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Posts posted by Theforeigner

  1. Sean just remember the 2 canadian female backpackers you introduced to your Thai mates ?? If you don't talk to the right people they will ???????

    If there are people with any info which could shed light on this case, they should speak up now. Even if it's info which would shed light on the character of some men who should be suspects (but who Thai cops conveniently eliminate from being witnesses because they're connected to the headman, or are cops, or....?).

    Even if the Canadian women or whomever are out of the country, they should sign a notarized statement and have it mailed to their embassy in Bangkok, with the words; "Friend of Court info related to the Ko Tao double murder" written in bold on the front of the envelope.

    It's likely that whatever men committed the heinous crime - also have a history of perpetrating violence - probably on that beach and/or connected to the AC bar. Anyone with possibly pertinent info should speak up now.

    A note on the murder weapons: I and others have been mentioning the 'push-knife' theory as plausibly causing David's wounds. Upon further reflection, the sharp end of a broken bottle could have been the weapon - particularly if it had a prominent sharp piece sticking out. Afterwards, it's simple as pie to toss it out to the sea. Have investigators searched the seabed adjoining the crime scene? Answer: probably no more than they investigated many other areas/issues they should have looked at.

    Also, have any of the suspects' bodies (including headman's friends, family) been inspected for bruises and cuts? Granted it's late now, and things heal, but it's likely any attacker would have bruises from a struggle, particularly hands/fingers. Sorry to mention this, but someone's dick may have been damaged by biting teeth. It's not uncommon in forced sex scenarios, and would explain why Hannah's murderer would resort to such barbarity.

    It is VERY easy to verify/dismiss wether the murder weapon was a broken bottle or not.

    IF the murder weapon was a broken bottle there would, with 100% certainty, be microscopic glass splinters to be found in David's wounds.

    I sure hope that a UK autopsy is/has bin done.

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    You can STILL sign the petition, the more people that sign the better :)

    Petitioning The Government of the United Kingdom

    Independently investigate the horrific murders of Hannah Witheridge and David Miller

    Petition by

    Christopher Harkins


  3. There is now a petition for an independent investigation :- 10000 signatures are needed,still 2,145 NEEDED, it will go to Mark Kent, the UK ambassador to Thailand

    Please sign!!!


    You can STILL sign the petition, the more people that sign the better :)
    Petitioning The Government of the United Kingdom
    Independently investigate the horrific murders of Hannah Witheridge and David Miller
    Petition by
    Christopher Harkins
  4. The link for Hannah's friend, Lucy Dunkley, saying that the friends who were out there with her said David was obviously smitten with Hannah, is to a news paper I don't think is allowed here? I will post it but just remove if not allowed sorry


    Sorry, it says the page is unavailable.

    Here is another link that should work:


    "Hannah’s devastated friends revealed they have been told that David was “smitten” with her."


  5. Close up of earlier image . Looks like a garment in the right hand being held by fingertips and away from the body , phone in the other hand .

    1. Do you have a time for that image and

    2. Is that image available without the mouse pointer on it?

    One of the first images was taken at 1.51 am another at 3.44am and the last at 4.49am.

    Ok so the picture of the guy wearing the dark shorts / trousers is at 1:51 am?

    Yeh, even in the CCTV with David and Hannah there is no one walking around topless.

    So it seems that:

    This guy is seen on CCTV wearing dark shorts that fit his size at 1:51 am

    Same guy ( I presume) seen on CCTV, running at 3:44 am, wearing light shorts, way to big for his size.

    Also seen on CCTV in same light, too big shorts, at 4.49am

    Theory; this guy was, one way or the other, involved in the murder and got blood all over his own shorts, so he took Davids shorts.

  6. Scenario # 4356:

    David and Hannah on their way to their lovenest walk past 3 people on the beach singing and playing guitar. Those 3 people are Sean and the two younger relatives of the barowner, who in their drunk/drugged state of mind decide to have some "fun". Follows the young couple, a fuse blows in Seans head and he attacks David with a hoe and finish him off by dragging him into the sea and drown him.

    In the meantime Hannah is raped by the two Thais, who after they are finished kill her.

    That would explain the chase of Sean the following night, because the two local killers (and their families) didn't trust a western druggie to be able to keep his mouth shut. So they were telling him to leave the island immidiately or else........

    I don't beleve for one second, that Sean is not involved!

    You should be banned from posting such inane dross

    Do you actually read the stuff your posting and believe it or are you just trolling.

    Where are the cuts/bruises on Sean to say he had been in a fight?? David's post mortem said he put up a fight!

    What motive did he have for killing David?

    Nobody would leave blood on a guitar for over a week if they had been involved in a brutal murder

    Here is a photo of a deep cut on Sean Mcanna's right arm, photos taken when Sean was interviewed after the murders.

