no question, maybe you could take his investing course too , since he made his money with the school smile.pngtongue.png
    When you have run a business in a foreign country for many years successfully ..then come back and make silly comments !

    Have you run a business in foreign country?

    Yes many and for over 25 years !

    What about you?

    which ones?

    Mind your own business !

  3. is this a yes or no question, maybe you could take his investing course too , since he made his money with the school smile.pngtongue.png

    When you have run a business in a foreign country for many years successfully ..then come back and make silly comments !

    Have you run a business in foreign country?

    Yes many and for over 25 years !

    What about you?

  4. I have been using 2 different VPN clients one is Hola for my laptop running Windows 7 professional and one is Surf Easy for my Note 4. Both work on wifi in a large block of apartments all sharing the same wifi connection without any problems. I can watch the BBC and do pretty much anything I want online including accessing and downloading what I want to access and download! Speeds here is around the 20Mps

    I use a cracked version of Windows 7 professional on my laptop and Hola is the best all you have to do is disable windows update and run a good antiviral program.

    I've been using Hola for nearly 1 year now.

  5. Need more details from the OP.

    But the VPN answer is not always true. Air Asia won't let me look at their flights if I'm using my VPN (Surf Easy), I need to turn it off. Thai Smile will only accept a Thai credit card if booking a flight while in Thailand. They say a USA credit card will be accepted if we are located out of Thailand, but when I turn on my VPN with a USA location, they say I'm still located in Thailand.

    Try a different VPN are you using a laptop ? If so use Hola it works for me and hides you I. P. It Let's me access everything that in want.

    On my android note 4 I use Surf Easy and that also works ..even in china it let's me access google mail and facebook etc... depending on what you use try different VPN clients... but it also depends on the device you are using !

  6. It seens to me that this whole business went from a real business to a rackett.....buyer be ware......learning to speak a languge should not be the focal point of a visa.....you can learn Thai in your home country......its a racket

    What a load of nonsense . It is impossible to learn a foreign language in your home country propperly . You need practical application of the speaking aspect and this you cannot learn in a school. There is some homework to be done ! From my experience and I speak 3 languages amd that of other people I know that are multi lingual you need to practice with the people every day. I also know farangs that have been here in thailand more than 10 years and hardly can string a sentence together ! The Visa is not a focal point of the language school but a free addition to help you study in peace without having to worry about your stay. There are now tests not only by immigration officers but also by the ministry of education.

    So no cheating guys. :-)

  7. Walen Bangkok im in my 4th month and can read some Thai understand a lot even my Girlfriends Issan thai. And conversations are going great. Spoke with a taxi driver on the way to a tiger temple for 3 hours pretty much Thai all the way. Our teachers are great even today on the first day back after Songkran the few students that didn't have a hangover and turned up we all just did 3 hours of conversational thai.

  8. I use Hola vpn (free) to download movies directly to my external hard drive not had many problems. It is easy to select which country to appear from. My wifi speed is between 15 to 20 mbps and upload about 5 mbps .daytime use. .nighttime it drops to 11 download and 3 upload. Still fast enough to browse watch t.v. etc etc.

  9. Been married to a gorgeous, sexy young Thai lady for 5 years. Alcoholism runs in her family and over the years I had some issues with her drinking but it was controllable. About 2-3 months ago, my wife started a new job. Unknown to me, her boss, a Thai man about her age was a drug dealer and user. My wife began staying out nights and after some heavy altercations, I left her. Since leaving I have discovered my wife is now addicted to ya ice and this man with whom she is now living (he left his wife and child) has complete control over her. Gives her little money, has taken her phone from her etc. I tried reconciliation about 2 weeks ago but the day she was supposed to come back she was in contact with her boyfriend and they ran off together (got this from her cousin). My wife wants to give her daughter (11 y.o.) to her sister to look after. Her friends and family have turned their backs on her. All this has transpired in a few short months. I feel my wife is 'lost' and there is no hope for her. So sad. I am now back in London reviewing my options.

    I didn't post this to gain sympathy guys. I suppose it's just to warn anybody (because I didn't see it coming) that even a short time of usage of such a drug as ya ice is so addictive that it can make you forsake everything as my wife has done. I certainly hope it doesn't happen to anyone else here on TV. It's broken my heart.

    I feel for you pal ...that's really sad .

    But me personally I wouldn't have left.. I would have got him arrested and her into rehab. Anyway just my thoughts .

    • Like 2
  10. a worrying trend at walen times square;
    the number of students is dwindling
    i wonder what could be the cause?

    and seriously, mr walen boss, your teachers must be quite poorly paid as most of them are disinterested in teaching
    one can tell from their attitude towards the students.

