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Everything posted by keystonecoppers2

  1. And, when your driving a car in Thailand, don`t forget to have a front and back camera. Will save you a lot of trouble (If you are in the right!)
  2. A Thai man moaning about foreigners driving skills? Hilariuos! Most foreigners have gone through extensive (and expensive) traffic training schools, learning how to drive. They don`t get a licence without training AND exams, with a teacher at their side in the car. Here they get a licence in 2 hours, and NO need showing how to act in traffic. What a joke!! I had my licence over 50 years ago, with teacher at my side in the car, and one would have to read through a theory book, many questable sheets handed to you in the school. This thing goes hand in hand with your progress of your driving practise, and ends with a test sheet and a drive with a supervisor (the one who grant you your licence). I have been driving as I was instructed, all my life and NEVER had any issues. And I will NEVER go on to drive lika a Thai. No Thai can EVER teach me how to drive, PERIOD!! Cheers! Have a nice day!
  3. I think that the loss/cost of 370 Billions is one of the reason here. And having (or implementing) Alkohol Interlock devices have been around in Europe for at least 20 -30 years. As usual, Thailand is WAY behind the rest of the world and will always be. I`m out driving every day, sometimes it only take me 30 seconds to see the first idiot on the road. Intoxicated or not, I don`t know, they just don`t know how to drive properly anyway. Just look at the renewal of a licence : 1,5 -2 hours and you are good to go! The whole system needs an overhaul, which will never happen. Cheers!
  4. "zero-tolerance policy towards any form of misconduct, especially actions that occur while in uniform and on duty". So, off duty it is all fine and dandy? LOL!!
  5. "The investigation is ongoing, and further updates will be provided as more information becomes available". Dream on, you`ll not hear no more of this, as usual in Thai news.
  6. The keywords here are : "officers had "planned" a crackdown, intended to". So how did it work out?
  7. n00dle! You are correct! That is why I don`t post on everything, only when I think that there have to be some understanding about the èvent`we are talking about. There are WAY to much of people here, sitting and commenting on every issue, every day, probably have nothing to do but whining about other peoples misery. I read the Asean every day and many of the hatred that comes up is depressing. But luckely there are some, with a sense of moral and ethics that I can read, and that keeps me going. I`ve been in Thailand 20 odd years, but, as you can see, I don`t post too much. What really enraged me was the murders in Koh Tau 10 years ago, and the handling of that. But, cannot do anything about that injustice. Cheers and a Happy Songkran!
  8. And Please, don`t comment on his body. We are not all fit to walk the Catwalk! Be nice!
  9. Don`t be to quick to condemn the man. I had a VERY bad experience when I first came to Thailend, some 20 odd years ago. I ordered a soup at a restaurant. I ate it and then was confined to my room for 3 days. Not 2 meters away from a toilet, I did not dare to go out! Probably the soup was not boiled, meaning if only luke warm, which mean there was bacteria in the soup, not dead. Soups have to be boiled to 100 degree Celsium for the bacteria to die. And you sit there waiting for your soup, and have no idea what`s going on in the kitchen. Up to this day, the ONLY soup I eat, is the one I do myself, NO WAY in a restaurant anymore. We must also think about our flora of our own bacteria in our stomach, what food they are used to, i.e. the ones from our homeland. So, don`t hang the man for maybe eating something his stomach was not used too. And when the eruption in your stomach is hitting you, there is no time to look for any toilet. I think the guy is so embarrassed about the whole thing, more than you can even imagine. And all you who are `screaming`about deportation, take it easy. It could happen to you too. Take it easy out there, and be gentlemen, Please.
  10. So, todays news is not about a "Farang" going bonkers. Today is about the ordinary Thai father doing something terrible. Oh well, we will be back tomorrow with more Xenofobia. Another day in Thailand, the Land of ????
  11. Jem Jem. In don`t think it will affect other Farangs living here. The (local) Immigration has a fairly good idea about who you are. Have never (in 18 years) had ANY problems with them. They now me, always polite and no problems, at all. It is all about how you show them your attitude. If you are rude to them, loose your temper, things will slow down very fast when doing som renewal of visa. Be nice! How hard can it be? Cheers!
  12. Please, grant him his wish. He will soon regret it. Rice gruel, before deportation. Don`t let the door hit you on the way out. And slim you would be too. Idiot!! Bye Bye A++hole!
  13. No, there will NOT be any more details on the story. Most of the time it just die down. Another day in Paradise.
  14. Animals, the whole family! Put them down, rapidly! They don`t deserve to use oxygen in this world. We don`t know the whole story, but if the grandmother was in on it, Bye bye to you too! No mercy! Public hangings is what I want to see in this kind of stories. Of course everything needs to be 100 procent clear, and if it is, take them all to a temple and hang them. Temples can be used for many things, not only for the ordinary cremations of loved ones. An eye for an eye!!
  15. Yes, Liverpool Lou. I would also know where this "Porn Star" allegation come from, but Edrigo not only don`t follow the news, but also make allegations, without showing any links. A real hero! Never mind, I would not say anything about her profession, people do what they want. Cheers!
  16. Damo! I don`t have any rights to demand anything from anyone. He wanted proof of the news and I gave it to him. Chill out! Cheers!
  17. Edrigo! It WAS in the Thai news a few days ago. Keep up with the news, or don`t leave a nonsense reply. I`m happy for her and wish her all the best. Cheers!
  18. I would like to hang him up in his wrists, use a good or bad knife, open up to some scars on his front and back body, mid section. Then use a LOT of salt and hear him screaming for mercy, for which he won"t get. Over and over again! And of course, a little bit of salt in open scars at his genitals! No mercy from me!
  19. ThailandRyan! There was one (1) cop that was doing what the rest should do. Check out the video on Youtube: "Thailand`s Fearless Cop/101 East Documentary". This will give you some (all) answers you need to now about Thai corruptions and sweeping everything under the carpet. Nothing can be done. It`s endemic in this country. Cheers!
  20. Sorry, It was ment to show the voting system in TiT.
  21. Hummin! In the garden. They won`t find it even is they engage the whole school that sometimes clean the beach, to do some digging. Deviation and deception are the words!
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