    Go to the "View Gallery", photos of Sean Mcanna, and choose picture nr 4:


    Deep cut, that's a scratch man!! David was fighting for his life. I'm pretty sure he would of landed a few blows. On that pale Scottish skin any cuts would last for more than a few days. It's not as if he has a tan to cover them up!!

    I'm no advocate of Sean as I don't know him, but to place him in this, seems a bit far fetched to say the least. I place him as a witness at best

    OK I ask AGAIN... how do you explain the blood splatter on his guitar ?

    And how do you explain his inconsistence story of the night of the murder ?

    And how do you explain the witness who claimed he/she helped Sean washing of blood the night of the murder ?

    I just want Sean to explain these things, and a DNA test of the blood on the guitar to be done, then Sean Mcanna could be ruled out once and for all right ?

    Wouldn't that be a good thing ???

    • Like 1
  7. One begins to wonder just what the poster foreigner aims might be or are?

    Does he or she or they have vital evidence that could implicate Sean and others, or is it a campaign to divert people away from the actual facts?

    Now foreigner, please if you have hard conclusive facts let all of us see them and also ensure the relevant authorities are made aware of and availed of any evidence or facts that you are privy too.

    Civic duty is a responsibility that must be honoured, if you are privy to actual facts get them out into the public domain

    The sooner this horrific crime is solved and those responsible brought to justice the better.

    I do NOT have any inside information whatsoever

    However questions I have posted IMHO is INDEED legit, I mean Sean was playing guitar close to the murder scene the night of the murder.

    Sean himself have stated that he had made an appointment with murder victim David Miller that evening, but then stated that he didn't show up to the meeting because he slept due to a hangover.

    But then reports have stated that Sean was playing guitar close to the murder scene the night.

    So that story does not really add up does it?

    So lets have Sean's explanations on that right?

    And let's have Sean's explanation on how his guitar got all covered up with blood splatters, right?

    And let's have Sean's explanation on how he got that deep cut on his right arm, right?

    And then give me a good explanation as to WHY you don't agree to that the blood splatter on Sean's guitar should be DNA tested ???

    I mean all you people who think it is ridiculous to suspect Sean Mcanna, why can't you then realize the sense in DNA testing the blood spatter on his guitar, due to that if he indeed is innocent then that would be proven with such a DNA test, I mean if the DNA test turn out to show that the blood do NOT belong to murder victims David and/or Hanna then Sean would be ultimate cleared right?

  8. The photo of the blood smeared acoustic guitar owned by the Scottish cross-dresser is shocking. Someone needs to do some forensics on that!


    David's other friend has got a massive bandage on his hand from an accident!

    Youngsters tend to do stupid stuff when they are on holiday! Most of the time it is the first time they have been on a motorbike!

    btw that's David in the picture with his mate, before any of the nobbers on here let their imagination get the better of them!!

    It would be SO VERY easy to rule Sean Mcanna in or out... just get a DNA test of the blood splatter on his guitar, right ?

  9. Scenario # 4356:

    David and Hannah on their way to their lovenest walk past 3 people on the beach singing and playing guitar. Those 3 people are Sean and the two younger relatives of the barowner, who in their drunk/drugged state of mind decide to have some "fun". Follows the young couple, a fuse blows in Seans head and he attacks David with a hoe and finish him off by dragging him into the sea and drown him.

    In the meantime Hannah is raped by the two Thais, who after they are finished kill her.

    That would explain the chase of Sean the following night, because the two local killers (and their families) didn't trust a western druggie to be able to keep his mouth shut. So they were telling him to leave the island immidiately or else........

    I don't beleve for one second, that Sean is not involved!

    You should be banned from posting such inane dross

    Do you actually read the stuff your posting and believe it or are you just trolling.

    Where are the cuts/bruises on Sean to say he had been in a fight?? David's post mortem said he put up a fight!

    What motive did he have for killing David?

    Nobody would leave blood on a guitar for over a week if they had been involved in a brutal murder

    Here is a photo of a deep cut on Sean Mcanna's right arm, photos taken when Sean was interviewed after the murders.

    Go to the "View Gallery", photos of Sean Mcanna, and choose picture nr 4:


  10. Sean was not involved

    your theory has already been discredited, Seans DNA swabbed, and he is gone,

    he knows the killers though, and gave them up,

    it nearly cost him his life

    he was wise to flee

    Sean Mcanna has only been ruled out concerning the semen DNA found inside Hannah, the DNA from two asian persons who raped Hannah.

    BUT if JOC's theory is correct, that Sean did not participate in the rape, but did kill David and/or Hannah, then Sean would NOT have bin ruled out!

  11. Scenario # 4356:

    David and Hannah on their way to their lovenest walk past 3 people on the beach singing and playing guitar. Those 3 people are Sean and the two younger relatives of the barowner, who in their drunk/drugged state of mind decide to have some "fun". Follows the young couple, a fuse blows in Seans head and he attacks David with a hoe and finish him off by dragging him into the sea and drown him.

    In the meantime Hannah is raped by the two Thais, who after they are finished kill her.