    Absolute nonsense .. we have between 11 and 12 students (the max per class) in our classroom . The teachers are friendly , enthusiastic and most of all correct your mistakes. We learn to read and to form propper sentences using the correct tones.
    Now everyone has different ways of taking in information, especially for such a complex language as thai. So maybe that's why you feel that way.

    Correct me if i am wrong but is it not Walen method to read from the book?

    Since when did the method change to form proper sentences?giggle.gif

    Well you forgot to mention in your orriginal comment that you studied 5 years ago. So this is where the misunderstanding came from. Since then seemingly things have changed a lot. Now you don't get to read until you pass the alphabet class . There is a test where you have to identify the consonants and vowels and special symbols. Then you have to be able to pronounce these with the correct tone. Only if you pass this test which takes about 1 hour are you permitted to move to the book 1 class. This is where you learn to form sentences learn to read and converse in thai. You are helped by the teachers every step of the way and it makes learning this complex language a lot easier. I happen to speak already 3 other languages but thai is by far one of the hardest languages to master.

    So you do not read from the book anymore? now you are free conversing?

    Wow, a huge method change

    Yes we do read of course ..from book one onwards..but it is a wonderfull combination and makes the learning process much easier. One of the male teachers in particular is in my view one of the best teachers I have ever encountered. He hardly ever uses english and his lessons are structured in a way with animation and humour too.
  11. a worrying trend at walen times square;

    the number of students is dwindling

    i wonder what could be the cause?

    and seriously, mr walen boss, your teachers must be quite poorly paid as most of them are disinterested in teaching

    one can tell from their attitude towards the students.

    Absolute nonsense .. we have between 11 and 12 students (the max per class) in our classroom . The teachers are friendly , enthusiastic and most of all correct your mistakes. We learn to read and to form propper sentences using the correct tones.

    Now everyone has different ways of taking in information, especially for such a complex language as thai. So maybe that's why you feel that way.


    Correct me if i am wrong but is it not Walen method to read from the book?

    Since when did the method change to form proper sentences?giggle.gif

    Well you forgot to mention in your orriginal comment that you studied 5 years ago. So this is where the misunderstanding came from. Since then seemingly things have changed a lot. Now you don't get to read until you pass the alphabet class . There is a test where you have to identify the consonants and vowels and special symbols. Then you have to be able to pronounce these with the correct tone. Only if you pass this test which takes about 1 hour are you permitted to move to the book 1 class. This is where you learn to form sentences learn to read and converse in thai. You are helped by the teachers every step of the way and it makes learning this complex language a lot easier. I happen to speak already 3 other languages but thai is by far one of the hardest languages to master.

  12. a worrying trend at walen times square;

    the number of students is dwindling

    i wonder what could be the cause?

    and seriously, mr walen boss, your teachers must be quite poorly paid as most of them are disinterested in teaching

    one can tell from their attitude towards the students.

    Absolute nonsense .. we have between 11 and 12 students (the max per class) in our classroom . The teachers are friendly , enthusiastic and most of all correct your mistakes. We learn to read and to form propper sentences using the correct tones.

    Now everyone has different ways of taking in information, especially for such a complex language as thai. So maybe that's why you feel that way.

  13. I hope the EU are happy about their partner.
    I wonder if they also join the Nazi parade.
    People seem to forget very easy, about the millions killed during WWII and the Holocaust.
    I don't, and I will never forget as long as I live and made sure my kids will never forget either.
    Maybe don't forget also that in the USA far more Red Indians got killed than Hitler ever killed Jews.
    To make assumptions that every german is a Nazi is not just immature it is also disgracefull of you.
    Anyway Hitler was Austrian not German !

    "Maybe don't forget also that in the USA far more Red Indians got killed than Hitler ever killed Jews"

    Actually, I WOULD forget it, because it's not really true. Another famous TV exaggeration/misinformation and the usual incessant America-hating where the sad-enough-already truth really needs none. While as much as 80-90% of the native American population died, it was mostly from disease such as smallpox and other epidemics. Not denying that these diseases were introduced by Europeans, but it wasn't a deliberate genocide or attempted "final solution" as were the Nazi, Japanese, and Soviet atrocities and so no real comparison. Also not denying that Europeans DID kill native Americans, in some cases by the thousands, but I don't think you can support your statement that these actual killings exceeded or even approached in numbers Hitler's Holocaust (six million).

    Oh it is very true as you can see here!

    The idea of a prison camp – specifically Auschwitz, in Oświęcim, Poland – where Hitler's soldiers could shoot, hang, poison, mutilate and starve men, women and children en mass was not an idea Hitler, the bigot, came up with on his own. In fact, the Pulitzer-Prize winning biographer John Toland wrote that Hitler was inspired in part by the Indian reservation system – a creation of the United States.

