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distant frankie

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Posts posted by distant frankie

  1. Hello hopefully knowledgeable forum readers, I'm sure you'll be sick of seeing this topic posted. I'm looking for a 4 Ester mix of testosterone, after searching these and other forums I walked around the entire Nana area looking in over 10 pharmacies. Maybe 5 had single Ester of Rotex or cypionax. I need specifically 4 Ester mix either Sustanon 250 or Susabolic 250. I've been on Trt since '98 due to hypogonadism  and understand the pros, cons and pitfalls. But it's been a year without my meds in Thailand and I'm really starting to feel the effects of a zero T count. I know you can't mention specific locations openly on the forums but maybe you could send me a pm with the info. In Ireland for 10 years I took sustanon then in Cambodia I took susabolic. Right now I am Bangkok, but moving to Mae Sot next week. Any advice or info on how I can solve this problem would really be appreciated. Tia




  2. Please can anybody give me a specific pharmacy location in bangkok to buy sustanon 250. I how hypogonadism and have been on test since '98. I've moved here from Cambodia and don't know where to get my meds, and don't want the headache of going through a hospital. I've heard of places around Nana and soi Arab but Would like an actual address. I would prefer real organon 250 or susabolic 250. Please help 

  3. Thanks for your response but that's exactly what I'm not looking for and it's because of this confusion that I want to get it right when I'm standing in front of the pharmacy attendant.

    Andriol Testocaps are gel capsules that are consumed orally.

    Testogel is a gel that comes in 5g sachets and is applied to the skin of the shoulders, arms of abdomin.

    I need Testogel, but thanks for your reply.

  4. I'm going to be in Thailand for 40 days from October before going to Cambodia for a year. I take Testogel for Hypogonadism and I have had a prescription for over 16 years in Europe and Australia. I'm looking forward to not having to pay $200 a month on meds in Asia but I'm having trouble finding the Generic name for Androgel (testogel) by (Abbotts, Beyer Schering). Surely its not just Testosterone Gel as some sites are saying. I'm looking for the name that I can use with the pharmacists that they will actually understand and know what I'm looking for. I don't want to be left paying for something that I don't want or need and am actually not able to afford.

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