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naka dia

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  1. I am very sad to read this. As an international touring artist I know how hard it is to make a work permit for sigle performances and sometimes I also have to travel to countries without the work permit. For guest performances it is just a very bad situation for the artist. Of course its different if you work as a musician for a longer period, playing several times and for the same host. But touring artists with guest performances should be able to perform their art, it benefits everybody because art is unique and not a "job" and performing art is not a crime. I have been welcomed to perform across 87 countries so far and I am very happy that something like this has never happened to me yet... lets hope it stays that way. By the way, Europe does it right, artists can perform as guest performers without work permit across Europe - because art performances are not seen as "work"
  2. I would add the soldiers as "innocent lives" as well. Ukraine did not provoke a war and most of the Russian army does not want to fight this war either. So from that perspective Putin has already cost over 100.000 innocent lives.
  3. Oh, I must have missed that. So US and NATO are currently killing people in Russia and threaten to use nuclear bombs? Sorry, but how far away from reality do you live? There was never any threat against Russia, from nobody. There is only one evil part in this war and that is Russia. Killing and torturing thousands of innocent civilians just because Ukraine wanted to be free and independent from Russia. This is the only reason. Why did all these eastern European countries want to become a part of NATO? It was their fear of Russia. And this war shows why they feared Russia for a good reason. NATO did not force itself on the easter European countries in the way Russia does. These countries want to be protected against Russia. Ukraine only asked for that - to be protected against Russia. Stupid Governments like the German one blocked Ukraines NATO membership not to upset Russia - and as a result Russia invaded and is destroying Ukraine now.
  4. I am proud of her. I wish more Thai people would have the courage to speak up in public. As for the Russians here that still believe Putin's propaganda. You should be ashamed of yourself. The only thing that is left for you to do is apologise to the Ukrainian people and hope that change will come to your country. One day Putins regime will be gone and the people will find out about the truth. The question is how many innocent Ukrainians as well as young Russian army boys will have to die until that point? And for those of you that compare this war with other wars or conflicts - yes, any kind of aggression against people is unacceptable and should be stepped up against. The one thing that is different here is that the world has to deal with a terrible war criminal that has nuclear bombs and threatens to use them. It was always the biggest fear in the world that the A-bomb could fall in the hands of a sick maniac. That has happened now and that's why this war is so different to all the others.
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