    “Hitler's concept of concentration camps as well as the practicality of genocide owed much, so he claimed, to his studies of English and United States history,” Toland wrote in his book, Adolf Hitler: The Definitive Biography. “He admired the camps for Boer prisoners in South Africa and for the Indians in the wild west; and often praised to his inner circle the efficiency of America's extermination—by starvation and uneven combat—of the red savages who could not be tamed by captivity.”

    Now, of course, it is not in the best national interest of the U.S. to recognize such a realization as presented by Toland. He said time and again, you cannot be the greatest nation in the world if you’re guilty of genocide – and especially if your country’s policies were the inspiration that engineered one of the world’s most devastating genocides.

    And, of course, the evidence is readily available to those who’d seek it that European settlers (i.e. invaders who would later divorce themselves from their motherland, renaming each other “Americans”) did, in fact, set into motion a detailed template – justifications (Divine Right), policies (Indian Removal), procedures (Wounded Knee) – for Hitler to follow.

    Now, of course people are wont to argue that plague and disease killed Native Americans in great numbers, which is true – Native Americans did die in mass numbers as a result of European pestilences and our biological inability to fight off these foreign microbes. But that argument inherently ignores the well-documented extermination policies set forth by the United States.

    In fact, President Thomas Jefferson himself famously said (well, famous throughout Native America) that the “(American Indian has) justified (their own) extermination.” And it was George Washington who thought the only way to kill Native Americans was to rage war on their crops.
  14. Hitlers flavour of national socialism promote human abuse, discrimination, persecution and killing of people that isnt identified to belong to the nations profile. Communism no matter flavour is against human nature since humans like competing by accumulating possesions and money.

    You're absolutely right about Communism...But it was such a good idea.

    Only the theory of it.. in practice it never worked ..

  15. In answer to Bigwhitexxxxx

    The EU is not wanted, We dont want to be governed by Unelected politicians. It makes our blood boil to think of all the Brits americans etc etc that lost their

    lives to prevent what is happening now.

    The sooner the unelected are put out to grass the better. The Euro is not only doomed it is more or less worthless NOW They predict 29 to 30 thai bt to the Euro next January So we shall see

    Well nobody forces you my dear to live in the E.U. ! Please elaborate on what you mean by "Put to Grass"?

    The way the E.U. has been structured it is destined for survival and to continue to help the poorer European countries.

    "It makes your blood boil" what about all the innocent German people that lost their lives ? Supposedly you disregard them as Nazis too?

    The Soldiers that fought in the Wars didn't fight to prevent the Euro or Europe's unification, they fought to stop Hitler that's all.

    So either get with the program dear or live somewhere else. :-)

  16. Not sure what all the fuss is about, they chose to fight against the occupying Soviets as they perceived the Nazis to be the lesser of two evils.

    Being in the SS didn't automatically make a soldier a mass murderer.
    Being SS doesn't mean youre automatically nazi. There were SS-soldiers that had nothing to do with the dark side of the ideology.[/quote. Your statement and agreement, Dumbfounds me, well at least I can just read past your reviews from now on, Geez, Too much Maboon Time, And Distortion of Facts

    Rubbish, Germany voted the Nazi party in,they all,and I mean ALL new about what was going on. ( the whole nation ) Thats the reason they have money deducted every month from there pay packet. To cover the cost of maintaining the shaden they caused by their greed.
    Leopard and spots,,,,you have been warned

    Whatever you take Luv seems to be to strong for your tiny mind.
    You have no idea what was going on, yet you tarnish everyone with the same brush!
    The reason that my fellow countrymen where happy with Hitler and his party, is that before he started the final solution he actually made sure everyone had work and that Germany was made Great again once more. The English and Americans where all in favour of Hitler before he went crazy!
    Your comments are complete and utter rubbish, " the reason they have money deducted" it's called tax and unlike other country's Germany uses that money to keep the streets clean and the Hospitals efficient .
    One of the main reasons Hitler was so p#$@@$d at the Jewish people
    Was.... hey why don't you read mein kampf ..that will tell you.

    Bull shxxt I worked and lived there for years, so dont try and get awy with it. Part of the money extracted is used for the maintaining many monuments such as Bergen Belsen etc etc also part of the church tax is used for this.. Fuxx mein kampf what i am writing is fact Shame on all of you

    I feel you are full of anger dear.. cup a tea maybe relax you a bit.. so you think you know it all because you had the pleasure of living in my country for a bit???
    Trying growing up with it and hearing about it daily and then come back and tell me again.. now one sugar or two luv ?
  17. They should of all been Executed for War Crimes, They were Quite Savage in their dealings in WW 2...

    Maybe I'm being an Ass@&$%, Mr. Peter

    My mum told me the same. They should have been executed in the late 40's and early 50's but 80% of the Germans supported the Nazis and we had over 250,000 members of the Waffen SS and just only 35 were executed.

