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shy coconut

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Everything posted by shy coconut

  1. No religion was mentioned in the post, it's possible she is Muslim if from the south, but I would be surprised.
  2. Her actions in reporting the crime will (hopefully) result in him being sent to jail, so not totally inaccurate.
  3. I think the poster meant a 3 year wait for routine, non critical treatment, not an emergency requiring an ambulance. I'm happy your father is back home.
  4. If you're looking for a companion for your latter years, it may be better to go with a 42yo girl from the sticks , than a twenty something veteran of the Pattaya bar scene. She would have more idea how to take care and won't be after the latest iPhone. Although her rat of a husband will always be sniffing around in the background trying to get his hands on her new found wealth....
  5. No one uses the footpaths, well not the locals anyway.
  6. How much luggage would be sufficient in the overhead lockers?
  7. He drove his bike at high speed into the back of a stationary vehicle might be a clue.
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