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Posts posted by upsidedown

  1. This is so cheap and tacky. On the day before the funeral of one of the victims and in the context of very widespread doubt about the events/perpetrators, a bureaucrat announces to the media about plans to "lure" more tourists to KT.

    Of course it makes sense for them to plan: many innocent victims in this case will end up losing their jobs in addition to the real tragedy. But public pronouncements of plans are really ill-timed and disrespectful. This kind of planning is best done quietly and to give at least the appearance that Thailand is not simply obsessed with revenue from tourism but has a genuine concern for the welfare of visitors

    It's absolutely disrespectful ...close your eyes and put yourselves in Hannahs parents shoes today, agony for them....RIP young lady.

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  2. About time the S.A.S were sent in, the creme de la creme of special forces. I guarantee within 1 hour these weasels would be singing like canaries and implicating all and sundry!

    i find it really sad that there is no "public" show/comment/pressure put out there from my/british government to at least show some sort of caring for its citizens abroad in this matter. I mean seriously can anyone educate me as to what Thailand offers the UK that makes its bond so special. What do they stand to lose?

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  3. Going on posts by SteveFong this is exactly how it went down iny opinion

    *There was an argument in the bar. Mon and co were rejected ( I believe one is police and one influential islander). Later that night whilst on the beach in a group Sean, having been asked by Mon and co for his help, has lured Hanna away behind the rocks so Mon and co could have their way. David on the beach hears her struggle, probably screams and has gone to help and been assaulted with knuckle knife and dragged to the water and drowned.

    Sean who was OK with the girl being raped tried to stop Mon and co beating and killing his friend and has been struck and run for his life also. Mon and co have finished the rape buy because she has seen David murdered needs to be killed herself so she can't id Davids killers. Mon runs the other 2 stay on the island again I believe as police and influential islander to contamenate the scene, remove all evidence of their involvement and help the investigation lead somewhere else, plant new evidence to find a patsy ie cigarette butt of the accused, phones etc etc.

    No patsy is easily found so they go after Sean, hence the comment u have blood on your hands when they catch up with him in 7/11 and or the minimart. Fearing for his life and now with witness to being chased and being able to post on FB who was chasing him he calls police. Police come to help and knowing now that he has posted on FB and created a scene have to protect him.

    Sean gets off the island with help of journalists but is interrogated on BKK by police. Not because they think he did it but to make sure he Nevers opens his mouth RR the truth. Agreeing to this he is allowed to leave Thailand as are David and Hannah's friends. They have all been told and or threatened to keep their mouths shut.

    SteveFong and u people who were there how close am I. I reckon that's it.

    What's happened since with BK air and the Uni is just all apart of the cover up money chain etc. Mon was on the first flight out. He was never in school and all of this just goes to show u how evil this whole thing is. Thai authorities are prepared to maybe executed 2 innocent people so 3 weak pric#s could get there rocks off and save some face.

    You know the saying AMAZING THAILAND.

    That is spot on the most probable and likely scenario of events considering all the facts rumors and gossip.

  4. a friendly talk between 2 dictators who could not care less about justice for 2 farang brutally murdered,or in the case of the burmese,for his own people

    Does Obama care if 2 Asians are murdered in USA?

    Does Cameron care if 2 Asians are murdered in UK?

    just of interest when was the last time thais were murdered in the uk or usa i mean we read about our country folk getting killed here day in day with impunity.

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  5. If you read some of the accounts in the international newspapers linked above, you might assume that the unfortunate victims were having a late night stroll on the beach enjoying the (maybe) moonlit view of the Gulf of Siam before they were assaulted.

    The Australian one in particular states: It is still unclear what prompted the killings.

    So what prompted these tragic murders then?

    loss of face & rejection & entitlement

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  6. How can we know David was attacked by a left handed person?

    I must admit that his wounds don't look like what I'd expect to see from a hoe, especially the blunt side but I'm not basing this on any scientific understanding.

    This is my biggest doubt in relation to David being attacked with a knife: in a struggle with someone who brandished a knife, wouldn't you expect more slash wounds to David's arms and body? I can't bring myself to believe the attacker would primarily stab into David's skull during a fight- I just can't get the image.

    Wounds to the skin and subcutaneous layer tissue - Which one of these types of wounds do you believe were found on David's body and on Sean's arm and leg?post-222355-0-72557500-1412772159_thumb.

  7. Perhaps the UK Government should just do their own analysis on any samples recovered and fully publish them online for future verification by anyone who cares to do so.

    For example the parents / siblings of the accused will show familial matches with the evidence assuming they are guilty.

    This won't go away, proof of innocence would be just as damning as proof of guilt.

