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Posts posted by tonybemv

  1. Still confused as hell. Just went into the AIS shop in central world and it doesn't seem am going to get service there. Anyone know a place where they can speak a little English and not scared to serve farang? I have a laptop, not a tablet, I think that rules out an aircard. Am I wrong? I don't work in anything close to the tech industry and my lack of knowledge is pretty apparent for anyone reading what I post probably. I just wanna go to some service center, tell them what can I do to make my laptop get internet in my room. Apologies, I know my writing must make me look like an idiot.

  2. Have not been in Thailand for 3 months. Using new United States passport with no Thailand stamps in it but I'm sure the computer system will show them I stayed in Thailand for a few years before that on my old passport. No overstays at all. Didn't work during that time either.

    Should have a double entry tourist visa in another day or two from the consulate here in Vientiane.

    Wonder what are the chances of being asked to show a booking for a hotel when I try to enter at Nong Khai soon? It's not possible to book online for the hotel I'm going to, they only take walk ins as its not in a big city. I have an onward ticket and cash to show them if they ask for it; other people have told me they probably won't ask to see my ticket or cash.

    So much uncertain information around nowadays..

  3. Honestly, if you are asking here... Don't come. Cambodia is an interesting place, but if you have to ask the answer is........ No!

    I love these replies that don't bother giving any why's/reasons.

    And really, nobody is here to convince anyone. If it doesn't work for you it just doesn't and you look somewhere else. No country or area is perfect, that's for sure. You can only "rearrange" things in your head to see it like that.

    Live where you love(ideally) every minute of it - not because it's supposedly cheap. If you are miserable and hate it, your bad energy will just pollute your surroundings and affect everyone and everything you come in contact with.

    I gotta laugh though about some of the posters here. If you are bothered by being asked if you want a tuk tuk several times a day, then you really haven't been around South & SE Asia much (SE Asia is a paradise compared to India in that aspect f.e.). If you can't scrape together enough compassion that these guys have to bring home money to feed their families and may have been waiting for hours for a fare, then yeah, it's not for you, but neither will many of the other non-developed places be.

    If they have been waiting hours for a fare, then why are they not shouting across the street at everyone instead of just foreigners. and why to ask upwards of 4 and five times? that and that there will be 4 or 5 of them clustered together and after asking 6 times they all make some little joke and laugh. they laugh because their families dont have food that night?

  4. Short and sweet - in my opinion, Cambodia sucks. Try Dominican Republic.

    Your also not saving any money. Factor in crap food like noodle soup made of ramen and dishes with nill nutritional value and no spice or flavoring where each dish cost 2-3 times more then Thailand.

    That really adds up each month, so add at least $150 a month more to the savings you think your getting on rent if you can do street stalls.

    The HIV and STD rate there is also sky high. Also a catalog of many other contractable diseases you may not need to actively worry about in Thailand on a daily basis.

    You will slso need to be ready to fly back into Bangkok to diagnose and treat them, so have a plan ready especially if your going solo.

    Siem Reap was the one passable place where I would consider staying long term if I had too, like for visa issues. There is some good mountain biking and Angkor Wat and a somewhat Chiang Mai type vibe.

    Stay away from Sihanoukville, it sucks.

    fly back to bangkok? but what about the "visa"??? what a joke.

  5. Short and sweet - in my opinion, Cambodia sucks. Try Dominican Republic.

    I like this comment. Its a sh"thole. Waited 5 weeks for a set of contact lenses. and everywhere to walk around tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk hey sir tuk tuk tuk tuk. never again. will they not get it that it is bloody ugly to ask every single non local for a tuk tuk or dop. some drivers ask 6 and 7 times. like on the 7th time the bell is going to go off and im going to want the thing. loser country. never will go back.

  6. Your post about getting a tourist visa in KL is typical for there.

    They are inconsistent with their requirements. That is why I don't recommend going there for a visa.

    There have been several reports of them wanting financial proof. You are lucky they accepted what you had.

    what i had was accepted for about 20 minutes. same result, no visa. no problem. means i wont be joining my friends for kiteboarding this week in rayong.

  7. If you answered the question "Have you ever been too Thailand before" with the answer No, just because you were carrying a new passport with no Thailand stamps in it, then you made a big mistake. A simple check will show them that you have travelled here before and telling lies to immigration is not clever!

    I answered yes. Never have lied to immigration or an embassy worker.

  8. Any people had experience at the Thai Embassy in Kuala Lumpur trying to get tourist visa? I called ahead to ask what I need to get just a single entry. They said completed application form, fee, and photo. I ask are they sure thats all. Yes. I ask a second time, sorry but are you really sure? Of course sir don't worry.

