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Everything posted by brucec64

  1. So where exactly is the headquarters for this global regime? A volcanic island somewhere?
  2. I know this doesn't make sense at the current vaccination levels, but once thailand hits 70+% it will, and the large companies will buy into this if it allows for continuity of business and no more lockdowns. Other countries implementing this have a very high acceptance rate, and also a very vocal minority who won't accept this, but are just going to have to.
  3. Why is it some kind of badge of honor to not have a smart phone? Even the thais lining up for food have a basic smartphone. Only some old foreign luddites somehow think they are making a statement.
  4. So why is the Chinese government defending it? And everything is connected in China. No company is completely independent of the state.
  5. That combination was used widely in canada with no adverse effects. Even though, according to my well researched ant vaxx friends, we will all have two heads within 6 months as our very DNA is altered...
  6. There is a 1 page law regarding the sales contract requirements for buying a condo - Thailand Condo Contract Regulation | Other Miscellaneous Content (samuiforsale.com) It's amazing how many sales contracts, especially from foreign developers, don't even come close to following the regulations...
  7. You think maybe it's because the more than 1000 hotels in pattaya are empty, and all the people who work in them, and every other part of the tourist industry, have all gone home. Pattaya is a ghost town now and the hospitals are as empty as everywhere else. And even though there are most likely many covid patients in the hospital, you wouldn't see them in the waiting room. Covid patients are usually transported by ambulance.
  8. Didn't realize that ability to go into a mall was enshrined in yours, or anybody else's, constitution. Little bit of a drama queen...
  9. I agree. Take the chance but don't whine about it when things don't work out as planned, or expect others to bail you out. That's just called life.
  10. Download the mor prom app. Use the ID number starting with 600 from your vaccination record and the telephone number that you used, and the app will give you an online green card if you have 2 shots already.
  11. Doesn't work the same, but good try. And medical apartheid is a little dramatic. Sounds like something you pulled straight off of infowars.com
  12. The problem is that you - meaning all the unvaccinated - cause a burden overall to society. Even though your personal risk is small, collectively there is a certainty in numbers. A percentage of cases will be hospitalized, and a smaller percentage will die. These numbers are much higher for unvaccinated. All of the hospitalized cases require a massive amount of resources, and deny other people with other illnesses the care that they require. So, you, as one person, don't really represent a risk to me, one person. But collectively, you represent a risk and cost to society. And that is a risk to me, and a cost to me. But this topic has been discussed for the last 1.5 years ad nauseum. At this point, if you are still asking the question, then you will probably never understand the answer.
  13. A little bit self-important, but enjoy your street food.
  14. Good luck with that. I think you will find the world is a much smaller place for you for the foreseeable future.
  15. More countries than not implementing vaccine passports, which, BTW, are nothing new. I still have my yellow book that was required to enter some SEA countries 30 years ago. Learning to live with something is not the same thing as just ignoring a problem. The world needs to move on, so you and your unvaccinated selfishness can enjoy eating "al fresco".
  16. Vaccine passports make a lot of sense. Symptoms, hospitalizations and covid deaths of vaccinated people is a fraction of that for unvaccinated. So, a roomful of vaccinated people giving each other covid with relatively no ill effect does not put a strain on the health care system. This is called "learning to live with it". Most countries are moving forward with this plan, but you are right, Thailand does not have the vax numbers yet to implement this. Maybe in 3-6 months...
  17. You started off by asking him to ask his niece, which is not bad advice, but then went on to explain what all 7 year olds are feeling now. How many have you asked?
  18. That part was tongue in cheek. I probably should have quoted "poison" because from the first part of my post I completely agree with the usage of vaccines to control covid and many other diseases.
  19. Interesting to see the new ridiculous argument against vaccines now that "experimental" is taken out of the picture. Meanwhile, even though vaccines are "poison" to the body, apparently animal medicine is not. https://www.webmd.com/lung/news/20210823/stop-using-ivermectin-veterinary-drug-to-treat-covid-fda-urges
  20. You do remember how they would not have been able to form a coalition government, so changed the rules in their favour, after the election, to allot more seats to the small parties, and this was just enough to get them over the edge. Without that "rule change", they would not have been able to form the government. At what point have the electorate had a chance to decide after the coup? Are you living in an alternate universe where there have been multiple free and fair elections since the coup? I think the daily protests in BKK might suggest that not all Thai people are happy with the current government.
  21. If you followed all the shenanigans around the last election, I think a fairer statement would be that the current government chose itself.
  22. maybe they should change their name to Tourism Worldwide Authority of Thailand ...
  23. This is what happens when you spread this nonsense misinformation to the gullible and misinformed: More Mississippians Using Ivermectin For Livestock Against Covid-19, Then Calling Poison Control (forbes.com) Just stop.
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