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    khao kho

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  1. Up in the mountains of Phetchabun with only lake water for showering and laundry. Recent storms have washed a lot of the fine clay particles from the hillside above us into our reservoir. We do have a filter system that usually works well but cant cope now. My thoughts are we need a pre ilter to clean up the water before it goes into the two stage tank system. Most prefilters seem only to be small 25mm entry would these be big enough to cope? My lady runs a small resort on the property so clean water is essential for her guests. Any advice appreciated.
  2. Grow easy from seed. Save a few berries from the markets. Have a batch just about 20mm high at the moment should be able to plant out soon.
  3. Finally got the dates from a fruit tree trader who will be attending 10 to 14 feb.
  4. Wat Yansangwararam over near silver lake vineyard usually holds a large garden show in early to mid feb. Spent a while looking online for the dates, but no luck. Anyone know? Usually go to that show and then onto Burapa bike weekend at the stadium. Coming from Khao kho ( Little Switzerland ) in Phetchabun so need to make sure the dates line up for me
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