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Posts posted by johnmail

  1. What a joke...

    Intl Media focus forced these scumbags out into the open.

    1. They refused DNA tests. Why? Because that know this will show their guilt.

    2. The mafia owned KT RTP allowed them to refuse DNA samples.

    3. DNA semen samples have shown the perps are Asian NOT European. ASIAN.

    4. <deleted> ex Village Gay Boy Headman offers 1 Mil Baht to show Mon and his other boys are not involved. why?HE KNOWS <deleted> MON AND OTHER SONS ARE GUILTY OF THESE RAPES AND MURDERS.

    5. Mon his shitty coward son flees KT to BKK. Pussy.WHAT A TOTAL FAGGOT.


    7. <deleted> son pays people ino BKK to say he was there. He was not. He knows this as Daddy does.

    8. Why refuse DNA samples????????? = they know they are guilty and are the murderers and rapists high on Ya Ice daily and think Daddy can fix all. WRONG!!!! Not this time as Inlt media is following with a zero lense microscope.

    9. PM Prayuth better lock these dogs up soon or world media will hang them. Forget a crackdown PM Prayuth!!!! Forget the cash payoffs to the shitty RTP ON KT and lock up the VERY WELL KNOWN RAPISTS AND MURDERERS!!!!!! You knew who they were. We know who they were. FROM DAY ONE!!!!


    The UK media needs to smoke this Warot Toowichian character out his hiding spot. He is clearly the chief suspect. Where was he exactly on the night of the murders? Can we see your cell phone records? What school have you been attending? Can we some proof of recent attendance? School records? Report cards? How long have you had this mobile number? Can we see you in person for a live press conference? Any injuries to your hands or face? Any recent visits to the hospital?

    Who are Worat's friends? Who is Worat's brother unamed as of yet that ran to Bangkok with him according to initial reports?

    The UK has some of the finest intelligence known to man. They have Julian Assange under 24 hour watch for last 3 years and its been proven they can tap any phone and literally record everything including internet activity, emails, skype calls and so on. They also work internationally. I wonder what they know?

    Warot Toowichian and his unamed friends is/are the prime suspects for these vicious rapes and murders and needs to looked into much deeper. Any chance

    Warot might show his face and hands to the media?

    For the police or media to simply drop all investigation due to one press release saying "all good it's not him" without actually seeing this coward in person is ludicrous.

    Find Worat. Get him on camera. Don't accuse him just ask him questions. We are not saying he did anything just that he is a suspect.

    • Like 1
  2. I've been following this from the very beginning and what I am sick of is the constant RTP bashing in this thread, and others like these.

    It seems from reading peoples comments that they have years of law enforcement experience & consider themselves to be Sherlock Holmes. If you bashers think you can do a decent job then why don't you get yourself to Koh Tao and lend them a hand?

    As someone who has experience in law enforcement I can tell you, investigating a murder and gathering evidence to show to the court is not easy.

    How can you preserve evidence on a beach as best you can without compromising it when the sea can wash away vital bits?

    How are you going to identify witnesses if none are willing to come forward?

    The murder didn't occur directly underneath a CCTV camera, so how are you going to know how many suspects you're looking for or what they look like?

    How are you going to lock down an island with many entry/exit points with a limited amount of officers?

    What tasks are you going to prioritise when you used your finite amount of officers, and your nearest back up is 2 hours away with the sea in between?

    People have been saying it's a Thai, Burmese, influential person who committed the murder. I ask you where is your evidence to support your theory? Gut feelings and hearsay don't hold up in a court of law I'm afraid.

    Oh and not all Thai police officers are corrupt, so why tar them with the same brush? You guys won't like it if people say retired Farang men only come to Thailand to marry young Thai women would you?

    My grandfather did not die in the line of duty on a drug raid just to be labeled bent.

    Rant over …

    It seems like the only real evidential lead is the seaman. Finding the match can takes hours to years, it's unfortunately just a waiting game now.

    respect to you and your family who have served in police factions. i am sure you are very sincere in your service

    but this case is much simpler and on a small island it happened. it is fairly clear that a coverup has been going on from day one and that the locals in Koh Tao including the police knew who was invloved

    now we have Montriwat Tuwichian on video placing himself at the crime scene the night before and implicating Sean Mcanna saying that blood was cleaned up. sounds like this story would fall apart quickly under cross examination

    so Montriwat Tuwichian was there at the crime scene night before? and then two hours later standing next to police next morning?

    gee why dont we ask him some more questions? sounds like he knows a lot

    police have named a suspect on the run but have given no name?

    Montriwat Tuwichian and family clearly know where he is and are covering. only pressure on them can reveal his location.

    BK post is reporting that police are "scouring" the city? time for a new photo opportunity with 100s of police smh

    meanwhile police are saying "trust us a little bit longer" thats a quote

    Whats that line about never trust someone who says "trust me" ????

  3. farce - a foolish show; mockery; a ridiculous sham.