    When I go with those things, they accept my application at the window. My US passport has no Thai stamps in it whatsoever. After 20 minutes they called me back to the window and said they want a bank statement. They were not clear what they are even looking for on the statement and I had no extra time to return with it anyway. Is it they just want to see a reasonable stream of outside income or minimum of $1000 balance ot what? They ask for the statement but don't say what they want to see.

    What is going on? Could it be that since the application form asks if I had been to Thailand before, and I had (just not with that passport as it was newly issued), that they either decided to ask for the bank details because they see I have visited before or could it be that they ran my name and birthday through the computer and seen that I visited many times before?

    Funny. I come to Thailand for meditation and buddhism all paid for with my own cash from outside the country. Have never worked illegally or overstayed. But unles I want to become a monk, which i dont, there is no visa category for what I am doing. Is there really a "time limit" on how long someone can stay for meditation purposes?

    Has anyone ever asked why many Thai embassies are so difficult with tourist visas but that in Laos it is so much easier? Could it be that getting most long stayers to apply in one place (I suppose two if including the office in Savannakhet) allows them to moniter many of the long stayers more closely and easily? Just a thought.

  9. The best way is to teach yourself, this is coming from a Developer with formal education beyond 15 that now has 16 years commercial dev experience including consulting and perm stints at a number of Blue Chips. I'm 100% self taught and began back in 1999 with HTML and PHP. Teaching yourself is the right way, languages change regularly, you'll need to be learning all the time, and it's hugely important to be an autodictat.

    There are loads of good books, and a wealth of support is available online via places like Stack Overflow and the Open Source community.

    The first PHP book I bought was an earlier edition of http://www.amazon.com/PHP-MySQL-Web-Development-Edition/dp/0672329166/ref=pd_sim_b_3?ie=UTF8&refRID=0T5X7C8DTH4V5Y7HG1VS - it is excellent but firstly you need to learn HTML and CSS. JavaScript, PHP and MySQL should come after this and being honest, these days JavaScript is the growth area - I'd focus there and not on PHP.

    For getting a great start in HTML, CSS and JavaScript, these two books look like great first buys:



    If you work through these thoroughly, and learn how to get answers to questions that are raised in them from places like Stack Overflow and the book support forums, you'll get a very good grounding and be well placed to build upon it.

    This reply was very useful. Thanks for taking the time to make it.

    A friend told me that I could get employed in programming within 8 months if I was clever. He said my math ability and memory for inputting sequences and numbers was far better than his and he is working full time as a programmer. He said if I can get trained right, I will go far. I dont know if I believe that as any good work needs time and diligence to learn. But anything is possible, sky is the limit.

    I will explore the info in the reply for sure but I want to do learning with a group (as well as on my own) if possible to make the chance of employment at the end better. Im getting a commission for things my client buys in Thailand which means I have loads of free time as the only work I have to do is go to collect my commission once every month or two. I want to start doing a real job as the gap on my resume is getting wider every month.

    At the moment I am falling prey to alcohol in my free time for lack of anything else to do sometimes and headache over what happens with my next visa. I want to start studying computers.

    Am interested in all things computers but just never took any training. Am a total beginner. I wish I knew how to remedy things that go wrong on my PC the same as people who have been learning about computers/IT for long.

    I would be open to a university or certificate/degree type course if I could find it but i have no idea where is a good school. Or a short course type group would be great too if it leads to employment of some type.

    Thanks again to all who replied to my post..

  10. The best way is to teach yourself, this is coming from a Developer with formal education beyond 15 that now has 16 years commercial dev experience including consulting and perm stints at a number of Blue Chips. I'm 100% self taught and began back in 1999 with HTML and PHP. Teaching yourself is the right way, languages change regularly, you'll need to be learning all the time, and it's hugely important to be an autodictat.

    There are loads of good books, and a wealth of support is available online via places like Stack Overflow and the Open Source community.

    The first PHP book I bought was an earlier edition of http://www.amazon.com/PHP-MySQL-Web-Development-Edition/dp/0672329166/ref=pd_sim_b_3?ie=UTF8&refRID=0T5X7C8DTH4V5Y7HG1VS - it is excellent but firstly you need to learn HTML and CSS. JavaScript, PHP and MySQL should come after this and being honest, these days JavaScript is the growth area - I'd focus there and not on PHP.

    For getting a great start in HTML, CSS and JavaScript, these two books look like great first buys:



    If you work through these thoroughly, and learn how to get answers to questions that are raised in them from places like Stack Overflow and the book support forums, you'll get a very good grounding and be well placed to build upon it.

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