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Everything posted by keystonecoppers2

  1. The American Kennel Club have nothing to do with Thai people "owning" a dog. This is not about owners in the US, this is about thai owners, which I would consider being less interesting in taking care of their dogs. We must understand that in many countries, owners go for a walk with their pets, mostly in a leash. NOT so in Thailand! They don`t care, until they get heavily fined, and maybe a month in jail. I think that will make a difference for the better. Still, we have the "Soi dogs", which nobody gives a damn about, until you hit them with your car. Then they will ALL come out to rip you off. All of a sudden, everybody owns the god damn dog! As a "farang", you are f####d! Cheers!
  2. Here we go again! They just can`t help themself, can they? Stay tuned, we will have some update later in the week, after all, it`s just monday! Lunatics!! Cheers!
  3. I am a smoker, but just stop selling the <deleted>! I will adjust, and feeling better. I`ve read that NZ will ban ciggies in 3 years (now maybe 2 years), meaning no sales will be available. Good thinking. If you can`t buy it, fine. Everyone will feel better, and it will cut a lot of costs to the healthcare system. But "No, we can not have that! There is to much tax revenue to be had, to the state coffers"! So what do they want? Plenty of sick people from cancer, which is a burden to the healthcare system, or they want revenue from the sale? I think we know the answer to that. Please stop the sale! And I`m not talking about only Thailand. I`m talking worldwide! <deleted> Phillip Morris and the other companies! Let them rot! Cheers!
  4. One funny thing in the OP: "They were cuffed and told to remove their shirts"! How do you remove your shirt, if you are cuffed already? Funny stuff!
  5. So, yesterday AOT announced that there will be 1 million coming to Thailand this Songkran (11/17 april). And today (in this news thread) they are warning people to have fun, at a water festival! Who are those people, that do not have a clue about how people go on about in their lifes. Sorry, my fault, I thought I was somewhere else. I wish! Cheers!
  6. Please, don`t come here, we don`t want you, pestering our country. Just send the money that you have. Thanks in advance! Cheers!
  7. When it is "All you can eat" at one amount of money, Why need to overload your plate? Take some food and if not full (stuffed), go !back for some more. How difficult can it be? I`m not taking any sides to either the customer or the restaurant, I just feel it is petty arguments from either side. Cheers
  8. Don`t waist bullets, it will be a big cost in Thailand. Use a rope, can be used many times! Cheers!
  9. Asean news NEVER fails in giving me a good laugh every day. Keep it up, don`t ever disappoint me, please! Cheers!
  10. Hang him by his balls!! What a cheap Charlie! Note: Sarcasm is on, on my computer. Cheers!
  11. Maybe I am off the topic (tourism), but just look at the maps of Russia at the time of, say 1986 and 2016. There is the answer why all this <deleted> is going on. They have lost so much territory over the years and Putin can see that and now he says : Enough is enough! I can`t blame him, although I don`t condone what he is doing right now. He is a maniac and will NOT back down. But he will be remembered in the history books, for the outcome of his megalomaniac brain (If somebody can write the history by then!). Embrace yourself, And cheers (as long as you can!).
  12. My best friend took back his wife to my european country around 20 mainly to get the daughter to attend and learning (proper) school, without any <deleted>, like here. The wife had no problems what so ever, to get a job. In fact, she had 3 works, every day! Of course, she went into the wall (so to speak), because she thought that she could handle it. But the girl is integrated in the country, with citizenship, and so are the wife. Why does this not working in this country, where you are not permitted to do work, no matter what? It`s up to Thai government to try and do the same thing, meaning that the treaty between 2 countries should be similar, making it easy for both sides. Sadly, Thailand is 50 years behind other countries. Oh well, as you make your bed, you lay! Pay the prize. It will bite your ass eventually! Cheers!
  13. "Famous Humanity" and " Thai Tourism so magical". Well, everything is fine and dandy then! I`m waiting for tomorrow news. Cheers!
  14. Catoni : Thanks for your answer. That also explain the word "Requiem". I just did not see the connection. I don`t think you need to apologise to the moderators, In fact, I don`t think I was the only one wondering. Cheers.
  15. Eloquent Pilgrim: Thanks for clarification. Regarding driving in Thailand: Drive ALL THE TIME defensively!! Always have your eyes scanning your back mirrors, always scanning ahead of your direction and be prepared for that ANYTHING can show up, ANY SECOND! Been driving here 20 odd years, and my driving (NOT thai style!) have saved me from any hazards. Be safe! Cheers!
  16. In my home country everyone has to perform and learn (on the road) how to deal with various worst case (and ordinary) scenarios. It takes time, maybe 2-3 months, with a teacher sitting beside you, with him having full control, i.e., having decoupling and brake pedals on his side, so he can intervene rapidly if you are not up to it. Normally, after a few lessons, he/she can see if you are doing the necessary manoeuvers that you need to do, according to the traffic situation, and what is coming up in front of you. And when he does, he will give you more freedom to do your own driving, not telling you to go "left here", "right here". He can see that you are in comfort and in full control of your driving. It is called "developing driving skills". The whole thing is "easy pieces", if you just read the traffic ahead/around you. It`s no rocket science at all. Here in Thailand the learning of driving is a joke, you can get the licence on an afternoon, without even been out in the traffic! We all know this, it has been debated on this forum so much before, and will go on being debated for ever, mainly because nothing is being done about it. I`ve beeen driving in Thailand for more than 20 years, and have NEVER been out for any major stuff (touch wood!), and will continue on my journey, with MY knowledge on driving. I will NEVER fall into the pit of driving "Thai" style. Drive safe out there! Cheers!
  17. Every time they tailgate me, 4 meters behind me,just to pass me, sometimes on bends, where they don`t even see what is coming ahead, and then have to stop for a red light, and me coming up slowly behind them, I just have to laugh. Sometimes I think they are just in a hurry to get to the hospital, no matter if they will come there with an ambulance. Pure insanity!! Cheers!
  18. Catoni! Could you please give us a definition on your word "requiescat"? On this forum we do write in english! Cheers!
  19. Reminds me about the site "In the Crack"! They for sure have nothing to do, and one come up with this idea. What will be next? I`m sure we will soon have another surprise!
  20. A simple and easy way to keep safe distance to the vehicle in front of you, is to see him passing a road marker, a sign, a parked car, anything that is not moving, and then count "1001, 1002, 1003," in your mind. That will take about 4 seconds to do (try it). If you pass the marker, the sign or whatever, before you are finished counting, you are to close. I use it all the time when there are some vehicle in front of me, and I want to be sure that I have a safe distance and time to hit the brakes, should anything occure. This is the best way to know that YOU have a safe braking distance, should he/she brake hard for some reason. I recommend all you guys and women out there to try this, and put to practise, it`s an easy way to stay out of trouble (and it will give you a safer feeling, that you are doing your bit to not come into a danger situation). Once you start practise this method, it will soon be an automatic thing to do. Note: Off course this do not apply to the madman, driving 5 meters behind you, at 80-100 km/h !!! Drive safe out there.
  21. He will be in Abu Dhabi this weekend, if he is interested in fast cars (which he is). Now, the thing is, what agreement is there between UAE and Thailand, when it comes to extraditing a person? Cheers
  22. I`ve got to hand it to TAT, they never fail to give me a good laugh, almost every day, for years! Keep it up, I need my daily laugh! Cheers!
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