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Everything posted by Jimbo2014

  1. Covid has moved well into the domain of endemic with most countries adopting sensible precautions to protect the vulnerable. Indeed covid is mild for the vast majority of society. Masks seem entirely unnecessary for the vast majority although they may be well advisable for vulnerable people to wear.
  2. Sounds like some modest money changed hands ???? - Whilst I cant deny that moving the massive red light district out of the centre of Pattaya would make alot of sense, it seems that there is a substantial gap between what Pattaya offers families now and the vision the government has. Luck to all.
  3. With mask mandates, bar closing times, pollution, crowds and high costs an extra tax should be a real draw for tourists everywhere. Welcome. ????
  4. For once Anutin and I agree on something. Smoking is offensive. If I have a drink I don't spit on people around me (generally speaking).... when someone smokes others have no way to escape the toxic pollution, whether vaping or not.
  5. I find the American term "Alien" more offensive ???? - like Im about to jump out of Tom Skerritt's stomach!
  6. Thai's also suffer from a driving condition known in the medical community as "moronicus idiotus drivingus"
  7. Nice crowds for spreading the Coof! Then go to the Hotel Jail for 24 hours and have your holiday for 14 more days in said hotel - fly home. Ripper.
  8. Not just lack of testing. Thai's dont want the extra costs/burdens associated with a positive result and there is still a fear and stigma attached to covid infection.
  9. The comment was related to Covid - as risk related - see original comment. Others seem to have agreed.
  10. Fly to Thailand, PCR test on entry after spending 1-2 days of your holiday in a hotel jail, Wear a mask at the beach in 40 degree weather, put up with random bans and no nightlife. Enjoy folks.
  11. i guess the job descriptions of Police must vary in Thailand when compared to elsewhere. Enforce the law is normally the title.
  12. Very unlikely, cases appear to have naturally peaked as they had long ago in other parts of the world. Its just taking longer in Thailand because of extreme social distancing policies.
  13. I noted the balance between covid news and Pollution news was unbalanced so I performed a public service by raising awareness in the Covid Thread, since mortality rates are likely higher for pollution and once covid goes Pollution stays.
  14. The rest of the world had moved on, he is loving the control. Meanwhile over 100 die a day from pollution.
  15. But there is no prostitution in Thailand anyway. Its illegal and the police have told us many times that there is none. ????????????
  16. I really think you have normalized and have become oblivious to it. I understand that my arguments cannot and will not persuade someone as determined as you. You have somehow filtered out the numerous articles and research available on it and prefer to rely on your sunrise assessment. therefore I post for you a proper analysis of Chaing Mai pollution by a researcher. https://www.chiangmaidoctor.com/burning-season
  17. Ive just picked a random day. Remember the bush fires in Australia - people were freaking out when it hit over 150 in Sydney. Chaing Mai has normalized this level of pollution to the point of you calling it not bad. I appreciate that this year is better than last year, I appreciate your comment that it is not all year, but I think you are not being objective in your assessment of the level of pollution you are experiencing. I would also intimate that this year may have been less because of the Chinese Olympics, and the usual sludge emanating from the industrial belt during the winter southern air flows was less this year.
  18. Pictured below... pollution Chaing Mai today. I cant see how you can say this is clear.
  19. Its been way more than a few days. The image below is from this morning, a random day in April. The big burn was suppose to end around March. The big burn now goes from November to April. Like I said previously, I think you have just normalized it and can no longer tell... but your body can! Cancer rates are through the roof in Thailand now, likely a result of pollution and excess sugar. Studies estimate 32000 premature deaths annually from pollution in Thailand. That's way more than the sum total of deaths attributed to Covid over 2 years of a pandemic and look at how the government has panicked over that. Yet the pollution issue goes largely unaddressed.
  20. Im not sure whether its me who is delusional or you are just use to sucking in the good old camp fire smell. I have friends who live there and they report very differently to you, albeit this year is much better, it would still be considered toxic in most developed countries. Previous years have been unlivable. Chaing Mai has topped the most polluted city list for several years in a row. This was a recurring article the last few years: https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/general/2080855/chiang-mai-the-most-polluted-city-on-earth
  21. Sadly the wealth polarity in Thailand is one of the worst in the world, exacerbated by the covid pandemic. I think we can expect more such stories in the near future. Investing in a good security system or being part of a strong gated community are likely good moves going forwards.
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