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Paul L

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Posts posted by Paul L

  1. The thing is, plasma in particular *should* be cheaper in Thailand because that is where many of the panels are manufactured.

    I don't think you're corrent on this, I think all the panels are made in Korea and Japan.

    To Paul L

    "I was looking for a TV before Christmas, the store I was in had both Panasonic LCD and Plasma together (both the same size). I had the both put on the same channel and stood back to take a look. No contest, Plasma wins hands down on picture quality IMHO."

    You need to be very careful with what you see in the stores. The sales people will set the contrast/colour/brightness etc to make one TV look better than another. Obviously the TV with the better margin for the store will be made to look better.

    mmmmmmmmmm. Never thought about that..............Thx

  2. I was looking for a TV before Christmas, the store I was in had both Panasonic LCD and Plasma together (both the same size). I had the both put on the same channel and stood back to take a look. No contest, Plasma wins hands down on picture quality IMHO.

  3. I haven't tried to withdraw more then 20,000B in a day at Bangkok Bank for 2 or three years because that was all I could get before. But I just looked at their website and it states this:

    "With a Bualuang ATM card you can withdraw or transfer to other Bangkok Bank accounts or transfer money to third party accounts at any Thai bank up to 50,000 Bt per day, or transfer unlimited amounts between your Bangkok Bank accounts registered with the same ATM card, and pay for your utility, mobile phone and overseas telephone bills."

    Has anyone tried ATM withdrawal from BB for more then 20,000B successfully (in a 24 hour period)?

    Basically anyone can withdraw 50.000 Bt per day in 20,000 steps. If you have enough money in your Bangkok Bank account they will increase the daily withdrawal limit.

    We've just bought a home that we picked in December 04. 10% deposit, 80000 baht per month and final payment on completion. The good lady pulled 80000 from the Bangkok Bank ATM to make the payment. I think she took 4 x 20000 baht lumps.

  4. I wear an amulet (under shirt always) but I’m not sure if it’s an image of Buddha? The good lady calls it by the name of “Phra Rod” (spelling). About a week after asking her to marry me and giving her the traditional western engagement ring, I was almost dragged to BKK from Singapore. On the flight she pulls a small cloth bag that I’d never seen before out of her hand bag, I’m then given said bag to open. Inside are two of these figures almost identical, wrapped in a piece of coloured lint. I then get a bit of history about them been handed down to the eldest daughter in the family for generations, and we will use them (something about not been able to own them?) until we have a daughter of our own. Anyway on arrival in BKK I’m taken to a shady little gold smiths place in Or Nut, where they are encased and hooked on to 1 baht chains. She then proceeds to place said chain and amulet over my head and I’m given the other to place on her, on doing so she says “If you want me, I marry you pooha ja”. Around my neck it will stay until hopefully one day we have a daughter of our own, once she’s old enough to understand exactly how important these two small figures are to her mum, on passed they will be.

  5. Glauka,

    Was In Abidjan (Ivory Coast) June this year. The picture is a lot nicer than reality........


    Is also known as the Paris of West Africa...I though it was pretty..

    How about people are they nice and friendly? Just a general impresion

    I was working offshore and we had to do an overnight in the Novotel (city centre) Never went out at night (companies advice) and lots of people with lots of guns. Never felt comfortable until I was in departures heading back to KK

  6. I’m working in sunny Kazakhstan and living in the sticks (Khonkaen). In the winter I get on a plane at -30’C and get home at +30’C, Usually takes me about a week to get over it.

    Tiger7moth must be in a different location to me, as the best time of the year is December and January with an average 30’C and April’s is usually the hottest before the rains come.

  7. I’ve been living in Thailand for over a year now (on a 30 day tourist visa) after a couple of years in Singapore. Every month I fly Bangkok – Amsterdam – Kazakhstan return. My last leg is always the end of the ticket, i.e no onward flight from Thailand. I’ve never had any problems (maybe I’ve just been lucky).

    FYI. China Airlines economy open return (valid for 6 months) is the same price as a normal economy return.

  8. Hi

    I'm looking for a small basic apartment in khon kaen city  or in the very close outskirts.  I'm budgeting at around 1000bt a month, plus water and elec.  I'm not expecting anything special and if it has air con that is a bonus, but not essential. 

    If you know of anywhere ir have stayed somewhere like this, I would really like to hear from you.


    Hi Khun Bob,

    You might want to post this on www.khonkaen.com

    I haven't rented at home myself, though I think 1000bt a month would be a little optimistic?

    Good luck


  9. Wow 10 tonnes in a few seconds!

    Sounds to me like they have been pretty quick about shutting tanker discharge down to be honest; these little babies can discharge to a terminal at a rate of 35,000 barrels of oil per hour, if you do you numbers that’s almost 93,000 litres per second. Or in financial terms (at $55 USD per barrel) about $32000 USD per second…… Gets mind boggling if you think about it

  10. Geordie, Crossy, Lopburi3

    Thanks for the information its certainly appreciated; you’ve put my mind to rest. It looks like I’ll be going for the non immigrant O visa. I assume from the suggestions that I should apply in Panang that I need to apply for said visa from outside the Kingdom, and not from say Bangkok. Am I interpreting this correctly?

    Once again thank you for your time and effort in replying to my questions


  11. Dear BM’s,

    I’m looking for a little advice after looking through the topics on TV, I haven’t found anything that matches my particular circumstances as follows:

    I’m a 39 year old and married to a Thai. We’ve been living in Khonkaen for just over a year, after a couple of years working and living in Singapore. I’m an engineer in the oil industry, as such working a 28 day on location, and 28 day at home rotation. The easy option for me is to always enter on a tourist visa (as I am doing currently). I’d like to apply for a marriage visa (I believe this is a non immigrant O visa?), however some friends believe that I would need to stay in the Kingdom for 90 days with out leaving. Obviously this is not feasible due to work commitments. Is this true? If so are there any other alternatives that would allow me to meet my work commitments and attain a non immigrant visa of any type?

    Thanks in advance for any advice


  12. Hi Paul,

    going in dec, should be on samui around dec 8.  wondering how you found amari?  we looked at the central too, and loved it except the pool is closed for renovations while we're there.

    Thanks alot,

    Chris & Mira

    Hi Chris and Maria,

    I would go to the Amari again. Great room, service and staff. Hotel evening entertainment was good and very relaxing during the day. Not to far away from the night life should you want it.



  13. Hi Board Members,

    The good lady and I will be heading to BKK (from Khonkaen) for a UK visa Monday 17th October. Rather than sit around in the smog for three or four days, I thought I would be nice to hop across to Samui for four nights or so. Could any members recommend a nice hotel on Chaweng or Lamai beaches? We would be looking at chilling out on the beach, good Thai food and a couple of beers for her old man. Anything up to the 7000 baht/night mark would be acceptable. Also would it be wise to book up prior to arrival? I have no feel for availability at all.

    Thanks in advance

    Paul and Supattra

  14. what is a 'depression'?  like, why does it get a name?

    what is a typhoon? not the same as hurricane?

    i always thought cyclones were tornadoes?

    clarify, anyone?

    and what are the thai/issan names for these different things?

    as opposed to just: storm?

    The only difference between: Hurricane / Typhoon / Cyclone are the location of the world you are in.

    Hurricane – Americas

    Typhoon – SE Asia

    Cyclone – Australasia

    Hope this clarifies


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