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Posts posted by reallybigken

  1. 12 hours ago, Peterhua said:

    I have met him too and as another poster said, he is just a "self promoting a $$hole" and i don't believe for one minute that his youtube channel is just a hobby. He is doing it for money


    Opinions may very.


    Have you started a channel on YouTube? Do you have an understanding of how much income you get? It usually isn't even enough to cover equipment costs.


    Well I wish Kevin the best .... and I guess I wish you the best in your life going forward as well.


    Hate just begets Hate.

    • Like 2
  2. On 1/11/2019 at 9:51 PM, atyclb said:



    i had performance issues, slowdowns, etc. turns out my power supply was good but not watt rated adequately to handle the harware connected. power hungry gpu, multiple hard drives, etc .  upgraded the power supply and all is well.  removed ps works great in a different computer with less power demands

    Modern computers are very complex and there a many available options.


    I was assuming a correctly configured computer that had been running correctly before.


    Modern graphics hardware (Nvidia, AMD, Intel), typically, contains two different sets of video control electronics (in the same hardware). One is usually VESA (video electronics standards association -- vesa.org) compliant or based on a well know, older graphics system (I will refer to the as "low performance" graphics) . The other is a proprietary "high performance" graphics system.


    When you install an operating system, or the computer is booting, it uses the "low performance" graphics to display information on your monitor. Once everything is running it may load the driver for the high performance graphics system. The "low performance" system uses a lot less power than the "high performance" system.


    Your computers can work fine with the lower performance graphics system and maybe able to play games, with significant diminished performance .


    I'm guessing, on your system the "high performance" system determined that there wasn't enough available power to run in "high performance" mode, so it left the "low performance" graphics active. It is possible that it only used part of the "high performance" system, or slowed the clock in order to use less power (although I have never heard of this)


    1) The first case, the power supply section connected to your graphics hardware could have been dropping out when your system tried to use the "high performance" graphics system, and then the "high performance" graphics system detected a low supply voltage and when back to "low performance" graphics. Though I thick this is less likely as most power supply's will shutdown if this occurs.


    2) The second case is were the computer tries to use the "high performance" graphics system and the load on the supply causes the voltage to dip just enough for "high performance" graphics system to think there is a low voltage condition and it automatically goes back to the "low performance" graphics system.


    I have actual seen both. But with the first case the whole system shut down. With the second case there was a momentary blanking of the screen and then it would continue, but running much slower. Newer system may make the transition smother and they may not be a blanking of the screen.


    Also, the power supply outputs may start to sag over time and heat causing the second case to occur more often.


    There are also possibility for a combination of all these factors. There are so many options for CPU's, Power Supply''s, Motherboards, graphics ..... etc.


    It real comes down to debugging the most common failures first and them move to the less common ones. Hard-drives is a good starting point (non SSD's). It a mechanical device, and "usual" fails before the electronics.


    I hope this help.



    • Like 1
  3. On 1/10/2019 at 6:15 PM, Daffy D said:

    Looks like there is a safer way of testing:-




    All this modern technology stuff take the fun and excitement out of the good old finger test :sad:

    This is just a voltage tester. It doesn't test the supply under load. you could to the same with a volt meter. This just makes it easier (witch is good).

  4. I'm a electrical engineer. If your computer's performance slows, it has nothing to do with the power supply. If thing stop working or it doesn't boot (post) then the power supply could be one of the reason, but it would be the only one.


    Performance issues usually relate to software, and those components that directly interact with the software (like hard drive, memory, CPU and Graphics card).


    If you are running Microsoft Windows there are cases were it gets slower over time as you install and/or remove software. I would always run a virus scan first, then hard drive check/scan, and then performance scan (My virus softeare includes a performance scan). Once every few years I actually re-install the operating system to give it a fresh start.


    Note: if you ever see a hardware error on your HDD.. back it up and replace it A.S.A.P. Modern HDD have built in error correction systems, and will correct as may faults as it can. If you see a HDD ether directly (reported by the operating system), or after running a scan, it means your HDD has corrected everything it can and now you need to do something.


    I hope this helps.


  5. I have not read all the responses, but I did read you post.


    1) Move On:

    * I must notify 30+ friends with confirmed flights to Thailand. 

    * Fear of not having kids.

    * Not sure if I will find a companion to have kids with, within a year.

    * A lot of money has been vested into this relationship

    * Have to divorce, before ever having to cohabitate with the wife

    * Do I ask her to give me the 20 1 Liter bottles of Johnnie Walker Gold Reserve that was accumulated for the wedding next month or just move on?


    None of these relate to a carrying relationship. Everything listed above in purely material things. Material things come and go. A good relationship has nothing to do with them. Rushing to have a kid with the wrong person ..... is just wrong!!!!