    That would explain the chase of Sean the following night, because the two local killers (and their families) didn't trust a western druggie to be able to keep his mouth shut. So they were telling him to leave the island immidiately or else........

    I don't beleve for one second, that Sean is not involved!

    Sound plausible to me.

    And the thing for police to do is;... TEST THE BLOOD ON SEAN'S GUITAR !!!

    That would rule him IN or OUT !!!

  12. Id say its written by a person with a drug abuse problem, typical teen anti society ideas, lack of belonging and no song writing capability ..

    songs really arnt a measure, a personal diary maybe but hardly ever are song lyrics acted out in reality..

    so how would you view the writer of this ?

    Killer on the Loose

    Some people they call me Jack

    Some people they call me insane

    I'm looking for somebody

    And I don't even know her name

    I might be looking for you

    Wherever you may be

    For there is something I've got to do to you honey

    And it's between you and me

    Now you might think it's fun

    Or maybe it's a joke

    But you've got plenty of reason to worry honey

    'Cause you wouldn't stand a hope

    There's a killer on the loose again

    A killer on the loose

    There's a killer on the loose again

    A lady killer on the loose

    Now I'm not trying to be nasty

    Or I'm not trying to make you scared

    But there's a killer on the loose

    Or haven't you heard

    He'll be walking around this town

    Just about midnight

    Yes, that's Chinatown

    That's right

    That's right

    Now you might think I'm messing

    Or he don't exist

    But honey I'm confessing

    I'm a mad sexual rapist

    There's a killer on the loose again

    A killer on the loose

    There's a killer on the loose again

    A ladykiller on the loose

    "I'll be standing in the shadows of love

    Waiting for you

    Don't unzip your zipper

    'Cause you know I'm Jack the Ripper

    Now don't wail, don't"

    There's a killer on the loose again

    Standing in the shadows

    A killer on the loose

    There's a killer on the loose again

    Coming to get you

    A lady killer on the loose

    There's a killer on the loose again

    Standing in the shadows of love

    A killer on the loose

    There's a killer on the loose again

    A lady killer on the loose

    There's a killer on the loose again

    Standing in the shadow

    A killer on the loose, of love

    There's a killer on the loose again


    A lady killer on the loose.

    What a stupid comparison.

    Those lyrics/song is nothing but a commercial piece of sh.. by the band Thin Lizzy written /inspired by "Jack the Ripper" and "The Yorkshire Ripper".

  13. One of Sean's photos from Koh Tao. The man on the left looks remarkably like the man caught walking, and running in the CCTV. I find Sean's choice of words continually odd. Such as, wanting to kill us all one by one.

    Also listen to the lyrics of this song written and sung by the same Sean McAnna, IMO some very troubling lyrics:


    Seriously ?? he looks about 18 there lol

    Maybe If you play it backwards you might even hear a hidden message from Satan.......

    i can imagine what youd say if hed done a cover of Killer on the loose by Thin Lizzy ...

    At least try to keep it real here eh ? thumbsup.gif

    Take it easy!

    Sean Mcanna posted it on his youtube profile himself 04/04/2014.

    And Sean Mcanna is the guy to the left, NOT the younger guy to the right playing the guitar, and this video is probably made in 2014.

    Thise are the lyrics of the song, or part of it, due to that english is not my first languish I can't get all the words, but maybe somone else can fill the missing parts in (the ??????? parts)
    Stole the world by Sean McAnna
    I stole the world
    with no remorse
    for those I killed
    I stole the world
    with no remorse
    for those I killed
    I'v got a hunger that's devouring me
    and I'm trying to keep my sanity
    sanity but I know I got to take it slow
    I will be on the run for a while
    but as long as I keep on bawling
    and I stole the world
    with no remorse
    for those I killed
    and I stole the world
    with no remorse
    for those I killed
    I'v got a treasure that's possesing me
    and I'm trying to keep my dignity
    but I know, my life is done
    look at this prodigal son
    no were to go, no were to hide, no were to run
    I stole the world
    with no remorse
    for those I'v killed
    and I stole the world
    with no remorse
    for those I'v killed
    Take my life if you want it
    because I can't choose it anymore
    there's the chance I can turn myself in
    watching me destroy myself
    and I stole the world
    with no remorse
    for those I'v killed
    and I stole the world
    with no remorse
    for those I'v killed

    This IMHO indeed seem to have bin written by a person who is struggling REALLY HARD with his own deep darkness and what it has led him to do in life...murder??? I don't know but in the context of the whole situation ???... it is IMO a possibilty, add to that all the blood on his guitar which indeed is another serious worry IMO.

  14. One of Sean's photos from Koh Tao. The man on the left looks remarkably like the man caught walking, and running in the CCTV. I find Sean's choice of words continually odd. Such as, wanting to kill us all one by one.

    Also listen to the lyrics of this song written and sung by the same Sean McAnna, IMO some very troubling lyrics:


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