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Posts posted by trackx

  1. Hello,


    Here's up to 10 years since my subscription to this forum,  i m happy to come back here, i will be in a medium term one of us 

    i'm IT manager from a company (HR management,...) of 50 employees in Europe, my company plans to open  an IT department in Thailand.

    Married with a Thai National  since 10 years my boss has proposed me to be the Manager of this department. Of course I can't miss this opportunity, i can realize a dream planned for the retirement 


    We will looking for a first step to hire between 4 to 6  senior/middle software engineer in .NET (Thai National)

    I have the totally choice about  the place to setup, Bangkok, Phuket, Chiang Mai,...

    I Know  Bangkok and Chiang Mai won't be a problem to find some good programmer.

    My question is about Phuket (not a big city, all at proximity, international schools for my son,....), i see really few job offers comparing Bangkok.

    Can anyone could know the potential to find the right candidate in Phuket province. It will be helpful to choose the right place  


    Thanks in advance for your answers



  2. Hello,

    My name is Marco from Belgium and i am 32 years old, I am married with a Thai lady and we have a son of 4 years old

    I m analyst programer specialized in web technology with 10 years up of experiences

    These last 5 years i have worked specially of building Content management system and on eHR plateform (payroll, automatics recruitment process...) specially in .NET

    I am actualy analyse and writing on paper an internet information/business project regrouping several services

    The idea of the project is to regroup information about an area, an area could be a continent, a country, a district,.... each area will inherite data of his children area

    Each area can have several website with different content, different domain name and sure different design with the aim of be on the top of search engine with only one aplication

    In a first time the area developped will be the Thailand and all his main area (Main website and children website).

    The websites will offer informations about Thailand and his area, a booking system, social network sharing (facebook,...), hotel/area review (like tripadvisor) and user interaction with all services

    I m conscious that there are many website already offer such services (sawadee.com, asiawebdirect, agoda, booking.com, tripadvisor...) but i don't see or i don't know a plate form who offers these services in all in one packages

    I m also conscious that is a big project and it can takes several months to be accomplished.

    If the project is financialy possible and accomplished we will plan to setup a limited company with my thai wife spouse as Travel Agent (with one or two workers and one million bht capital)

    So We need an e-commerce licence, TAT licence, VAT licence and ebooking suppliers access

    I have several questions about the cost and some other points any advise will be helpfull.

    Is it possible to stay in Belgium and continue our actual jobs after company setup ? (We dont wan't take the risk to loose all if the project fails, we don't search to make money with the company only some revenue who permit to live in Thailand and pay the study of our son)

    Have you an idea about the cost of all licence ?

    I have some difficulties to find Thailand contacts of hotels suppliers offer Multi GDS webservices in OTA format (Open Travel Alliance) Can you advise me ? (very important for the business plan)

    Is it a good idea the present the project to TAT ?

    We will be in Thailand next January and i will have a full analyse on paper of the project...

    Any advise would be appreciated.

    Thanks in advance


  3. Hello,

    Married with a thai lady and we have a boy of 2 years half

    We plan to move to thailand the time depends about the budget needed for buy house,business,...and my projects advancement it could be in one year or maximum five year but we will do.

    So we actualy thinking... what can we do for earn money for live... we don't think about earn big money but money for have a normal life and pay the studies of our son.

    We have already thinking about some ideas that we can do in thailand.

    - Open a barber shop for my wife and in my side work for a company in IT fields (difficult for my side but possible)

    - Open a restaurant with a pool bar and a internet coffee that we can manage together

    I m a analyst programmer specialised in web technology and in windows application

    So i have some idea to open a IT business offers some web and windows application.

    Web based application such as :

    - Branding Human ressource systems like jobdb.co.th or thaiitjobs

    - Human ressource Management and prospection tools for HR company

    - A framework with several modules such as (e-commerce, cms,events manager,property management,...) same as joomla or drupal but no open source (made by myself).

