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Expat Girl

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Posts posted by Expat Girl

  1. In any murder investigation in a civilized country, the prosecution would have to produce evidence which included something very, very important....MOTIVE

    Where was the motive in this case and please don't give the bullsh*t that the 2 Burmese were aroused by the actions of the victims.

    Now when the toxicology reports become public knowledge, if there was evidence of a date rate drug......we begin to see a motive.

    If the RTP had followed up earlier claims of Foreign female tourists rape claims on Koh Tao, maybe they would have caught the murderers before they had committed another crime.

    Why has the RTP not done any mobile phone investigation ie phone records, sms records...WHY? because they know they will lead to people who are untouchable

    The checks you describe may well have been done, but excluded from the case as they help the wrong side...

    Consider the presence of a third DNA trace, confirmed by a police pathologist - on national TV. But not part of the case...

    Also, still no explanation how Gen Panya could confirm seeing cctv evidence one day but deny it the next...

    I don't believe anything the RTP say now. This is more third world than Africa.

    "have been done "


    Another conspiracy theory.

    "may well have been done"

    • Like 1
  2. Just signed it and it's over 88,000 already.

    Would you care to guess how many of the signatories are UK cits or residents?

    Does it matter, it shows a lot of people are concerned over this issue, i personally appplaude eveyone who has signed, i assume you have not given your comment, if you have signed well done, Will it prove effective not sure, but at least a good group of people gave it a go, which is somewhat enlightening...

    • Like 1
  3. One thing the UK team may of found on Hannah's face/body is spit (full of dna!). After a heinous crime of this nature, the perp/perps often spit on the victim to reiterate dominance!

    Really? Is that your fantasy, or your experience?

    Disgusting posting - Johm1thru10 you make me feel sick!! to think a poster on TV could have such FILTH posted on here - very offensive - ban him!! A REAL TOLL!!

    John1thru10, very bad taste, i expect you will make an apology shortly !

  4. Finally the poms are showing some backbone

    Unlike our Aussie counterparts, we tend to think first and act accordingly.

    What do you expect from a bunch of convicts?

    Aussie's have nothing to do with this. As for convicts remember they were genetically pom's first.. The criminals sent to Australia are laughing at you and always have. No one returned to dreary England they were fortunate to make a fortune which they all did.

    Perfect weather, surrounded by the worlds best beaches, housing (unlike your dismal bungalow's and your lace curtains) always keeping up with the Jones's

    Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, Brisbane v London.

    You didn't think first when you allowed migrants to overtake your country. Too late to act accordingly now.

    Your lot are moving there in droves. Our neighbours are all Aussies, not foreigners..

    I have dual citizenship with the UK and Australia, so without any bias i would prefer to live in London rather than either Melbourne or Perth, not sure about Sydney not having lived there. Weather is good in Australia, not perfect, certainly better than the UK, but as for housing i found Australia to lack any character whatsoever, London stands out by far, plus the transportation in the UK is far superior, that is something Australia does lack. But on balance both are great countries to live in and we should be happy we have that choice.... anyway off topic i guess

  5. Not going to read this nonsense. I know and every one else capable of thinking knows that England is only showing concern because the media is putting the pressure on them.

    they have no reason to disbelieve the situation as the Thai government has presented it to them but the press in it's endless quest to sell papers by printing negative news and many times baseless allegations and ignore positive things has put the pressure on them to the point where they had no choice.sad.png

    Absolute rubbish, how do you come up with such statements as 'they have no reason to disbelieve the situation as the Thai government has presented'

    • Like 1
  6. The Thai so called human rights commissioner should be sacked on the spot.

    Absolutely disgusting abuse of the position.

    Why what happened ?

    Releasing a statement claiming the two Burmese men said they were guilty.

    Well it turns out they are saying nothing of the sort.

    Really have to say its beyond farcical.

    Gets hard to remember who said what, a lot of conflicting information. Personally I would like to see Amnesty International push a little harder given their global status and direct links to the UN.

  7. reading that the suspects are on suicide watch from other inmates!

    <deleted>??? They're keeping them with other inmates?? I can't say what I want to say for fear of a defamation suit!

    Prison Chief Fears Koh Tao Suspects May Commit Suicide

    SURAT THANI — The two Burmese men who were accused of murdering two British tourists in southern Thailand last month are being monitored to prevent possible suicide attempts, says the director of the prison where they are being held.

    "I have instructed other inmates to monitor the two Burmese men. I am afraid they may commit suicide, because they show signs of stress," said Chanin Liangsuwan, chief of Koh Samui District Prison. "They may be feeling guilty for the crime they have done."

    According to Chanin, the two suspects are being held in a general holding cell with other inmates, but he stressed that wardens are doing their best to keep the suspects under watch.

    I want to comment but can't find the words.

    Don't comment, if this occurs the backlash will be incredible as it has been suggested in many posts this would be a viable way to close the matter.

    • Like 1
  8. Not making any conclusions, but where does Sean McAnna fit in all of this? Is anything he said true? If not, why did he do that? 15 minutes of fame seems a long shot, but stranger things have happened.

    Good question. Nobody is here to accuse him of anything, but ask him to tell the whole world the truth, the real truth . Everybody wants to hear his story what happened that night. People believe he must know something. But until now no statement from Sean has been made.

    If he played a role in the gang rape and/or murder, then I doubt he is going to say anything.

    But he does have time to write two new songs 4 days ago. See my above post on this page.#432

    Did he write or just upload the songs 4 days ago ?