    I suspect the Burmese and British governments will be setting this up right now if they care at all about this case.

    There's nothing the Thai's could do to prevent this or meddle with it in any way.

    Over 45,000 signatures now asking UK government to act


    Excellent, Long may it continue!!

  8. It appears on the Thai language forums that 90% of people are dismissing the arrests as a cover up. From a Thai message board today. Translated into English:

    "Come and ask me here. Come and ask me there. I am a Koh Tao resident, although my mom gave birth to me at Surat Tani. My family is very close to all the influential figures on this island, including the owner of this resort.
    I want to tell the truth. I can't hold it any longer. I would like to tell "Trasher Page" that the murderers are not Burmese."That's all I want to say" and What "CSI LA Page" published, it is very close to the truth 97.8769%.
    I would like to say that Koh Tao is just like a Kingdom of its own. The local mafia family can do whatever they want and get away with it. For example, in 2011, a bar owner got shot to death. Everybody in the island know who did it, but never had the nerve to speak out. People here are strange. They are wiling to cover up wrong doing for the local mafia. Thailand might be a democratic country, but in Koh Tao it is Feudalism."

    A link is always welcomed...

    Go into Facebook and type in "CSI LA". This is where a lot of the info is, as well as links to other sources.

    You need to type "CSILA90210" wink.png

    There are hundreds of Thais on CSI LA facebook page commenting they think this is all <deleted>!

  9. putting aside my opinion and my personal thoughts on this cover up crime, some simple questions remain unanswered and maybe somebody on here could answer em for me. The guitar playing Burmese from the AC bar were amongst the first people to be DNA tested and whose results came back negative. Question 1. How is it possible that this time their DNA results come back positive. Are they the same tested people? Question Number 2. What fool would take the victims belongings ie Hannah's phone and keep it at their house in a bush in the back garden where it was apparently planted found. Question Number 3 Why would the Scotsman Sean state the "Owner" of AC Bar did it....and not "the young Burmese employee at AC Bar did it" He obviously knew all the "players" all very well. Q4. Why were all the locals scared to talk if it was only a few migrant workers who committed the crime .Q5 Why did certain people refuse a DNA test when a DNA test would clearly clear them of any guilt? of being/related to, the actual murderer.There are many more questions that remain unanswered. Innocent until PROVEN guilty beyond any reasonable doubt!!!! Justice must be served properly and to the right people.

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  10. This report doesn't say very much really,, just that they are detained for DNA tests.

    Like everyone else I am getting frustrated reading page after page, day after day of what seems to be rubbish spouted by officials. I think it will be more then difficult to cover this up, people are all over this and the world is watching closely.

    I would have thought that if the 3 migrant workers did do it then surely they would have scarpered back to Burma by now with all the pressure to catch them and the talk of DNA profiling half the world.. Still, I guess we will have to wait until the next instalment in this farce.

    I can only imagine how terrible it must be for the family and friends reading all this nonsense whilst grieving for their loved ones..

    detained for dna tests! ...when are they going to detain the entitled sons of village headmen for a dna test??

  11. I just got an idea for a new TV hit show. CSI Thailand. Wow what a story line. Would make the US series look like such a farce.

    We can get all the story lines out of Thai newspapers. Even filming the pilot would be so much fun we could hire real cops and real crims they are such great script writers. The endings are going to be tough though .....to be continued next week.

    Checkout CSI LA on Facebook these guys ask some real good probing questions.

  12. All the Thais i know are very angry and sickened by this horrific event and want justice for Hannah & David. Facebook especially on CSI LA's page is full of comments demanding that the student suspect and influencial people (suspects) in Koh Tao be dna tested properly. If you're innocent why hide? Initially my knee jerk reaction was anger at all Thais and that was wrong of me because the murderer and anyone covering up for them are $#@# sick #$@# and are shaming the otherwise good people of this country. This leads me to believe that that good will prevail and the real murderers will be caught in the end.

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  13. That really looks the same as the guy in the cctv picture. Same light skin, same size, same age looking, nice new haircut still brushes forward on the sides the same as the longer version as the guy in the dvd. People and police stated he was on the island or fled the island the day of the murder. Why the #@#@ hasnt he been dna tested? Surely anyone suspected should be made to provide a test. If you are innocent....provide a dna sample!

  14. Guys look up CSI LA on facebook, (proceed with caution there are some non related disturbing pictures) there is a statement from a Thai tourist (Supanee Deighton) to Koh Tao about a covered up event (you can read yourselves in Thai ) two years ago. I've posted a picture below, i don't know if its allowed and its in thai so maybe one of you can translate it. There could be a connection between this and what happened to poor Hannah. If it looks like a rat smells like a rat then surely.....


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