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Posts posted by rachelbirder

  1. Thank you for all the input.

    Several foreign teachers on Sonkghla Facebook with multi-entry visas said they just go to Hatyai immigration for their "90 day paper" and it's fine. Some even posted a link, claiming that you can do it by mail. Since I don't know all the visa issue categories, perhaps they are in a different situation. I did go to the Hatyai immigration office yesterday but it was closed, so I took a van to Pedang Besar, paid a 6000 baht fine (500 baht a day) at the border, crossed into Malaysia and back to Thailand without any problems, then went back home to Songkhla.

  2. Do I have to go to Penang for two days to do 90-day checks for a one-year multiple-entry visa, or can I still just go to Hatyai immigration for the checks?

    I moved to Songkhla this summer and work at a learning center. In Sept I got a multiple-entry one year visa and now I've missed my 90-day check on Dec. 16. My boss says I have to stay in Penang for two days for all 90-day checks, and that it was a new rule passed last month. Some of my friends say I can still just go to Hatyai, or cross the border at Sadao, since one of them did her 90-day check by crossing the Sadao border three weeks ago with a multiple-entry visa.

  3. I live in the city of Songkhla and need a high-speed connection for remote ESL teaching USA work. The wi-fi in my apartment building is very slow, so I got permission from the building owner, had a high-speed fiber-optics cable installed, and plugged it into my new HP PC.
    But the TOT cable internet speed has been the same, or even slower, than the wi-fi. TOT technicians checked the internet speed yesterday, using Ookla to PING Thailand hosts, then said the internet speed was fine at 40 Mbps download. But I don't use Thailand websites; my work is with the USA.
    Afterward, the TOT cable connection was so slow I could barely upload photos to Facebook. The downloads kept stopping, so I'd switch back to wi-fi and they'd be instantly uploaded.
    I just used Ookla's speedtest.net to compare the TOT connection and wi-fi. The test PINGs to USA hosts because I use Chrome USA, but that's what I use for my job.
    TOT cable upload/download speeds are 1.43 Mbps/.85 Mbps, PING 322
    Wi-fi upload/download speeds are 1.45/.28 Mbps, PING 314
    Is there a solution? Who else do I need to contact? I have been visiting the TOT office almost every day and e-mailing with a TOT official who speaks English well, and he is the one who sent the technicians yesterday.
    I don't want to pay for expensive cable service to only get the same or slower speed than wi-fi.
    I don't use a smart phone, just need a cable to my PC, so can't change to ADSL.
    I already had a hole drilled in my apartment wall and signed a contract, and if BB3 and Ture use TOT equipment and rent space from them I don't see how changing services would improve internet speed.
    If it is even possible to cancel my contract and get my money back, what internet cable service works?
  4. I found a several free legal advice websites so posted the question at one of them. Supposedly, lawyer experts will answer my question and I will be notified by email. I put the question under the heading category of state laws but it might require a lawyer who deals with overseas issues.

    I used to frequent a licensing forum two years ago where several American expats were making licensing deals with US companies using Skype and emails, so I know it can be done. But when I just went back to the forum for advice it had vanished and my google searches found nothing.

  5. Thanks, and you are no doubt right, but is there a way to confirm that?

    If a company tries to weasel out of full percentage payment, their lawyers will likely look for legal loopholes, and I've read horror stories about that.

    I suppose I could threaten to report them, at least on internet forums.

    Also, not sure if forming an LLC while abroad will get me in trouble with the IRS.

    I know there are ways around this, since many expats do licensing with USA companies. I would like to find a forum or book to help me, but the one licensing forum I used to consult has disappeared.

  6. How do USA expats write licensing agreements with USA companies if they no longer qualify for state residency?"

    I last lived in Kentucky, still work part-time online for my former KY university, my daughter lives in Lexington, but my farm was sold before I moved here four years ago, so I no longer qualify.

    Anyone know where I can find information on this, since my google searches found nothing on the subject. The licensing agreement contract has a space to include the home state, but if I write "Kentucky" will the contract be legally binding? If a company fails to pay the percentage agreed, I need legal leverage.

    I would also like to form a small LLC for tax purposes, but the contracts also require a home state, and books and info I've seen assume I have a home state.

  7. Yeah, I used to see those every night in Haiti when I was a kid, and in Kentucky and Indiana as a young adult. I haven't seen any in years, though. I think the reason people don't report UFOs as much in other countries is that people don't care. There was one at 7:30 PM every night, so regular, my friends and I would climb a tree up onto the flat rooftop and lay on the warm water barrels to watch the nightly show.

    This particular UFO would would change colors, dart suddenly one direction or another, always ending by turning sideways a little, then vanishing. Sometimes jets moved across the sky to the airport, but they moved VERY slowly, in a straight line, blinking their red wing lights. My European Haitien friends watched the UFO and remarked about it, but didn't really react.

    We have this "spaceship from Mars" idea in our Western culture, so we react to what we see, while others shrug. Some of the ones in Haiti came fairly close to my friends and one even landed on the beach where some of my friends and their parents were camping out, but they didn't seem too concerned. beyond curiosity, although the craft left charred sand where it had landed. One blocked the road on a mountain pass when friends of my parents were traveling home, but moved out of the way when their headlights hit it.

    Some kind of UFO followed my husband and me for 100s of miles during a trip in the early 1970s, sometimes hovering overhead and stalling our car, but mostly frisking around us like a puppy, moving in long loops around us, coming close, then speeding off at a distance, but always returning. When we'd pass a subdivision, it would dart off and throw a searchlight around on the houses as it moved among them, slowly flying so low it would disappear behind some of them. It would slowly change from one color to another or sometimes there would be rings of flashing lights running around the rim of the craft. It would sometimes get so bright it was blinding, then go completely dark, reappearing a minute later somewhere else.

    When we passed a big air force base in Alabama, it went off to hover high above it, then turned sideways and shrank away out of sight, as though it had departed with great speed.

    My husband stayed in denial, kept saying it was a "Blackhawk helicopter," and refused to even discuss it afterward, even though the thing was totally silent and moved with lightning speed. I mentioned it again to him about five years ago (he's my ex now) and he said he remembered, but it wasn't something he could explain so better to ignore it.

    My own theory is that people are coming here from the future on field trips-maybe even our own grandkids out joyriding.

  8. Ok, maybe I'd better ask this, then:

    Anybody know if it's better to start a small licensing company with a customer base in the USA, in the USA, or can I do it by Skype in Thailand for less money? Also, anyone know how one can have an online, international customer small business from Thailand. If the customers are from other countries, do I have to have a work permit for Thailand? I found conflicting info online

  9. I currently live and work in Songkhla but my latest teaching job assignment has no other foreigners. Sometimes I want to go into Hat Yai to check out movies or buy something, or visit a local historic site and I used to do everything by myself until I was mugged, in July. There are several foreign teachers in my apartment building but they work nights and weekends.

    I used to be a fanatic bird photographer, always out in a swamp or up a remote mountain, but now I know that's not safe.

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