  9. I posted this on another thread, so hope its ok to duplicate on this one...

    For anyone interested, the CSI LA page spotted that Sean McAnna uploaded two songs to Soundcloud on 4th October, so it looks like he's alive, unless someone has access to his stuff - https://soundcloud.com/seanmcanna

    There are some interesting lyrics in the track 'Johnny' - 1:38 "I'm still waiting at the hotel bar. They beg of you, but they don't need you, still they won't let you go. And I, I, so near so far...'. Might be nothing, but could be a message in there somewhere.

    What a lot of rubbish is being put out on here about Saun MCanna!

    No big mystery at all. He was in the company of UK media journalists shortly after the convenience store incident until he left the Island and gave a number of interviews to the UK press. It was later reported by those sources that he had left Thailand safely and gone to his girlfriend in Italy. His sister also confirmed that on Facebook before she shut the page down as advised by the UK FO.

    All this nonsense about him being in sinister cahoots with Mon and co to set up gang rapes is complete fantasy concocted out of mindless gossip. The guy is just a very young over dramatic attention seeking spliff smoking musician. Thailand and the cheap backpacking circuit is full of them world over.

    ALL friends of the victims would have been advised to keep any evidential statements quiet as their testimony could be highly relevant in obtaining convictions at the correct time. Spewing their guts to media or anywhere else for the titillation and entertainment of a load of ghoulish morons pawing over their friends awful deaths would be of no value to them.

    Seriously, get a grip people.

    Agree, good words.

    Hmmmmm, sorry but Sean said the AC guy killed the couple.........coffee1.gif

    Nobody is denying that...

  10. I posted this on another thread, so hope its ok to duplicate on this one...

    For anyone interested, the CSI LA page spotted that Sean McAnna uploaded two songs to Soundcloud on 4th October, so it looks like he's alive, unless someone has access to his stuff - https://soundcloud.com/seanmcanna

    There are some interesting lyrics in the track 'Johnny' - 1:38 "I'm still waiting at the hotel bar. They beg of you, but they don't need you, still they won't let you go. And I, I, so near so far...'. Might be nothing, but could be a message in there somewhere.

    What a lot of rubbish is being put out on here about Saun MCanna!

    No big mystery at all. He was in the company of UK media journalists shortly after the convenience store incident until he left the Island and gave a number of interviews to the UK press. It was later reported by those sources that he had left Thailand safely and gone to his girlfriend in Italy. His sister also confirmed that on Facebook before she shut the page down as advised by the UK FO.

    All this nonsense about him being in sinister cahoots with Mon and co to set up gang rapes is complete fantasy concocted out of mindless gossip. The guy is just a very young over dramatic attention seeking spliff smoking musician. Thailand and the cheap backpacking circuit is full of them world over.

    ALL friends of the victims would have been advised to keep any evidential statements quiet as their testimony could be highly relevant in obtaining convictions at the correct time. Spewing their guts to media or anywhere else for the titillation and entertainment of a load of ghoulish morons pawing over their friends awful deaths would be of no value to them.

    Seriously, get a grip people.

    Agree, good words.

  11. http://www.straitstimes.com/news/asia/south-east-asia/story/3-myanmar-workers-say-police-tortured-them-info-over-murders-2-brito

    I think the Singapore authorities need to make a statement on the extent of the DNA testing! So many people/agencies being quiet!

    Singapore DNA testing a myth? See previous posts with that heading

    What is the name of the mystery Lab in Singapore??

    Why are there no reports in Singapore press about it?

    What date were samples sent? What were the results.?

    I just saw a tweet, via the BBC, from the press conference that is occurring in Koh Tao now, that 3 Thai universities were involved in the DNA Testing. A total of 243 people.

    That is reassuring. 243 Thai uni forensics experts doing the tests.

    Anyway the good general said he checked the results and the Burmese were the perps.

    If it`s good enough for the good general it`s good enough for me. wai2.gif

    No, 243 DNA samples were tested...187 foreign and 56 Thai... i detect a little sarcasm in your comments clap2.gif

  12. http://www.straitstimes.com/news/asia/south-east-asia/story/3-myanmar-workers-say-police-tortured-them-info-over-murders-2-brito

    I think the Singapore authorities need to make a statement on the extent of the DNA testing! So many people/agencies being quiet!

    Singapore DNA testing a myth? See previous posts with that heading

    What is the name of the mystery Lab in Singapore??

    Why are there no reports in Singapore press about it?

    What date were samples sent? What were the results.?

    I just saw a tweet, via the BBC, from the press conference that is occurring in Koh Tao now, that 3 Thai universities were involved in the DNA Testing. A total of 243 people.

  13. I am sure you will all join me and say a big thanks clap2.gif to General Prayut for his dedicated services to the country and its people. I am sure he will bode well as the PM and no doubt be successful in his leadership of the country. Also good luck to his successor as the new army chief.

    Well done guys.... wai.gif

    I don't know why, must be the way I tick inside, but posts like these tend to annoy me almost as much as some of the opposite, negative posts.

    Mind you, there's nothing wrong with the post. I've been present at (business) promotion gatherings and they tend to phrase just as positive.

    Hi rubl, not a problem, we all have our own views on posts, positive or negative, for me i would rather say it as i feel it, no need to water it down or make it more neutral. Why not praise someone if you feel they deserve it, i do it every day in my working week, as well as slate somebody if they deserve it.

    Surely, Expat Girl, you were taking the pist..

    Nope, what i said is what i mean....thumbsup.gif

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