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Posts posted by scavenger

  1. Hi, I am Canadian, here on a multi O visa which expired on 11 February. (Stamped in until 24 April 2016.) I am flying to Macau for a few days, and I already have my airplane ticket for Toronto, where I will apply for a new visa, in mid-March. I have asked i.o. at Don Meuang a few weeks ago and they told me I could come back on exempt 30 days no problem, but I would like to know if that is still the case now.

    Also, any recent experience from the embassy/consulates in Ottawa, Toronto or Montreal?


  2. I got my multi non-O in Seoul in February (see my report in the report section.) South Korea is a great place to visit, has fantastic food, all the shopping your wife could possibly want, plenty of sights including many free and dirt-cheap ones, national parks and hiking trails accessible by subway, great jospitality, and Thais can visit without a visa.

  3. How are the train/railroad project negotiations going on?

    On one side there is Thainess, and on the other "nihonjinron", or Japaneseness. It used to be the excuse given to ban the import of American beef since the Japanese, their intestines being one meter longer or shorter (I don't remember which), could not digest it. They have also, in the past, banned the import of European skis as Japanese snow is also unique, very unlike European snow. Frankly, that these two parties can communicate and understand each other comes as no surprise to me.

    Either it is safe to fly or it isn't. Japan is showing no more concerns for the safety of passengers than Thailand does. If used as a bargaining chip ( that I really don't know), then we know what we are worth, us the passengers....

  4. Removing Thai aircrafts? No, this is Thailand's sovereign space. I was rather thinking alog the lines of keeping Thai aircrafts in their beloved airspace, and ours out of it, until our safety matters. I wonder what numbers TAT would boast of then...That seems to be the only realistic counter-measure to the mai pen rai attitude.

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  5. Now if my understanding of this is right, the issue is more with Thai civil aviation than with the specific airlines. If that is so, if Thai airspace is unsafe, then shouldn't they ban not only Thai airlines charter flights, but also stop all international airlines from entering that dangerous airspace? Not only that would be logical with the safety concern, that would also deal with the mai pen rai response when that information first leaked out several weeks ago. Attitude readjustment, anyone?

  6. j7general, I am 42 and my wife found me medical coverage for 2550 baht a year (only 4 digits, none missing, 2550!). Add to this my international travel insurance and it is still below 10,000bath a year. So yes, she's trying to rip you off.

  7. My wife works, and actually earns more than I do. We are legally married, and there has never been any talk of a dowry (and none has been paid.) When I am low on cash, she buys the concert tickets or seize that low airfare deal for me. And this is fair, just as it would be fair for me to help her out likewise should she be washing the dishes in a Thai restaurant in North America. No one in her family has ever begged me or borrowed money. Not all Thai women are after your money. But I guess it helped to learn the language first, meet someone of my own age who had already traveled some (in other words an "equal", with no re-enactment of Pretty Woman, Miss Saigon or whatever.)

    Back to the topic, good to see you are a responsible father. Just go secure that insurance policy yourself, and send essentials such as food, clothing, toys and books, or vouchers for such, instead of just handing cash that I doubt would ever translate into your children's actual well-being.

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  8. No need for an agemcy, really. I got a kdouble-entry tourist visa in Hong Kong last August, less than fifteen minutes there to apply and the next morning to get the visa. Across the Consulate is the Bank of China where you can go up to the observation deck on the fourty-third floor, and very near Hong Kong Park, another free attraction. Note that you will need two inbound tickets if you decide to apply for a double-entry visa. Cost is lHK$300 per entry.

  9. The story was so simple and stupid..

    I tried to get to my transit flight, and late to boarding time for 1-2 minutes(that was already closed). Nobody was around there to call for help.. I pushed all emergencies and alarm buttons but nothing happens. I get to restricted area (behind the wall at boarding gate) and get to my flight, sit on my place, but airport security took my out in some minutes after. All security check, all control have been passed before, so I didn't do anything dangerous, but they didn't care about it

    After - was a hell..

    If you were late for only 1-2 minutes there still would be someone around. Yes, it was a very stupid thing to do.

    Could be they let you in this time but doubt if you get another visa after this.

    Nope, nobody was around. I checked that firstly.. but doesnt meter now.

    I think you talking now about Malaysian visa... I dont need it at all, I will fly through Singapore next time if I need it. I am worrying only about entering to Thailand

    I'd suggest you don't try the same thing at Changi Airport though...

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