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Posts posted by Jimlove

  1. "Chinese holidaymakers spend far more than any other group of visitor -- 190 billion baht ($5.3 billion) in the first half of this year, according to Thailand’s tourism authority.

    This is more than five times the spending of Malaysians and Brits, the next two largest spenders.

    And the number of Chinese visitors soared by 138 percent in the first six months of this year compared with the same period in 2014, when Bangkok was paralysed by often violent protests before May’s military coup.

    Thailand is counting on a surge in Chinese visitors in October for the annual National Day holiday, a week-long break in China when hundreds of millions travel domestically and abroad."

    And there's people on Thai Visa who are convinced that the Chinese tourists do more harm than good in Thailand. There's people who really do feel that a reduction in the number of Chinese tourists would benefit Thailand. I really wonder about people. There were ideas about how to reduce the flood of Chinese tourists entering Thailand. Ideas like, making it more difficult for Chinese to enter Thailand.

    Well, we've had the explosion at Erawan, five mainland-Chinese died, and two from Hong Kong. Was it the case that those who want to see a reduction in the number of Chinese tourists did this attack ? How many Chinese tourists die from road accidents in Thailand ? How many in explosions ? It might have been an attack that was easy to carry out, whilst generating maximum coverage in the media.

    " ... according to TAT." .... cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif nuff said ... clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif

  2. But the numbers have always bounced back quickly, with the draw of cheap street food, beautiful beaches, ancient temples and friendly locals winning each time.

    Honestly there is only "street food" and "temples" left and that will not attract many tourists ...

    Beaches are dirty and full of garbage and as the friendly locals go ... gigglem.gif

    She forgot cheap løve.


  3. If Thailand wants crowds of Chinese Tourists, well go for it. But then, live with the consequences.

    They do want it. It is clear that the new market is China, Japan, Korea, India, Middle East.

    'Westerners' can moan as much as they like about the state of Thailand and tourism. The authorities have turned their backs on the Western tourist, so you are wasting your time moaning and thinking that all of a sudden, there will be an about-turn and with clean beaches and polite tuk-tuk drivers.

    It ain't going to happen, so go look elsewhere for your holiday or expat living.

    Meanwhile, my little hotels in Phuket continue to be full every night with clean, polite and friendly Chinese and Korean families - no cancellations since the Bangkok bomb.

    This is the Phuket low season, and my occupancy rate is about 98%. High season should be interesting..

    Some will accuse me of gloating, but I saw where tourism was going in Phuket, and made the changes so that my businesses would survive and expand. Others sat on their bar stools and moaned....

    and then you woke up ...cheesy.gif

  4. But the numbers have always bounced back quickly, with the draw of cheap street food, beautiful beaches, ancient temples and friendly locals winning each time.

    Honestly there is only "street food" and "temples" left and that will not attract many tourists ...

    Beaches are dirty and full of garbage and as the friendly locals go ... gigglem.gif

    and you're here because...?

    In fact, reading all the posts, I'm rather surprised any of you stay here as it's so tortuous. At least most of you now where the airport is. smile.png

    Really ... another "If you dont like then ..." blink.png Maybe you could read my signature ...

    I live here with my thaiwife but on her suggestion we are starting to look for another country to settle in - happy with the info ?

    Been to Krabi once, that really suxx big time ... gigglem.gif

  5. "The aim is to discredit the government and create a climate of fear to deter tourists," Somyot told reporters at the shrine after a a memorial for the dead held in five religions’ rites.

    I guess he is so clueless that he dont realize that him and his retards in uniform have been doing that for years ... Tourists dont exactly enjoy getting a shakedown from these baboons ... Actually tourists hate Thai Police with a grudge ... bah.gifsick.gifcrazy.gif

  6. But the numbers have always bounced back quickly, with the draw of cheap street food, beautiful beaches, ancient temples and friendly locals winning each time.

    Honestly there is only "street food" and "temples" left and that will not attract many tourists ...

    Beaches are dirty and full of garbage and as the friendly locals go ... gigglem.gif

  7. If the kid pointed a gun at the cops, then the cops were in the RIGHT! I'm a huge advocate of non-lethal weapons, but when a gun is pointed at you then lethal weapons are perfectly fine to use as defense...IF HE DID INDEED POINT A GUN AT THEM.

    Every single cop needs to have vest cameras on them so the truth will always be known. Too many cops lie.

    and too many cops die ...

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