    If you continue with someone you think/know has cheated on you, it will be in the back of your mind forever.  She is so much younger and will still have lots of opportunities to cheat.


    2) Give her a chance:

    * Start working on having kids this year.

    * Will take time to earn my trust.

    * Relationship will be rocky for a while, at least until she gives me the gift of a child as the love for a child will change all mindsets.


    You keep going back to having a kid. I have never ever seen where a kid has fixed a unfaithful relationship. I have seen where spouses use it as a way of establishing long term income.


    No one can tell you what to do ... think of YOUR future, and also make sure it is a good one to bring a kid into it.

  6. 15 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

    Anyone know what “pandering in tourist attractions” refers to?


    ExamplesWord Origin

    See more synonyms for pander on Thesaurus.com

    noun Also pan·der·er.
    1. a person who furnishes clients for a prostitute or supplies persons for illicit sexual intercourse; procurer;pimp.
    2. a person who caters to or profits from the weaknesses or vices of others.
    3. a go-between in amorous intrigues.
  7. 11 minutes ago, dotpoom said:

    Strange...I would have thought that accomodation like hotels, condos, rooms, etc., are so cheap here that Airbnb wouldn't be necessary?

    I have used AIrBnb several times and I got a better deal than I would have gotten at a hotel.


    My last trip to western France, last week, I reserved a Cottage. It was a very large 5 bedroom Cottage (Really big cottage) on the ocean for $200 a night. The host was great and the Cottage was breathtaking. The nearest hotel was $180 a night for a small room.


    My last trip to Thailand, last May, I rented a Villa on the ocean in Phuket. The Villa was part of a Hotel, but its own separate building. When I booked it though AirBnb it was 1/3 the cost of what it would have been if I book the same Villa directly through the Hotel (I looked it up on the hotel website), and I got to use all the hotel facilities. The Villa was over the top, and the host went out of his way to make sure everything was great.

    • Like 2
  8. I had a Samsung Note 8 with the screen that wraps around the edge of the phone. I would never get another one with the curved edge screen.


    I dropped it and it shattered both the front and back glass including the underlying screen. The reason I doped it was I was trying to show a taxi driver where I wanted to go on google maps. While I had the map open I kept touching the curved edge of the screen. When I touched the curved edge of the screen the map would move and I would have to recenter it. This caused me to loosen my grip on the phone and opening my hand up more and more. When I got to the point where I wasn't touching the curved edge of the screen, I had loosened my grip and opened my hand so wide, I dropped the phone.


    Not worth it. I don't see an advantage to the screen which wraps around the edge of the phone. Its just a gimmick!!!


    Just my experience.......

    • Like 1
  9. I thought a tablet without a SD card slot was called an iPad.......??????? Sorry I couldn't help myself....


    I wouldn't get one with only 16GB unless it had a SD card slot. You may want to install a book reader, or other stuff in the future. 16 GB will run out fast. A lot of the newer video services will allow you to download the videos/programs to the tablet and view them later. That way you wont get jerky/studdering video when there is an issue with internet bandwidth, and 16gb won't go far.....

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  10. Check out the following website for frequency and bands for True Mobile H:




    It list True Mobile H as follows:

        GSM: 900mhz (E-GSM) and 1800mhz (DCS) -- voice frequencies and low speed data

        UMTS: band B1 (2100mhz) -- 3G data speed

        LTE: B1 (2100mhz) -- 4G data speed


    It is the bands (B1 for True Mobile H) which is more than just frequency when it comes to UMTS (3G) and LTE (4G). The Band  specifies both frequency and protocol (communication methodology).


    The listed website can also check device (phone) compatibility.


    I hope this helps :-)



  11. 1 minute ago, MaeJoMTB said:

    Claims to have been raped, I think you mean.

    I always ask, "How long did the guy spend in jail?", before walking away.

    No, in her case they had evidence. He was convicted. Even with the evidence it was still difficult to convict. We had broken up months before, but I was still there to support her through the whole process. I'm not going into the details here. The whole process made it even more traumatizing for her. 

  12. The issue is she put herself in a bad place. Being intoxicated is not an excuse. I'm not defending him ether. NO means NO.


    These situation can be very traumatizing. I had a girlfriend that was raped (not by me), and unfortunately she couldn't handle a relationship after that. She is still not married, and that was 30 years ago.  We have still remained friends all these years.


    The problem is, it is her word against his. There needs to be other evidence to prove her point. In the USA this case would be dropped, unfortunately, unless she could prove he forced her.


    I tell my niece all the time, don't put herself into these kinds of situation.





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