    Merkel of Germany and the rest of the EU will just ignore them.

    Good for your mum ... your figures are out by a mile or 12 though!

    Here is a bit of real education for you, the reasons the Germans where at first so supportive of Hitler was because they where feed lies on t.v. etc etc .. As far as Mrs Merkel is concerned ,as a fellow east german who has lived through the poverty in East Germany, brought on by Russia. .you cannot possibly make such comments because you sound like you need educating.

    And who is Merkel of Germany ? I wasn't aware that there where more than one...

    Bet you are from Salzwedel :) Merkel Merkel Merkel The end is near. End of the D Euro End of the 4th Reich End of the unelected EU

    Unelected EU..where do you live dear ? Under a rock? Seriously lay of that crack it's doing you no favours !

    • Like 1
  18. RockyBeerbelly, {quote} "...and actually it is rather disturbing for me to laugh..." No argument here... I am also disturbed by your laughter... Cannot compete with the number of 'smilies' you print... Pathetic that you understand my post back-to-front or up-side-down... So, just for you - a point of clarification... Nazis of West Germany went to trial, West Germany was rebuilt into 'something good'... East Germany became an International Socialist buddy of USSR... hence nothing'good' except a Berlin Wall... Your "deduction" that I prefer Nazis to Commies is wrong... But I am afraid that your next idea will be that I favor Commies over Nazis... You will be wrong again... Do try to use your head next time you post.

    You mean the ring leaders went on trial, the rest got away scott free, Thats the truth, Something good !! that I am not so sure about,but we can hope.

    If you are a west German you know that most wanted the Wall rebuilt 10 years later FACT. The real truth is Germany is trying to do the same,but this time

    finacially. But the Forth Reich is failing,the EU and the Euro will fold,and the sooner the better for everyone.

    The leopard and its spots.

    Unless (like me) you where born in East Germany the fled the russian inflicted non functional communism and the country ..you cannot seriously comment on what Germans want to rebuild. Fact is there is no more east or west but a free and united people that carry to this day the guilt of some Austrian madman with confused vision. (See mein kampf for refference)

    The German Civilians and children that where conscripted into the Reichs armee had no choice . Be executed on the spot or go fight.

    You are a presumptuous little twerp aren't you ? " The rest got away scott free " You should be ashamed of yourself . You comments are based on what exactly ? " The fourth Reich" ?

    Is it because you're crap at football ? Or because you can't build great cars?

    Germany to this day takes on more asylum seekers than any other country and still manages to be the top Country in Europe .. whilst bailing others out of kwai stuff.

    Go back to your beef and keep dreaming your fantasies you fool!!!

    WELL there we have it, Truth hurts, As I said a leopard and spots. Its you who should be ashamed. And bailing others out ?? you mean buying up countys.

    after trapping them in a finacial prison, Yes you think you are the top country in Europe,That we all know. But very far from the truth

    Now go away and repent for all the misery you have caused in the last 150 years,and pray to god for the atrocity you and your country inflicted on the Jews

    and other people.

    A SS solder was and is a Nazi Period

    Nonsense ..why should I be ashamed ? Because I'm German ? I wasn't even born then! For your information you talk utter hate in fact you do sound like my ex wife .. all wars are nasty luv but that's just it war is war and innocent lives get lost ..it's called collateral damage dear ! And as far as the Euro is concerned , that will never collapse but get stronger !
    • Like 2
  19. Not sure what all the fuss is about, they chose to fight against the occupying Soviets as they perceived the Nazis to be the lesser of two evils.

    Being in the SS didn't automatically make a soldier a mass murderer.

    Being SS doesn't mean youre automatically nazi. There were SS-soldiers that had nothing to do with the dark side of the ideology.[/quote. Your statement and agreement, Dumbfounds me, well at least I can just read past your reviews from now on, Geez, Too much Maboon Time, And Distortion of Facts

    Rubbish, Germany voted the Nazi party in,they all,and I mean ALL new about what was going on. ( the whole nation ) Thats the reason they have money deducted every month from there pay packet. To cover the cost of maintaining the shaden they caused by their greed.

    Leopard and spots,,,,you have been warned

    Whatever you take Luv seems to be to strong for your tiny mind.

    You have no idea what was going on, yet you tarnish everyone with the same brush!

    The reason that my fellow countrymen where happy with Hitler and his party, is that before he started the final solution he actually made sure everyone had work and that Germany was made Great again once more. The English and Americans where all in favour of Hitler before he went crazy!

    Your comments are complete and utter rubbish, " the reason they have money deducted" it's called tax and unlike other country's Germany uses that money to keep the streets clean and the Hospitals efficient .

    One of the main reasons Hitler was so p#$@@$d at the Jewish people

    Was.... hey why don't you read mein kampf ..that will tell you.

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