    Bangkok cops are now hunting a man who left Koh Tao the morning after the murders. Who he is or even his name was not given to the media.

    The Bangkok Post says the man exposed by Sean McAnna is only a "person of interest" & he was released due to "lack of evidence or witnesses"

    The Nation have updated their story & are now saying: Police free bar owners and look for ex-village headman's son http://www.nationmultimedia.com/national/Police-free-bar-owners-and-look-for-ex-village-hea-30243997.html

    Stories on Koh Tao in the print editions of The Nation & Bangkok Post don't appear online this morning though they have "updated" versions.

    Lots of contradictions in the newspapers about the Koh Tao murders. Have they been arrested, released or are they just persons of interest?

    @base_thai @RichardBarrow Not clear anyone is detained & no-one named suspect. 3rd man is being sought in Bangkok, thought 2 b Voraphan son.

    @base_thai @RichardBarrow Media reports are confusing. We know Voraphan & brother Mon were questioned. Mon is identified as man in CCTV pic.

    @Arthuristheboy @RichardBarrow Interesting police suddenly very coy abt naming Votaphan family. They were both seen being questioned.

    @base_thai @RichardBarrow Yes but that article is incorrect. Same police officer told me emphatically yesterday afternoon NO arrests yet.

    @RichardBarrow Nation absurdly has In Touch owner (Voraphan's brother) as both being released and still being detained.

    @RichardBarrow This is absurd. It is public that AC owner Voraphan & his brother were questioned yesterday. Voraphan's son is missing.


    Police say - on the record - they have "enough evidence" to make arrests by "end of week". If that is so why haven't they done it already?

  4. I must be missing something, and I hope I am.

    But I just scanned various Thai and British news media, and it does not seem like anybody has yet been arrested for the murders.

    In fact, the headlines of some Thai media seem to have been ratcheted down several times since mid-afternoon.

    Now they simply say that two well-connected Kho Tao men came in for questioning and DNA tests, and both were released.

    No arrests were made. They were simply questioned and let go.

    There have been reports of police saying that they think they have enough evidence to make an arrest "soon" or "by the end of the week", but what does that mean?

    I hope like everybody they catch the vermin who did this and they get what they deserve. And I believe like many it was a well-connected Kho Tao heavy who is responsible. Maybe the police are just methodically collecting enough evidence. But if they have enough to arrest somebody, then do it, and continue to solidify the case afterwards. The investigation doesn't end with an arrest.

    Nothing is done until it is done---especially in Thailand. And until someone is arrested, charged, and convicted, nothing is over.

    So what am I missing that everyone contributing to 26 pages of posts are not?

    I noticed this too it seems that the headlines have been softened as the day has progressed. In the print edition the front page of bangkok post has only the eyes of suspects from Sean mcannas photo blurred and then later the online edition was made blurrier.

    At first it was "arrests will be made", then "one arrested one at large", then "no one arrested one detained", then "one questioned and one released while another ran to Bangkok"...and so on

    I woulnt celebrate too soon folks. public pressure created this result. until they have the accused in handcuffs recreating the crime in a thai style full confession im not holding my breath.

    tomorrows headline could be "Mai pen rai!"

    • Like 2
  5. Ok perhaps your all are missing something. Its a given that the families who run Koh Tao are very rich meaning that have a very lucrative business to protect and also possibly a worker or relative to protect "if" a Thai did the crime.

    On top of that you have FACE which is very important in Thai culture. Life death important.

    On top of that you have the entire tourism industry at stake here and people behind the scenes are negotiating and trying to decide the best way to play this.

    Do we let it be a murder mystery? Or do we bring out the guys who did this and create a bigger media circus?

    Meanwhile you have to also looks at other financial indicators. There is more money to be made taking 50 million baht bribes from rich Koh Tao families to play dumb and screw up the investigation, sending hundreds of men around with white gloves for photo ops etc than there is to be putting that money toward a bounty or reward.

    The families are most likely negotiating furiously and emptying there bank acounts. Meanwhile the cops won't even mention one thai suspect. The list of trouble makers on Koh Tao who were close to the scene is probably 10 or less.

    On top of that orders come from the top down in thailand so everyone is hoping that this can be a mystery murder and part of folklore.

    Can you what i'm getting at. A lot of money is exchanging hands. But aint gonna go to some snitch because they already know who did this.

    • Like 2
  6. There's the way the world should be, and the way it really is. To a sexual predator, a bikini on a gorgeous woman looks a lot like a running Mercedes looks to a car thief, or a fistful of money looks to a pickpocket.

    The guy's making sense. And I cut him some slack when I think of all the poor translations I've read during my Asian experience..

    Well the statement should be, unfortunately "our country is not as safe as advertised, and for that we are sorry".

    Maybe that’s exactly what he’s saying. And that it’s time for some collective soul searching.

    I don’t understand Thai, and I’ll never understand all the idioms. Just like 99% of Asians won’t understand “Tilting at windmills”- especially if it were a literal translation.

