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Posts posted by eiboticus

  1. The funny disgraceful thing is how desperately those crying "stitch up!" are on the same breath trying to frame other people up on absolutely no evidence at all.

    To top it off the ghouls are already using this to score political points.

    Strangely they don't see it.

    Thats why there needs to be an independent investigation. By doing this the RTP police could regain its thrust domestic and internationally.

    Strangely they don't see it.

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  2. If he recant's. he is dead.

    Several other papers have stated that they both recanted.

    And the police said that if they did their sentences would be increased......................and told them so.

    Increased from life to .....what ?

    That alone amounts to mental torture and would in some countries get them off

    Are you saying that they did or did not recanted?

    That, however, is far from mental torture. Make a deal to get the death penalty off the table. Recant and it goes back to the max punishment

    They recanted , though not officially, which should not surprise anyone.

  3. Lawyer Aung Myo Thant said the pair, Zaw Lin and Win Zaw Htun, both 21, from the Arakanese town of Kyaukphyu, told a Burmese embassy legal team they had murdered English tourists

    Speaking to DVB on Monday, Kyaw Thaung, a representative of the Myanmar Association in Thailand, who attended the interview with the defendants, said, “We went to the prison [on Koh Samui] and were allowed to meet with the two freely. They confessed to committing the crime under the influence of alcohol.


    You dont find it odd at all that people representing these two suspects, facing possible death penalty, would just come out and openly talk to the press about their conversations?

    Or that the prison would allow cameras in & turn the consular aspect into a spectator sport.

    Can only imagine the conspiracy theorist reaction if they had done this in secret and made no comments of what transpired. What is great about promoting conspiracies is you can do it with everything. In this case there is something very suspicious because the suspects once again confirmed their guilt and if they didn't then conspiracy theorist would win too and if nothing was said it was a coverup.

    If the case has a mountain of evidence such as witnesses, video, confessions and DNA then it is suspicious because it is too neat. If there is evidence missing then that is pounced on. If the police have not share something about the case then it is a cover-up, if they do share something it is a lie, if something is reported two ways then of course it is the way that serves their purpose. It is always win win and the more their theories get debunked they just increase their efforts and come up with more until it becomes completely pathetic as it has become now with the question of these two suspects.

    I wonder what your motives are for defending this case so fanatical... Is it your complete trust in the RTP or the social environment that you are spending time in. No offense but you have either stayed to short in Thailand to understand how things work or too long to let yourself be fooled around so easy.

    All the Thai people that I know (I write, read and speak Thai) do not believe that these immigrants are the murders. Even the local police that I hangout with on a weekly basis are just laughing about how ridiculous this case is. They explain here that this is the way it works in Thailand,, letting a case go cold is unheard of and makes the police look foolish.

    This case is very simple;

    Video footage - not reliable

    Witnesses - not reliable

    confessions - not reliable

    DNA - Reliable

    Due to the history of the RTP, and even the they would admit that, it is logical that people mistrust them. Therefore (also due international pressure and disbelieve by many people on the Internet ) It is just logical to let these samples be checked by an independent.

    Thailand has nothing to loose but can only win the thrust of the people worldwide (IF the DNA proves not to be tampered with and matches)

    However for some reason the RTP police are not letting anybody do that. Why would that be John? What would be a logical reason for them NOT to do just that?

    Your argument, don't test because people don't believe the RTP no matter the outcome, is frankly quite lousy.

    You call it a conspiracy theory - or you can call it critical thinking. Big difference between the two.

    Having a conspiracy is creating a whole event by unanswered questions - Critical thinking is just asking questions. Big difference there.

    You seem the be the only one here believing everything what the RTP says, which brings me the following questions;

    Are you so smart or are we that dumb?

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