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Posts posted by Ghia

  1. I think Sean was there, and they were all high on drugs

    David;s hero image is dead as, it is what I thought from the very start,

    he was just getting started with the girl, and they hit him from behind and immediately jumped her while two guys drowned him

    Of course Sean was there. The coward ran away and left David and Hannah behind. From hero to zero. All those posts on facebook by Sean are just reflection of his guilty conscience.

    If Sean was with Hannah and David on the beach at the time of the attack then it doesn't make sense that Hannah and David were 'getting intimate'. I doubt they would choose to start getting it on with a friend hanging around when their rooms were so close by. So what would explain Hannah's DNA and no one elses on the condom?

  2. When we think about Sean, I think it's important to remember that we've not been told about everything the police have done/tested during the investigation. We're mostly basing our opinion on very limited and conflicting information with lots of speculation thrown in.

    I'm sure the police would not have allowed Sean to leave the island if they felt he had any involvement in the crimes. I have wondered if he either witnessed something which he was supposed to keep quiet, but I think that would be the extent of his involvement, if he was at all. Based on the informaiton we have though, we can never put the picture together and are bound to go round and round in circles debating the same things time and time again.

    I really hoped we'd have a detailed picture of the hours leading up to the murders by now :/

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  3. Scenario # 4356:

    David and Hannah on their way to their lovenest walk past 3 people on the beach singing and playing guitar. Those 3 people are Sean and the two younger relatives of the barowner, who in their drunk/drugged state of mind decide to have some "fun". Follows the young couple, a fuse blows in Seans head and he attacks David with a hoe and finish him off by dragging him into the sea and drown him.

    In the meantime Hannah is raped by the two Thais, who after they are finished kill her.

    That would explain the chase of Sean the following night, because the two local killers (and their families) didn't trust a western druggie to be able to keep his mouth shut. So they were telling him to leave the island immidiately or else........

    I don't beleve for one second, that Sean is not involved!

    You should be banned from posting such inane dross

    Do you actually read the stuff your posting and believe it or are you just trolling.

    Where are the cuts/bruises on Sean to say he had been in a fight?? David's post mortem said he put up a fight!

    What motive did he have for killing David?

    Nobody would leave blood on a guitar for over a week if they had been involved in a brutal murder

    Here is a photo of a deep cut on Sean Mcanna's right arm, photos taken when Sean was interviewed after the murders.

    Go to the "View Gallery", photos of Sean Mcanna, and choose picture nr 4:


    Deep cut, that's a scratch man!! David was fighting for his life. I'm pretty sure he would of landed a few blows. On that pale Scottish skin any cuts would last for more than a few days. It's not as if he has a tan to cover them up!!

    I'm no advocate of Sean as I don't know him, but to place him in this, seems a bit far fetched to say the least. I place him as a witness at best

    If David had scratched the attacker then I wonder if police were able to obtain any of their DNA from his fingernails. I'd imagine he would have attempted to punch or kick them rather than scratch but it is possible. I know that traces have been obtained after being in the sea for longer than David was. There'd be a better chance of DNA under the fingers of Hannah, depending on the sequence of events that is. In the safety chats you have at uni, they always tell women to scratch an attacker and pull out strands of their hair for evidence.

    The hair reported to have been found in Hannah's hand, that seems to have been down played now. I suppose it has to be considering the attackers (some at least) were shown to be Asian.

    Sean seems like a dodgy guy but I agree, explaining Sean's involvement in the murders is an effort. You can't start with a theory and make the evidence fit. You have to use the evidence and try and disprove an emergent theory.

  4. The sad thing is that this will stop people helping genuine cases for fear of being taken advantage of!

    I don't think so. For every 10 people you help maybe 9 are genuine, why would you stop helping people when you can just because of occasional idiots like this German guy?

    Not directing this comment at you necessarily but I personally find that the people who never donate or help anyone hide behind the excuse that there are scam artists out there.

    It shouldn't stop people wanting to help others in future, but it does. It makes people much more skeptical about the needs of others and whether giving money to them will actually help them in the way you hope it will. I suppose it makes people feel like they've been conned or 'taken in'. People aren't always to view these things objectively.

    People just need to write it off and move on. As you said, there will be the occasional idiot.

  5. I thought the Police were going to tighten up on these leaks to the Press.

    Could make a good defense, a crazy farang killed the couple and then two Asians only assaulted the dead female victim.

    That way they are not charged with a brutal murder but still serve time since their DNA was found in the semen they left behind.

    Could make a good defense to an audience that wants to believe...

    Plus it plays into the Thai prejudice against farang that is only rivaled by the farang prejudice against Thai seen on this TV forum the past 12 days.

    OMG you wrote ONLY assaulted the DEAD female victim..

    ONLY??? that is a very sick crime, what sort of penalty is fitting for raping a dead body with a mangled head?

    When they were looking for Mons son there was a reason, the DNA is a 70% match with Mon which proves it is one of his relatives...

    These facts have not been released but are well known by many on Koh Tao..

    This was a terrible crime and whoever was involved to any degree needs to be found. Not since Ted Bundy or the Hillside stranglers have such violent rape/murders been seen. The fact that this was committed by a group of men 2 or 3 or more makes it worse. Even the Manson gang didn't resort to rape. Whether rape happened before or after her death is to be seen. But I cannot even imagine the horror of this crime that was committed. It boggles the mind that the BIB apparently spend more time on social media that investigating the murder and have resorted to releasing weekend troll press releases such as this one. With 400 respsonses to this thread in only a few hours id say there getting good.

    While the farang crowd on Koh Tao seem to want it to just go away have they considered that if or when this happens again that the crime may be pinned on them? That they may be suicided in the woods or blamed for someone elses crime? Its clear that the BIB can do whatever they want in this case and others. Time to go bed early, keep all receipts, wave and smile at all cctv to establish where you were and when, and flush all cigarette butts down the toilet. Or heck just go somewhere else for vacation. is it really worth it?

    Sadly this is not true. Whilst rape and murders with this level of brutality are indeed rare, they are not as rare as most people believe they are. The extent of violence inflicted on a rape/murder victim is rarely reported in any real detail and that is why, when we do hear of these cases, we are shocked at how terrible these attacks can be.

    Think about the reporting about this case, if you only knew what was reported in mainstream media, would you be aware of the level of brutality inflicted on Hannah?

    When you delve deeper into case files you realise how barbaric some of these attacks really are. I’m not suggesting that Hannah wasn’t subjected to the worst kind of brutality (she clearly was), but the suggestion that this is the worst since Bundy is just not accurate all. Sadly I could probably easily name 100+ victims of such extreme violence and rape off the top of my head. I only know a small fraction of course. One thing we have learned from this type of crime is that if the perpetrator is not found, they will do it again in one form or another. That cannot be allowed to happen.

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