    Actually i work in a personal client/server project based on hotel management systems same as micros, protel software

    Included the following service based on windows and web application :

    - Property Management

    - Sales and marketing Management

    - Customers sales inquery

    - Staff mangement

    - Maintenace Management

    - telephony management (PABX)

    - Automatics task checking list for PDA or mobile phone (windows mobile)

    - Booking in real time

    With Several interfaces on touch screen for bar,restaurant, laundry,front desk,...

    Such as describe we don't search to earn big money...

    For me manage a litle restaurant with my wife is also quite and funny but i like my job and open a IT company will be a great challenge who permit me to continue in my passion

    I need some advise in the IT fields in thailand in the sectors of web (HR, online booking, hospitality management) and in the hotel managment complete sytems (POS system).

    Any advice will be helpfull

    I thanks you in advance for you intention

    PS : Sorry for my english i m native french speaking

  4. Thanks a lot for your answer

    We have call thai embasssy it takes only 2 hours to do the visas... and the embassy is only about 45 minutes by car from my home...

    We will go next week

    Thanks a lot for your advise without that we will have strong problem the day of the departure

    Best regards

  5. Thanks Crossy for your answer

    2 years ago i have only 1 days overstay no problem but it was only one day

    But this times 5 days and one baby

    I prefer the security I will ask my wife to call tomorrow the thai embassy in bruxelles for working hour and for the documents required... i think is the best like that... i don't want to be in a black list for the future request of visa application

    For the thai visa for my son we planed to do that...

    We hope that all problem will be resolved in peacefull in thailand... and the thai people live together in peace and forget all political problem

  6. Hi All,

    We will be in Thailand from 16 january until 19 february included...

    so i have 5 days in overtstay... my wife is thai national no problem for she... but for me and my son (baby one year half) i m a few confused

    I have read on the board that we can pay the overstay fine at arrival at the airport

    What is the best solution :

    - Pay the fine at the arrival for me and my son for 2 * 5000 bht

    - Asking in my resident country at the thai embassy for a tourrist visa from 16/01 until 19/02 for me and my son

    I would like avoid a red stamp or something that can affect a future visa request...

    I thank you in advance for your help

    Best regards

  7. I m very sad about the last days event in thailand... i hope they can find an agreement in peacefull...

    My wife doesn't see his familly since 2 years and we have a son (baby) that we must presented to his familly for the first time...

    We had planned to go in thailand the 15 january for 5 weeks...

    I hope that the situtation becomes more normal... and the planes continue to offer their services to Thailand

    But as promise to my wife we never cancel all booking (plane, hotel,car...) such as other tourist have allready done...

    The crisis in thailand affect principaly the area of bangkok... if the toursits have affraid they can avoid bangkok in the future but cancel or boicot their holliday is a stupid thing.. and very bad for Thai people that many jobs and economy depedends about that.

  8. Hello All,

    I plan to expat in thailand in july i m a few confused about work permit when setup company...

    I plan to married my friend (non bar-girl) in thailand and set up a company just for live a normal life... Belgium already refuses 2 times visa for long stay for my friend...

    The procedure for the visa i think i have understand all...

    Before coming thailand i apply for a non immigrant visa single entry (90 days) in the embassy of thailand in my country...

    return ticket still need it ?

    Arriving thailand i marry my friend. I open a bank account with 400k bht founds and i can apply for a visa non-immigrant type O valid for one-year and no need to leave the country every 90 days.

    I ask me some questions about work permit when setup a company

    i have read 3 possibilities :

    1. setup a company with 2000000 bht of capital

    i m the manager all papers and contracts can be signed with my name

    i have a work permit for me and i can work in my company

    2. setup a company with 1000000 bht of capital

    My thai wife is partnership

    i m the manager all papers and contracts can be signed with my name

    i have a work permit for me and i can work in my company

    3. My thai wife is thai sole partnership

    no need a registred minimal capital

    i m not the manager all papers and contracts can not be signed with my name

    no work permit for me

    For the point 3 what is the situation :

    Must i need a work permit ?

    Can i work in our company without work permit as secondary partnership with my thai wife ?

    I can forget the first point because i have'nt the necessary founds... For the second point is ok but i would like keep some capital in security in case the company not working in the begening and i trust my thai wife..

    Thanks a lot for your advise and your reply

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