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Das Boot

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Posts posted by Das Boot

  1. I am and have been since the beginning, a proponent of the lockdown to control the spread of this disease.  That said, I fail to see why continued full lockdown is any benefit?  People are hungry, many out of work & by their own announcement 31 (33 now) days without new infection in Chonburi province.  Yes the populace as behaving under the lockdown (for the most part) & I'm sure the govt are loving that aspect, but at an enormous cost to the economy, to individuals and to the country as a whole.  There soon won't be a country left to exert any power over.  The longer it goes, the more difficult it will be to bounce back from it.  Maybe its time to start a phased recovery?  Or would that be too complicated?

  2. A bit of a conundrum this one.  Thailand is obviously not overrun with the virus like UK & parts of the US, the current situation in the hospitals support this.  The government did get off to a stupid start, but within days of Singapore & Malaysia locking down, so did Thailand.  I scraped back in with 12 hours to spare from Singapore.  It seems likely that the sudden change of approach was more likely them taking Singapore's lead, where they do know how to govern effectively.  I'm sure there have been more cases than reported, due to the testing policy, but that said, there obviously isn't a mass epidemic here.  For the first 6 weeks or so, people were pretty consistent in their mask wearing here.  Dropping off a bit now though.  That's the positive side.  The government made two counter-intuitive announcements over the past 2 days.  Firstly - that Chonburi had gone 31 straight days with no new infections.  Followed a day later by - emergency measures to be extended until June 30th.  Which begs the question - why?  A phased release of lock down commensurate with local situation would be a measure that could be tried in a select location/s - here for example (Pattaya), given the good news above.  So why the continuation of emergency measures? We know they don't think things through to their logical conclusion & logic is just something computers use.  Its so obvious to us that are capable of critical thinking, that something doesn't add up here.

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  3. 2 hours ago, meechai said:



    From zookeeper really? There is now more of them sick too.

    I believe it is 6 tigers & 1 Lion now


    Also here they keep harping on the "Animals cannot give humans covid"

    Yet do they really know?


    We were originally told a Bat gave it to a human at the start <sic>

    Well if true then an animal did pass it albeit the human ate it but...Probably not raw eh?

    So...Then heat also does not kill it?


    All I am saying here is one thing we know for sure about this whole Covid deal is...

    We Don't Know Anything

    If it came from animals as previously stated and passed to humans. Logically  I would have thought it likely it could be passed back to animals.  Although I admit I don't know the intricacies of the transmission.  I do know you don't need to eat an infected animal to catch it, handling an infected bat would do it.  This is a worrying development.  How many animals out there have it already?

  4. I agree with the mask decree.  Worldwide the good sense in wearing a mask is starting to sink in - even in the US where its optional so far???  The rule should apply across the board though.  Thais are just as capable of carrying the virus as foreigners of any ethnicity.  In fact more so if the frequent boxing matches apparently. ????


    We all know that the movers & shakers in this country hold their positions based on how much they were prepared to pay for the position, not because of their ability to do their jobs.  In fact it is quite normal for the top dog to be thick as pig <deleted> & their immediate subordinate be the one with the brains, running the show in the background.  The person issuing this decree is obviously of the former.


    We're no longer talking  - yet another nail in the tourism coffin now.  Its a tourism mass grave.  All they're doing with the xenophobic stupidity, is ensuring that no one will come back when this is all over.  Som Nom Na - idiots!

  5. 18 hours ago, mfd101 said:

    Quite apart from the commonsense aspect: poor judgment of space & speed.


    Something I notice quite often here on the roads. In The West we think of that as mostly a female driver problem ...

    In the case of a train in Pattaya you'd have to be completely incapable of estimating speed pf approach.  They travel at a snail's pace thru the city.  Trains are so infrequent, people don't even look anymore.  You see it everyday.  Coupled with a lack of deductive reasoning, which is endemic here (Barriers down means train coming), it's only a matter of time & luck really.

  6. 1 hour ago, Cheesekraft said:

    these fabric masks can be up to ~50% as effective as N95 masks which is a big improvement over nothing 


    Sorry that's incorrect.  I agree with your sentiment, anything is better than nothing, but the masks you refer to are not (just) cloth masks, they have a non-woven polymer layer sandwiched between cloth layers.  A simple cloth mask is nowhere near 50% as efficient as an N95 mask.  In fact they don't even get an N rating.


  7. 6 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

    This brake failure, or malfunction, seems to be used by most drivers who cause carnage on the roads, and we never seem to hear of any severity in punishments meted out.

    If, which seems highly probable, his substance abuse is proved to be the cause of this horrendous tragedy, he should be given the absolute maximum time of incarceration. Any severe punishment should also be massively publicised for the whole nation to see, to, hopefully, act as a deterrent to other drivers with the same mentality as this <deleted>. 

    I have no doubt in my mind that the imbecilic, amped up driver is mainly to blame here.  I've spent hours of nerve wracking bus rides here in Thailand, on coaches just like this one.  But look at the state of the coach.  It obviously hit something hard & unforgiving, but, at only 80kph.  The bottom half stopped suddenly, but the top half kept going.  It appears to have sheared almost clean off.


    There is no way a bus in Europe or US or Australia would disintegrate like that in those circumstances.  The vehicle design & construction is also at fault & I don't mean the brakes.  I'd put money on it, that most of the fatalities were on the upper deck?  The lower deck, which I assume took the brunt of the impact is mostly intact. Even the driver escaped relatively unharmed.  I don't often agree with the general, but maybe on this one he's right.  Time to get rid of the double decker buses.  Notwithstanding, something really serious needs to be done about the drivers, which is obvious to all with an ounce of brain matter.

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