    I’m pretty sure there are Thai equivalents of the Don Quixote story, and I would be clueless if an idiom from one of those stories bit me in the butt.

    So out of that ignorance on my part, I’m choosing to give the guy the benefit of the doubt…

    i think that with all due respect to Thai culture and to the victims familes and the PM that the attitude can be summed up in a thai saying used fairly often that any westerner can understand

    Sumn numn nah!

    translates to "serves you right!"

    thailand is dangerous as is every country in different ways and every day thai people are also victims to the dangers of the roads and murders and violence for different reasons

    i dont really agree but i understand the logic and quite frankly foreigners who treat thai people as characters and security guards at some sort of adult Disney World are in for a wak eup

    "I paid my ticket. I exect to be kept safe" dont fly in the real world

  7. Many typical TV comments about his comments. All with Western mind sets. Can't blame them, they are Westerners.

    But the General is Thai, and his mindset is rooted in Thai culture. Similarly, we can't blame him for this. I don't see that him being in the military all his life has much to do with it. Many Thais are pretty shocked when they see Western women in bikinis on the beach. I haven't seen many Thai women dressed like that, mainly girls who have been influenced by farangs or have lived abroad.

    But we came to Thailand to escape many things and the inability to shake off Western culture/mindset is unfortunate. We came here because the country was "different", but so many people still wish it was like back home. That is, except the weather, the food, the ladies etc.

    I would tend to agree and wherever you go in the world its important to adapt to the culture and customs. Although thailand caters to millions of tourists they have not updated their mindset fully. They tolerate a lot of offensive stuff. But these were kids on the beach who really dint know better. a real shame.

    I wouldnt have sex on any beach in any country but these kids didnt realize how much you stand out as a foreigner with light colored hair just being your normal self can make you look arogant inothers eyes throwing money around and enjoying all the adoring eyes or whatnot. can draw jealousy

    the nail in the coffin was proably the sex on the beach. in a killers eyes the crime is always justified on some level.

    But I think everyone is missing something that the PM is implying in all these morality statements. He is so many words preparing us to reveal that it was a local that did this. Whether Laos, Burmese or Thai. He seems to know that this was clash of cultures

    When investigators interview a suspect they often look for common ground and agree with the suspects prejudices to soften them up. "Yeah your wife was a bitch" and so on. it makes it easier to confess when there is agreement.

    He seems to want to tell us something. like he knows it wasnt a Brit who did this

  8. from sky news: http://news.sky.com/story/1336573/thai-murders-police-focus-on-migrant-workers


    Police Colonel Prachum Ruangthong said: "The man was chopped in the back and on the side of his head, while the woman was chopped in her face."


    no discretion on part of investigators as graphic death photos are already on the web. ive seen them and the man has big gashes to the back of the head and the womens face is heavily damaged and body looking posed with legs spread eagle as if raped

    my apologies for graphic discription murder is not pretty

    looks like possibly a sneak attack on the male from behind with the bloody hoe and then a brutal rape and frontal attack on the female.

    rip to the victims

    when Kevin Curley fell or jumped or was pushed from Nana hotel a few days ago no one blinks as a sex tourist in Bangkok dying is no big deal

    but when innocent young brits get brutally and horifically murdered on a thai paradise island this is not a news story that will go away anytime soon

    Im sorry to report I found more photos through a reddit thread. I shall refrain from sharing them except to say that I believe they are important to be viewed to get the impact of the enormity of this crime. The man's face and body were intack except for the vicisous wounds to the back of the head. This women was imo the target of the attack as she was utterly destroyed with this garden hoe. This crime was quick and brutal. Easily committed by one strong offender.

    A terrible terrible crime. Why were these photos distributed by thai police? These are the most graphic and sexually and violently explicit photos ive ever seen of such a crime and to distribute photos of the women in all graphic horror seem to me further example of shaming the victim?

    Where did this garden hoe come from? Who had access to it? yes i searched for these and viewed the pics. im sorry. and i believe to view them is to not make any stupid jokes and really get the impact of this terrible act of murder

    Very disturbed by this news. so so terrible for the family

    RIP and condolences.

  9. from sky news: http://news.sky.com/story/1336573/thai-murders-police-focus-on-migrant-workers


    Police Colonel Prachum Ruangthong said: "The man was chopped in the back and on the side of his head, while the woman was chopped in her face."


    no discretion on part of investigators as graphic death photos are already on the web. ive seen them and the man has big gashes to the back of the head and the womens face is heavily damaged and body looking posed with legs spread eagle as if raped

    my apologies for graphic discription murder is not pretty

    looks like possibly a sneak attack on the male from behind with the bloody hoe and then a brutal rape and frontal attack on the female.

    rip to the victims

    when Kevin Curley fell or jumped or was pushed from Nana hotel a few days ago no one blinks as a sex tourist in Bangkok dying is no big deal

    but when innocent young brits get brutally and horifically murdered on a thai paradise island this is not a news story that will go away anytime soon

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