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Everything posted by ChomDo

  1. I did the Phuket Sandbox in the end of Oct and I have a 60+30 TR visa as usual. So I'm going to Chaeng Wattana to do the +30 day extension and I was wondering about the TM30 requirement. I've never been asked for it when extending my TR visas during the past 15 years (except last year when I extended STV). So could someone confirm how this is supposed to work if I arrived trough Phuket Sandbox. I mean TM30 is reported automatically by the hotel where I stay the first night, which was my Sandbox hotel in Phuket. This means I obviously don't have any TM30 form to show at the immigration. Would my Sandbox hotel certificate be sufficient or is it possible that they would ask for another TM30? Just want to make sure what I need to prepare since it's 1 hours drive from my house in BKK to the immigration so don't want to have to go twice.
  2. So how can anyone show a TM30 if they arrived trough Phuket Sandbox. This means it's the hotel's responsibility to file the TM30 for the tourist. I assume I just need to show Sandbox papers then or what?
  3. Sounds good. I guess same for normal 60+30 day TR visa then. Do you know what papers were asked?
  4. I came trough Phuket Sandbox so the hotel should have done this automatically of course. That means I don't have the record myself but only the Sandbox certificate etc. I hardly ever stay at a hotel because I go directly to my own house in BKK but this time was special.
  5. Ok thanks for the info. Yes, I think we will get some more experiences about the process soon and what they want. I've never done a covid extension yet cos my previous visa was STV and then I spent the summer back in Europe. I would imagine that they are more relaxed if it's my first extension. I do have an outbound flight but I moved it to next summer already. If a flight out of TH is really required, might book a cheap AirAsia or then move the date of the long haul flight.
  6. This might be a no-brainer but I arrived on Oct 25 with a 60+30 TR visa. I will do the 30 day extension in Dec which would expire on Jan 25, This means I can get a 60 day extension in the end of Jan and stay with that until end of March? That's great if it's so. I guess no extra paperwork required either since it's my first covid extension?
  7. This one is personal for me because I know a few people who are totally brainwashed just because they got into all these dark web sites claiming that the world is flat and vaccines kill you. Same happened to NBA star Kyrie Irving. Sure "selfish" may sound a bit harsh but their decision not to get vaxxed based on some false conspiracy theories affects everyone and prolongs the process of getting life back to normal. It's only because of vaccinated people that we are slowly opening up again – in Europe pretty much back to normal now. Just read in local news (not Thailand) that hospitals now only have non-vaxxed people that are then causing patients with other critical sicknesses to wait for treatment. That could be seen as selfish in my opinion.
  8. I was asking this for a long time, but there was no answer on how EU or US vax passport would be transferred to the local Thai card. I guess it won't matter much anymore since non-vaxed have pretty much the same rights (unless you have a Fitness First membership).
  9. Seems to me like they've actually dropped the idea of restricting non-vaccinated that much after all. First there was talk about needing a vaxx passport to enter restaurants and malls. That seems to have been forgotten about. I know it would be complicated but still not a fan of seeing selfish anti-vaxxers getting away so easy.
  10. Well I guess I'll apply for TR in case then. I was going to fill in the COE application online but just noticed that visa application has to be done first. Very confused since I read on most pages that Sandboxers need to apply COE first?
  11. Ok thanks, but anyway 45+30 would make TR visa nearly pointless for just 15 days more. Hope they update it soon. Classic nonsense that it was stated to be until Sep 30 and now on Oct 4 still no confirmation.
  12. I was just going to ask about this. I was about to apply for a TR visa (60+30 days) but then I realised that if the 45 day exempt is extendable it might not make sense to hassle with the TR visa at all. If the 45 exempt is still on, can someone confirm if it's actually 45 + 30 days extension at immigration or has it been 45 + 45, which would make TR visa senseless.
  13. Yea this is really stupid to even say anything like that anymore really! I mean basically this is just one more wild guess and doesn't allow anybody to actually book flights to BKK until this plan is really in the books. It needs to be confirmed now and not in the end of Oct!
  14. Yea but as usual nothing is confirmed. I mean we all know that it's just guessing as usual until confirmed in the books. They better make it official if they want someone to come in Nov. An besides it won't mean totally quarantine free right, you still need to book an SHA+ hotel in BKK for 7 days when/if this comes into effect. If they would confirm the Nov 1 opening for BKK soon, I'd wait and not do the Phuket sandbox but my patients is running low and not prepared for another surprise postponing.
  15. I was hoping to see this news since the STV is actually a great solution for anyone wanting to spend the whole winter in TH. Just worried about the ridiculous requirements they had up to now. I hope they will reduce those at the same time. I mean the cash load that you have to show in your home country (many of us don't keep money there) and the 75 day hotel booking is a problem. Any info yet on the requirements?
  16. Seriously what an absolute joke! They could have just saved all the unnecessary guessing, speculating and false promises. I suppose Hua Hin won't be opening in Oct either then? Phuket it is then, just to get back to BKK.
  17. Was looking for this choice in the survey. I went back to my home country to get 2 Pfizers and very glad I did so seeing that the only choice from now on is Sinovac. I would have gladly paid for Pfizer or Moderna but it wasn't possible and still doesn't seem to be.
  18. I suppose next year there will be demand for Pfizer and Moderna boosters shots because so many of us went abroad to get our vaccinations. I wonder what happens then. Would we have to travel to other countries again to get the boosters if Thailand really can't get any Pfizer and Moderna?
  19. I was just going to say the same. Know quite a few Thais that have been hesitant to get vaxxed and now I can't blame them anymore if Sinovac is the only choice. What happened to the idea that Pfizer and Moderna would be available for purchase in private hospitals? They we're supposed to have it long ago. Is that plan totally scrapped?? Many of us that went back to our home countries will need boosters of these two next year so hope they become available for purchase soon.
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